ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 29

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Finding a suitable restaurant, she placed her order and settled in to eat. Amidst the peaceful atmosphere, her phone buzzed once again. This time, it was Owen calling. Answering the call, she was greeted by the sight of Owen in the midst of his own training session, his bike whizzing by in the background.

"Yo," Owen greeted her enthusiastically, his voice carrying over the phone.

Yara couldn't help but chuckle at his dramatic greeting. "How are you? It's only been two days since we last talked," she retorted playfully.

To which Owen replied with his trademark shamelessness, insisting that two days felt like an eternity.

"Oh, now that I noticed it, are you in a restaurant?" Owen suddenly asked, looking at the pale girl's surroundings.

"Yeah, just grabbing a bite before heading out. The next competition is coming up, so I need to stay in top form," she replied, her tone casual yet focused.

Owen nodded, understanding the dedication required for their sport. "Got it. Well, don't let me keep you from your training. Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing."

Yara smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Owen. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"Sure thing. Take care, Yara."

With a final wave, Yara ended the call and returned her focus to her meal. Time was ticking, and she needed to finish up quickly if she wanted to make it to the training session on time. As she ate, her mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming competition and the challenges that lay ahead.

 After leaving the restaurant, Yara made her way to the training location where her friends were waiting. As she arrived, Dom greeted her enthusiastically.

"Yo Yara! I thought you wouldn't join!" he exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

Yara shrugged. "Why would I not?" she replied, slightly puzzled by Dom's assumption.

"Well, you're pretty busy. Anyway, let's get started!" Dom said, dancing towards his bike.

Yara followed suit, and soon they were all cycling together, embarking on an endurance training session. They traversed through the city, tackling long hills, exhilarating downhills, and even reaching a vantage point that offered a panoramic view of the entire cityscape. Throughout the ride, Yara remained focused on her training, pushing herself to her limits.

After their training session concluded, the group bid each other farewell. Yara waved goodbye to her friends and set off towards a certain location. It took her about 10 minutes to reach her destination, and as she arrived, she felt a sense of reluctance wash over her. Taking a deep breath, she approached the door and knocked.

The door creaked open, revealing the enigmatic figure of Joker. Yara greeted him with a wave, and he responded with a nod before disappearing back inside. She waited patiently, her heart racing as she anticipated the return of her beloved Astrid.

When Joker reappeared, he cradled Astrid in his arms, and Yara's face lit up with joy at the sight of her precious dog. Astrid looked much better than before, and Yara couldn't help but smile at the improvement.

"He recovered faster than I thought," Joker remarked, his voice calm and composed.

Yara looked up at him, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you so much, Joker. I really appreciate everything you've done," she said sincerely.

Joker nodded in response, his demeanor serene as always. Yara felt a swell of emotion in her chest as she gently petted Astrid, feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards Joker for his kindness.

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now