Chapter 18: Travel Plan

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The beggars are thrilled, and their features convey their thanks for the grace they received from the little girl; they thought she was going to do them some harm.

"Thank you so much for giving us these blessings. May your soul be blessed in heaven," said one of the beggars.

"I thought you would do some harm to us when we heard you say that you would not let us get away," said the other beggar.

All of Bum's fellow beggars greeted her and were grateful to her. Some of them apologized for their assumptions and misunderstood her sincere actions. Scarlett accepted their apology and joined them.

They talked a lot while eating, and then the beggars told their stories about how they got into their situation. They laughed and felt each other's hardships and sorrows.

Scarlett finished her food, and she was full. She was about to say goodbye to them when...

"Wait, how can I repay you?" Bum asks.

Scarlett replied, "You don't have to repay me, so don-"

Scarlett's reply was cut off when Bum said, "If I don't repay your kindness to us, I feel like I have no heart and am just accepting grace from others," he said while holding his chest with his right hand and begging eyes.

Scarlett breathed in, then out, and said, "Is there anything I can do?" she said with a dropped shoulder.

Bum's face lit up with joy when she accepted his offer. "Then what should I do to repay you?" Bum asks in excitement.

Scarlett thinks for a minute, then comes up with a plan.

"I want to know more about the buildings in the kingdom, so..." she looked at him and added, "Do you know someplace where I can spend my time today?" Scarlett asked.

Bum's eyes widened as he realized that the payment was only a place, and she was just in time to meet him.

"I think we are destined to meet here because I know every place here in the kingdom," Bum said in a self-assured gesture.

Scarlett smiled and said, "Then let's get going and lead the way," while starting to walk away.

Bum sighs. He then told his fellow beggars that he would leave and be back later. He followed her, and the two of them walked away.

On the other hand,

Queen Anne wept bitterly while sitting on the side of the bedroom and kept mentioning her daughter's name. She has been doing this since she was told that her daughter had left and ran away from them. Her personal maidservants tried to restrain her, but her behavior was still the same.

The king and the three princes were standing at the doorstep of the chamber room, and they were guilty that they hadn't found Scarlett. As they see the queen's situation, she hasn't been like this in the past few years. They felt sorry for the queen's situation; she had been like this ever since she woke up and remembered what happened.

Joseph clenched his fists and said, "It was my fault; I should have stopped her when she ran away from the king's table."

"Don't blame yourself, son. It was actually my fault in the first place. For not explaining to her what I did was for her own good and making her leave the king's table without stopping her," King Albert said while patting Joseph's shoulder.

Khyl said coldly, with crossed arms, "No one is to blame for what happened."

Jerome spoke and said, "Eldest brother is right; there is no one to blame, and no one likes what happened."

They calmed down Joseph because he still regrets what happened. No one liked what happened, and it was sudden. In just a few moments, Joseph had calmed down.

Jerome asked them, "Is the plan final?"

Prince Khyl looked at Jerome and replied, "This is the only way we can solve both problems." He took a glance at his father and his young brother, then added, "It actually depends on if both of them make the final agreement."

King Albert spoke and said, "I have been thinking of that this entire time, and I guess it is indeed a good plan."

"If Father agrees, then why shouldn't I?" Joseph said, nodding.

King Albert looked at his wife from the doorstep and said, "Jerome, you take care of your mother; take good care of her and your sister. It's up to you how you will find your sister, even if it's in a harsh way. I hope that when we come back, your sister is here in the castle safe and sound."

"I... I will try my best, Father," Jerome said.

Messenger Bentley spoke out of their backs and said, "Your Majesty, the army is ready; we are awaiting your orders."

Joseph and Jerome were surprised by the person who spoke out of their knowledge.

King Albert looked at his back and saw his loyal messenger, who kneeled in front of him as he delivered his message.

King Albert spoke to him and said, "Bentley, tell the servants to get the carriage ready. We are setting off after our conversation."

Bentley replied, "Your wish is my command, your majesty."

With a glance at one another, Prince Joseph and Jerome realized that the king had left out some important details, perhaps even forgetting to disclose them.

"So what's the order?" Khyl asks his father.

The king looked at his eldest son and thought for a second, then looked at the person who was still on his knees.

King Albert spoke and said, "Send the order that the Subjugation continues." He then breathed and added, "Tell Supreme Commander Eadwulf to prepare two battalions of troops. "

The messenger, who was now kneeling down, was confused and curious about what to do about the two battalions.

The messenger bravely asks the king, "With all your respect, Your Majesty," gulping and asking, "For why will you use the two battalions?"

The king looked at the messenger seriously and spoke with authority. "The Prince, Khyl, and Joseph will join the extermination, so I command you to send the order to the supreme commander to prepare two elite battalion troops."

The messenger was shocked and surprised; he didn't see that coming as he looked up at the king.

Bentley then spoke, "But, your majesty, this is dang-"

He was cut off by the king, who said, "As the successor of the crown, Prince Khyl must experience such battles and wars." He then looked at his eldest son and added, "By this, he will gain honor and love from the people of the kingdom."

Prince Khyl was overjoyed by the statement from his father. He did not know that his father planned so many things for him to gain morals and contribute to the kingdom silently.

Prince Joseph, who now frowned and commented, "How about me, father? Why did you let me join the subjugation? You know that I'm not getting the throne."

Prince Jerome and King Albert laughed at Joseph, who said unexpected words even in those times.

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