ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 45

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"It's alright, I'm not angry or anything," Yara reassured him, but Jay remained steadfast, passing the plate to Vinny instead. Vinny let out a resigned sigh, knowing that the task had fallen to him and the boys. With a nod from Yara, they set to work, helping to clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes.

Meanwhile, Yara took the opportunity to retreat upstairs for a refreshing bath. Emerging from the bathroom, she slipped into her crew jacket and made her way back downstairs.

"Go take a shower, I have plenty of unused towels. We need to arrive at the competition on time, so you better hurry up," Yara declared as she observed the boys finishing up their cleaning duties. They all nodded in acknowledgment before making their way upstairs to freshen up. Yara flopped onto the sofa, grabbing her phone and opening her messages.


Yara: We're having a race today.

Owen: Oh, nice. I'll watch it, break a leg for me, will you?

Yara: kk.


As she glanced up, she noticed the boys emerging from their showers, all clad in their crew jackets. Rising from the sofa, she slowly made her way to her bike, inspecting it with a critical eye. Her fingers traced the frame, and her touch revealed a small crack. Frowning, she examined it closely, noting another crack just beneath the seat post.

"I'll have to change the frame later, after the competition. It might be dangerous to ride with a cracked frame," she murmured to herself, brushing off the concern for now. With a final check for any other damage, she stood up.

"Let's get going," she announced, and they all nodded in agreement. Yara leaned down to kiss Astrid goodbye before they set off. Dom's friend arrived to pick them up once again, providing them with a free ride to the competition area. Upon arrival, they thanked him before making their way deeper into the venue.

"Here!" Dom exclaimed, waving his arm towards June as they reunited with their full group.

"I wonder how Mia's doing today..." Minu mused, stretching his arms.

"She's got Yuna with her, so don't worry. Let's just focus on our race today," Dom reassured him.

"It looks like only the elite riders are left now, so we had better stay sharp," Dom added, his tone serious.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them and turned to see Juhwan and his crew approaching.

"Hey! What happened to your faces?" Juhwan teased, his laughter echoing around them.

"Were you in a gang fight or something? Hahaha," he continued.

"Yeah, with those guys behind you," Minu quipped, causing Juhwan and his crew to look behind them in confusion.

"I guess you all managed to get away, huh?" Hwangyeon Choi, the leader of their rival crew, grinned as he stepped forward, his eyes locking onto Yara. She smirked in response.

"What? Do you need another beating before you finally lose your nose?" she taunted, her words like a challenge.

"Watch your mouth, woman," Hwangyeon growled, his temper flaring.

"Make me," Yara countered, her smirk widening.

"Oh, you're really asking for it," Hwangyeon threatened, taking a step towards her before being blocked by Yara's crew. She sneered at him provocatively.

"You bite off more than you can chew," she taunted further, her confidence unshaken.

"Stop, not here," Hwangyeon's crew intervened, pulling him back from escalating the confrontation. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, shooting Yara a displeased glare.

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now