ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 44

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Owen: I got a new bike!

Yara: Good for you, but... don't you already have a good enough bike?

Owen: Yeah, but I want a new one.

Yara: Tsk, rich kid.

Owen: Look who's talking. For someone who has tons of car and motorcycle collections, you sure act like you don't possess anything.

Yara: Shush.


She smiled once again, Owen always managed to lift her spirits whenever she was feeling down. Turning off her phone, she headed back inside, grateful for the brief distraction.

She noticed Minu and Mia were not around and scanned the area until her eyes landed on the two sitting on a bench far from the group. Watching from a distance, she observed as Mia slowly raised her arm, giving Minu a thumbs up, which he returned. Their thumbs seemed to form a heart shape, and Yara couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Oh, to be in love," she thought to herself, feeling a hint of warmth in her heart as she watched their exchange.

With a serene smile adorning her lips, she bid farewell to the crew, evoking a sense of reluctance among them as she set off first. The gate creaked open, allowing her to glide inside with her bike, the metallic clang of the closing gate resonating behind her. Astrid's joyful welcome awaited her, accompanied by the sight of a new toy, a gift from Joker. Yet, it wasn't the toy that caught her attention the most. Instead, she couldn't help but scoop Astrid up into her arms, feeling the warmth of their bond as she held him close. Inhaling the familiar scent of Astrid's fur, she smiled before gently setting him down, knowing that their reunion was a moment to cherish.

Parking her bike by the door, she ventured into the kitchen, her stomach reminding her of the need to replenish herself before the upcoming race. Satisfied after her meal, she dimmed the lights and ascended the stairs to indulge in a relaxing bath, the warm water soothing her tired muscles. Clad in comfortable attire, she sank into her bed, succumbing to the embrace of sleep.

In the quiet of the night, a disturbance pulled her from sleep. Rustling and muffled noises floated through the air, but she remained anchored in her weariness, unaware of the activity around her as she drifted back into dreams.


A sudden exclamation shattered the stillness, followed by self-deprecating murmurs permeating the room. Yara, still ensconced in drowsiness, registered the voices but remained unmoved, until...


The rustling resumed, accompanied by a frustrated outburst that jolted her senses awake. A pang of confusion mingled with grogginess clouded her mind as she peered at the ceiling, struggling to discern reality from the remnants of sleep. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins as she bolted upright, her gaze darting around the room.

"What's gotten into you first thing in the morning? Did you have a nightmare?"

The voices drew her attention, and she turned to find the source, her sleepy eyes widening in astonishment. Alone when she had drifted into slumber, she now found herself sharing her space with unexpected intruders. Disbelief etched on her features, she confronted the interlopers with a mix of bewilderment and irritation.


".....Ah hi"

"Good morning Yara!"

Their casual greeting grated against her nerves, her frustration mounting as she moved towards them, her steps laden with purpose. Minu, caught off guard, stuttered an explanation while attempting to retreat, his back meeting the resistance of the bedframe. Yara's aggression simmered beneath the surface as she advanced, her gaze piercing through Minu's flustered demeanor.

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now