ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 73

712 54 25

She wished she could've opened her eyes just a little wider earlier, hoping to see any clues that might reveal who had saved her. But as she attempted to observe them, she noticed a subtle shift in their demeanor. The two who had pulled her from the water now seemed to avoid her gaze, their eyes darting away whenever she tried to meet them.

Suspicion coiled in her gut like a serpent, tightening its grip with each passing moment. Furrowing her eyebrows in frustration, Yara couldn't help but wonder what they were hiding. What secrets lay behind their furtive glances and hesitant movements?

Yara's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Mia's sudden appearance beside her, offering a bag of potato chips. Reluctantly, Yara accepted, offering Mia a small smile in return as she settled down beside her. Together, they watched as the boys continued to bicker, their voices rising and falling in a chaotic symphony.

"I'm guessing you're the person that old man kept talking about all the way here," Mia remarked, breaking the silence. Yara's brow furrowed in confusion. Had the old man been gossiping about her behind her back? What had he been saying?

"Oh, I don't know...what did he say?" Yara inquired, opening the bag of chips and popping one into her mouth. As she chewed thoughtfully, Mia explained, "Well, I've heard you came here at dawn...alone, with a big bag and a fixed gear bike." Yara's eyes widened in surprise at the accuracy of Mia's words. "Yeah! He even said that you've been training non-stop and barely eating anything," chimed in another voice from behind them.

Startled, Yara and Mia turned to see Yuna approaching, and they instinctively scooted over to make room for her to join them.

As the three of them laughed softly, sharing stories and enjoying each other's company, their moment of tranquility was shattered by a sudden shout echoing across the water.


Yara couldn't contain her laughter as she watched Dom being pushed and tumbling into the water, his curses trailing behind him. Mia and Yuna leapt to their feet in concern, calling out to their friend, but Yara remained seated, unable to stifle her amusement as she continued to munch on her chips.

"Nice dive~" The old man's voice cut through the commotion, and Yara couldn't help but chuckle at his dry humor, the tension of the moment evaporating into laughter as they watched Dom resurface, sputtering and drenched but ultimately unharmed.



Yara shifted from her previous position, feeling the drowsiness creeping over her. As she prepared to lie down once more, Mia unexpectedly offered her lap as a makeshift pillow. Yara accepted with a grateful smile, settling in comfortably as her eyelids grew heavy.

"Mmm~" Yara murmured contentedly, relishing the comfort of Mia's lap beneath her. But as the darkness of sleep began to envelop her, she stirred once more, reluctantly pulling herself upright and leaving Mia's gentle embrace.

"Oh, you're awake? Did you get enough sleep?" Mia's concerned voice reached her ears as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and Yara nodded with a tired but appreciative smile.

"Well, it seems like you woke up at the perfect time. They just finished their training. Let's get going!" Mia's smile was infectious as she rose to her feet and began stretching her limbs. Yara followed suit, her muscles protesting after their brief respite.

"Now, shall we head down the mountain before it gets dark?" The old man's voice cut through the exhaustion, his words a stark reminder of the dwindling daylight. The crew, sprawled out and weary from their exertions, stirred reluctantly at his command.

"It gets dark quickly up here in the mountains, so get your stuff and head down unless you want to be eaten by wild animals," he added, his tone gruff but laced with a hint of concern for their safety.

"Ah. This is brutal.." Dom's complaint was met with sympathetic nods from his crew, their faces etched with fatigue.

"I feel like I could eat a wild animal right about now..." Dom's weary expression drew a chuckle from Yara as she retrieved her bike, preparing to accompany Mia and Yuna.

"Sir, what's for dinner tonight?!" Dom's question echoed through the group as they reluctantly gathered their belongings. The old man's response drew a mixed chorus of groans and protests, but Yara couldn't help but grin at his words.

"Vegetables. Let's have something to eat and then start on strength training... As for Yara, she can eat meat since she's already strong." Yara beamed at the old man's words, feeling a surge of pride at the recognition of her efforts. As the crew grumbled and complained, she sidled up to the old man, whispering, "Did you tell them what I told you?" His smile in response was all the confirmation she needed.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Yara let out a soft whistle, signaling the start of their journey back carrying the wooden rollers. As they walked, the crew bombarded the old man with questions, and he regaled them with stories of adventure. Before long, they arrived back at the temple, the fading light of day casting long shadows across the landscape.


"Ah... a bit higher..."

"Ah~ That's good..."

"Okay okay, ahh~~ stick it on so that it doesn't touch the cut from when I fell over before." Dom winced intermittently as Yuna patched him up, her frustration evident in her voice. "Stop being such a baby and stay still, you lunatic!!" she scolded, her hands deftly applying bandages. "It's a good thing I bought lots of bandages..." Yuna muttered under her breath, her brow furrowing in concentration.

"The feeling of your hand sticking the bandage on me is getting me all excited..." Dom's words were met with a strange expression from Yuna, but her amusement was short-lived as she squeezed his back, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from him. "AHHHHHH!!!!" Dom exclaimed, his face contorting in agony. "What was that about my hand? You pervert?" Yuna demanded, her grip tightening in retaliation.

"Hey! Vinny and Yara passed out!!" Minu's voice broke through the tension, drawing attention to the two figures lying motionless on the floor. Yara, now covered in bandages she hadn't initially wanted but had been forced to accept, lay beside Vinny, her bruises hidden but her exhaustion apparent.

"Someone put a blanket on them. The two are really out..." Dom observed, eyeing the pair whose limbs were entwined in an unconscious embrace. June stepped forward, carrying a blanket, intending to cover them both. But before he could do so, his actions were halted by a sudden intervention.

"I'll put her in her room," Jay announced abruptly, seizing Yara's arm and draping it around his neck. With a swift motion, he lifted her limp form, garnering the attention of the entire crew as he carried her away. Without another word, he disappeared into another room, leaving the crew to exchange bewildered glances in his wake.


With gentle care, Jay laid Yara's body on the prepared bed, tucking her in with a single blanket. As she murmured softly in her sleep, Jay couldn't help but watch her expression, his mind swirling with thoughts he dared not acknowledge. A sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, and his ears flushed crimson with embarrassment.

Quickly withdrawing from her side, Jay pressed a hand to his mouth, trying to stifle the racing of his heart. He shook his head vigorously, as if trying to dispel the unwelcome thoughts that had invaded his mind. But despite his efforts, his hand drifted unconsciously to his lips, where the memory of their brief encounter lingered like an electrifying current.

Startled by his own actions, Jay jerked away, his movements almost frantic as he scrambled to his feet. Without another glance at the peacefully sleeping girl, he hurried out of the room, desperate to escape the tumult of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.




𝔗𝔬 𝔅𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now