ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1

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The announcer revealed the winner as people went crazy about the results, and Hwanyeon Choi smugly looked at the camera being pointed at him.

"So I just need to choose the team I want to race against, right? Bet."

"Hahaha... Fucking hell."

"Which team will it be~?"

'I've already decided which team I'll mess up,' Hwanyeon Choi thought as he eyed the remaining crew one by one, grinning from ear to ear.



Yara sighed as she had already reached the latest update of the manhwa called 'Wind Breaker.'

Reaching for her notes, she started gathering all her belongings as it was starting to get dark outside. She exited the cafe shop and walked towards her only baby in this world, her one and only Cervélo PX-Series Dura Ace Di2. Yes, you heard it right—she had a bike similar to Owen from the manhwa called 'Wind Breaker.' While Owen's bike had a white/dark grey color, Yara's bike was all black, her favorite color. She unlocked it and started heading to her house.

While riding the bike calmly on the side of the road, her mind came across the previous chapter she read.

"Ugh, why did that doping guy win the race? This is stressing me out!" She loudly said to herself as she picked up the pace out of anger and started racing with the cars passing by. She focused on her breathing, changed her seating position, and changed her pedaling style to speed up. Up ahead, she needed to take a turn before reaching her house, but she didn't decrease her speed and kept pedaling like her life depended on it. Once she neared the curve, she took advantage of the opposite road having no vehicles passing and went to the next lane. She did a forceful, sharp lean turn, making people on the sidewalk scream, thinking she would crush. She successfully did the stunt as she started pedaling normally again because her house was around the corner. She wouldn't like her mother seeing her do stunts as it would make her mom faint from nervousness. Once she arrived, she got off the bike and carried it around her shoulder as she pulled out her keys and opened the gate. Once inside, she was greeted with a death stare from her mom. She sweat-dropped and didn't move from where she was standing.

"Where have you been??? Do you know what time it is right now?? Do you know how worried your dad is about you??" Her mom started questioning her again and again, not letting her answer as she kept adding more questions.

"Mom... I just went to a cafe and forgot about the time," she admitted defeat as her mom sighed at what she said. She walked closer to her and patted her head.

"Alright, be sure not to arrive late next time. Come on, dinner's ready. We've been waiting for you," her mom said before turning around and went inside, leaving her alone.

Yara stood there, confused about how her mother behaves. She never thought her mom would be worried about her. That was the first time her mom showed her worries. Usually, she would ignore her and wouldn't even give a single glance at her, even when she arrived home covered in bruises and blood all over her face.

She touched where her mom patted her earlier and looked at the door where she disappeared.

'Weird,' she said in her thoughts as she started walking inside with her bike on her shoulder.

There she saw her dad reading something on the newspaper while sitting at the head of the table, and her mom sat in the opposite direction of her father, waiting for her to sit in her assigned seat. Her father looked up at her and already guessed that she went for a night ride.

"Come sit already while the soup is still hot," her mom stated. Her dad arched his eyebrow at what his wife said to their daughter; this was also new to him. Yara nodded silently, went to put her bike in the corner, and went to sit and started digging into her own plate silently. The whole situation was silent, with only utensils making contact with the glass plate being heard. Once finished, she excused herself from her parents and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once finished, she grabbed her bike again and started walking to her bedroom silently. Once she closed the door behind her, she placed the bike in its right place, went to her makeup table, and blow-dried her hair. Once finished, she lay down and stared at the ceiling blankly.

"I should get some sleep now; it's the first day of class tomorrow after all," she muttered under her breath as she glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already 11:34 P.M. She placed her phone on the nightstand and turned the lights off as she started daydreaming that she's friends with the Hummingbird Crew. She didn't realize she had already started drifting to slumber as her view started getting darker until it fully consumed her.


Yara was awakened by the sound of the bird outside her window; she groaned and rolled around her bed. After a few minutes, she finally sat up and looked at the time, only to see 8:13 A.M.

"AHHHH I'M LATE!!" She screamed and immediately grabbed a towel, rushing to her bathroom to take a bath. It didn't even take 5 minutes, and she was already finished. She rushed out of the bathroom and started drying her hair fast. Once dry, she went to her closet and grabbed her school uniform. She didn't take a glance and just wore it hurriedly, including the skirt. Once finished, she grabbed her bike once again and ran out of her room in a panic. But when she ran down the living room, it was silent—as if she had been living alone for a long time.

"Mom??? Dad???" She said loudly, hoping someone would answer her calls.

She slowly placed her bike and walked around.

"Where did both go?" She asked herself. Her mom should be home, cooking her food for her first day of school, but the kitchen was empty, like it was never used before. Panic could be seen in Yara's eyes as she sprinted to her dad's little work area where he fixed things. All the tools were still there, but everything was arranged neatly, like it was never used in a long time. Yara's eyes widened as she remembered that she made a mess early in the morning yesterday, but everything was put back like it was never moved before.

She suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body, feeling misplaced, like she didn't belong here. An idea suddenly crossed her mind, and she went to grab her phone from her pocket, starting to call her dad's phone number.

[Sorry, this phone number doesn't exist. Please type a valid number and try again, thank you.]

Yara stared in horror at her phone as she tried to call again, only to be met with the same auto response. Yara dialed her mom's number, but the outcome was still the same. She stared at her phone in complete horror, unable to believe what she was seeing. She opened her phone and searched for the year—it was not how it was supposed to be, making Yara more scared than she already was. She ran inside the house and burst into her parents' room, rummaging through the photos on the nightstand. In the family picture, she was alone. She started rummaging for more pictures, trying to calm her nerves. Every photo, she could only see herself alone. She started trembling as tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

"No, no, no, no, it can't be," she muttered as she opened her parents' cabinet. Even their clothes were gone, making Yara even more scared.

"No, no, no, please, please," she pleaded to no one as she tried to find evidence her parents left behind.




𝔗𝔬 𝔟𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now