
8.7K 300 461

"Boys, Ariana Hazely is here to see you," Dan laughs into their room.


My stomach churns and I get nervous all over again. The only thing holding me between reuniting with 5SOS is Dan. Wow.

"Yeah, let her in!" Calum shouts.

Dan nudges me into the room, noticing I was glued to the floor. Okay, Ari. Do NOT screw this up. I awkwardly step into their dressing room, spinning the bracelets on my wrist.

"H-hi," I smile.

"Oh, come on!" Michael smiles.

"Stop being so shy. We haven't forgotten about what happened at the airport," Ashton laughed, causing me to laugh as well.

"Where's that intimidating confidence?" Luke asks.

"I think I left at the airport," I reply.

Calum came over to me, dragging me to their black leather couch.

"So, Ariana. Tell us a bit about yourself," Michael insisted.

"Oh, um. I'm Ariana Mika Hazely. I'm eighteen years old. My favorite colors are black, grey, maroon, and purple. I don't watch TV, but I love Bob's Burgers. My old step brother got me hooked on FIFA. Aaaaand, uh, I played soccer for eight years and cheered for seven."

"You like Bob's Burgers?! Wow, I already like you," Ashton responds.

I thank him, smiling like an idiot. I look down at my hands to hide my face.

"How about we play truth or dare?" Calum suggests.


"Dude, absolutely not. That a basic fan fiction move," Michael yells.

"Michael, you are yelling," says Ash.

"How would you know what happens in fan fiction?" I ask out of curiosity.

" up. Who invited her anyway?" Michael laughs.

"She doesn't even go here!" Luke says in a girly tone, mocking "Mean Girls".

Someone starts calling me, causing my phone to blast "Long Way Home" which is unfortunately my ringtone. I blush from embarrassment, ignoring the smirk on Calum's lips.

I check caller ID, seeing that it's Jack. I hesitantly click answer, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask.

"WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO FUCKING TELL ME?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Jack screams into his phone.

By the look on the guys' faces, I could tell they heard Jack yelling. I laugh at Jack and the guys, politely excusing myself to the opposite side of the room.

"I'm sorry?"

"Damn, right, you're sorry. You're practically internet famous."

"Shut up. No, I'm not," I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say, Ms. 200k. Oh, shit. That rhymed. I'm a rapper," Jack rambles.

"I had 120 ten minutes ago," I say more to myself than Jack.

"Well, you either jumped 80k or bought 80k and God knows you don't have the money to buy followers."

"Okay, Jack. I gotta go."

"Alright. I'm in your kitchen, by the way."

"What the- how the hell did you get in my house?" I ask, whisper yelling the last part.

"I once managed to break into a One Direction concert. Don't try me."

After that, he hung up, leaving me with four confused boys and one confused Ariana.

"What was that about?" Ashton asks, concerned.

"Yeah. He was yelling pretty loud. You okay?" Michael follows up.

I laugh at their unnecessary concern.

"I'm alright, guys. That's my best friend, Jack. Apparently, someone took pictures of me being taken back stage after tonight's concert. So now I have a bunch of angry fangirls attacking my notifications and 200 thousand followers. Ya know, the usual."

"How many did you have before?" Calum questions.

"Before the airport, 20K. Twenty minutes ago, 120K. I don't think that's all that happened. I couldn't have jumped that many followers because of a picture."

"Well, we may or may not have followed and tweeted @ArianaHalsey on twitter before you came in," Luke shrugs, shyly.

So cute.

"Thank you for breaking my twitter," I laugh.

I then get yet another phone call from Jack. Now, I'm upset. I don't casually get to spend everyday with 5SOS. I press decline and carry on the conversation.

He calls again, pissing me off.

I answer the third time he calls.

"Jack, what?" I say into the phone.

"Code 211. I locked your doors and I'm in your room. Call me when you get here and I'll help you in."

"Shit," I say under my breath, ending the call.

"Guys, it's been amazing. Thank you all so much. You don't understand how happy this made me, but I have to go. Now," I rush, scared out of my mind.

I hug Calum quickly and tightly. I pull away, giving him a weak smile in hopes of it softening the concerned look on his face. I make my way to the door, but someone grabs my arm, bringing me to a halt.

"Can I have your number?" Luke asks, shyly. "I don't want this to be the last time I see you."

I smile a huge smile and suddenly, all problems were gone. I type my number into his phone and read it one more time before pressing 'done'. When I look back up to his face, I notice how dilated his eyes are and how they're a beautif-code 211. Right. Come on, Ariana.

"I have to go," I glance one more time at an angry Calum.

I would ask what's wrong, but I don't have time to. I tell Dan I need to go and he nods, telling me the way out. I run down the hall and out into the front of the arena. A few people call my name and I apologize, saying I have to leave. I'm still new to this whole "being popular" thing.

As I sit in my car, driving way too fast, I realize that I didn't give Calum my number. Dammit.


short chapter but halsey is my mom.

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