ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 48

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She returned her gaze to the sprawling cityscape before them, her words lingering in the air like a haunting melody.

"I watched someone I loved love someone else, and I thought that was the lowest I could ever feel," she confessed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Until I realized they never belonged to me. I was fantasizing about a love that was one-sided, felt only by me. I created my own heartbreak."

Her admission hung heavy in the air, weighted with the weight of her own unspoken emotions. Though her words were directed at Jay, she couldn't deny the echo of her own experiences resonating within them. She understood the complexities of unrequited love all too well.

She felt a lump form in her throat, a physical manifestation of the emotions she struggled to vocalize. Leaning on the bench for support, she grappled with the turmoil within her, wrestling with feelings she dared not acknowledge.

"It's not my priority,"

Jay's response elicited a faint smile from her lips, a small flicker of appreciation for his understanding amidst the tangled web of emotions.

She reached into the bag of groceries she had brought along, retrieving a couple of drinks. Tossing a wasabi-flavored beverage to Jay, she opened her own coffee drink, savoring the familiar aroma before taking a sip, allowing its warmth to soothe her troubled soul.

"Be brave, take the risk, or lose the chance," she murmured, her words a mantra she herself struggled to embody. Jay could only watch in silent contemplation as they both sought solace in the simple act of sharing a drink amidst the complexities of their intertwined emotions.

They shared a moment of companionable silence, the night breeze wrapping around them like a comforting embrace. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, yet neither of them were in a rush to break the spell.

Eventually, Yara stirred from her reverie, rising from the bench with a sense of purpose.

"And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself because I could find no language to describe them in," she concluded, her words lingering in the air like a poignant echo of their shared introspection. With a determined resolve, she gathered the belongings she had set aside earlier.

"Let's keep going; they might be looking for us," she suggested, her smile a beacon of assurance amidst the uncertainty.

Jay found solace in Yara's words, recognizing the silent support and encouragement woven within them. Each syllable carried the weight of her understanding and empathy, offering him a lifeline in the depths of his own emotions. With newfound clarity, he rose to his feet, ready to follow her lead once more.

As they embarked on the journey back, Jay felt the burdens of his heart slowly lift, replaced by a sense of peace and clarity. With Yara by his side, the road ahead seemed a little less daunting, each pedal stroke bringing them closer to the light.

Amidst the rhythmic hum of their bikes, Minu's sudden halt caught the crew off guard. Jay glanced back, puzzled by the unexpected pause.

"What are you doing?" Jay asked, looking back. Yara simply looked at him, her expression reflecting the confusion shared by the rest of the crew.

Then, without warning, Minu let out a frustrated cry, his voice piercing the stillness of the night.



"I WISH THE WORLD WOULD JUST END!!!" His words echoed into the darkness as he bolted forward, his sprint leaving the others in his wake. Yara tilted her head in bemusement, exchanging puzzled glances with the rest of the crew.

With a collective shrug, they decided to follow after Minu, their bikes surging forward to catch up with the impulsive rider.

"Amazing.. I can't imagine anyone else but him working in a club until late at night and then sleeping on a blanket at school." Minu remarked, observing Dom nestled comfortably with his blanket on the classroom floor.

He turned to catch sight of Yara, also napping but with a serene expression, her head resting against the window.

"Even Yara fell asleep, where did both of you even go last night? You both just vanished and came back late," Minu inquired, curious about their nocturnal activities. Jay met his gaze with a sigh.

"Drinks," Jay replied cryptically, leaving Minu puzzled.

"Anyways, Wake Dom up in a bit before class starts, otherwise the teacher will complain again," Minu instructed Jay.

"Okay," Jay agreed, preparing to rouse Dom from his slumber.

Their day continued as usual, with Mia pointedly ignoring Minu and Yara sleeping soundly, oblivious to the world around her.

"AGH!!! I MUST HAVE BEEN INSANE.. URGH.." Minu sat in frustration, his hands gripping his hair tightly as he found himself sandwiched between Dom and Jay. Yara sat nonchalantly on her bike nearby, observing the unfolding drama.

"You've been acting like you're on drugs or something lately, snap out of it, man!" Dom's voice cut through the tension, his gaze fixed on Minu. Yara couldn't help but sweatdrop at Minu's erratic behavior.

"You've been acting like you're on drugs or something lately. Snap out of it, man!" Dom's words carried a touch of exasperation as he addressed the bewildered boy.

"What's wrong? Did you get rejected while trying a surprise kiss on a girl that you like?" Dom teased, a mischievous grin playing on his face as Yara watched in amusement.

"AH.. AH... AH..."

Minu's movements froze, his gaze slowly shifting towards Dom as the weight of the accusation settled in. "Wait.. What? Did you guys see that??" His voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and embarrassment.

"See what? I was just guessing," Dom feigned innocence, attempting to divert attention with a nonchalant whistle, though Yara's barely suppressed chuckle betrayed the facade.

"You're acting weird. Just tell me - you saw, didn't you?!" Minu's persistence verged on desperation as he sought affirmation amidst the growing tension.

"Hey!! Just be honest!!" Minu's insistence clashed with Yara's quiet observation, the trio embroiled in a lighthearted yet intense exchange.



Hearing the vibration from her pocket, she slowly grabbed her phone and saw Harry's name. Confused, she looked at the boys before saying, "I'll get going, I have to do something!"

They stopped their bickering as Yara started pedaling away, leaving the boys behind. Jay watched her departure in silence.

Accepting the call, Yara was greeted by Harry's animated face on the screen. "What in the bloody hell took you so long to take my call??" he exclaimed, his signature words never failing to bring a smile to her face.




Status: Edited.

𝔗𝔬 𝔅𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡

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