ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 78

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After putting everything on, she noticed the clothes Noah had given her clung tightly to her body, hugging her shape perfectly. She went out of the bathroom and headed back to the kitchen area, where she could still hear the guys talking. Noah was the first to see her and gave her a thumbs-up for the outfit. She sat on a vacant seat just as Owen ended his call. His gaze shifted towards Yara, and he nodded in approval after seeing her outfit.

"Well, do you know where I can order a customized bike?" Yara asked as she turned to face Owen with a curious gaze.

"I'll talk about it with our manager—"

"What? I thought you knew a shop?" Yara cut him off, her eyes widening.

"It's more reliable if our manager handles it. We just need your sizes and preferences, and they'll make it in no time," Owen explained, handing her phone back as she arched her eyebrows.

"How long will it take for it to be done?"

"The minimum is three weeks, and the max is two months since it will not be easy to make a custom one," Owen said as Yara scratched her chin.

"I can't be here for too long. I'll be going without the bike—"

"But why? They can win on their own. Let's have some fun here before returning!" Noah intervened, frowning after hearing her words.

"That's not the main reason. There's something important I need to do before it's too late," Yara said with a firm voice.

"Well, it can't be helped. I'll just have it shipped to Korea once it's finished then. But what bike are you gonna ride with while waiting for the customized one?" Owen asked, his expression hard to read.

"I have my old bike. I think it will be enough until it arrives. Just send me the receipt—"

"Are you sure you can afford it?" Owen smirked as he leaned back in his chair, eyes still locked on Yara. She caught on to his implication and grinned back.

"Name the price. It's just a few pennies for me, after all."

Owen shook his head before laughing. "Says the one who didn't bring anything with her except a phone and went straight to a flight—"


"GAHH!!" Owen clutched his forehead after Yara threw an empty chicken box at him.

"Tsk... That's what you get for booking me an unexpected flight, dumbass."

"Hey! You should be thankful! You ungrateful girl!" Owen barked back, his face red with mock anger.

"Oh well~ thank you very, very much, and I promise to worship you to the devil for it~~" Yara whispered the last part so only Noah and Harry could hear. The two wheezed with laughter as Yara smirked.

"You—! Haizzz," Owen was about to retort but decided to take the loss and let Yara win.

"Well, since our manager is on a business trip as we speak, why don't we show you around our favorite places?" Noah suggested in an excited voice, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Yara smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. Despite her worries about Minu's accident, she wanted to take the opportunity to explore a bit before returning to Korea. "Sounds good to me. I could use a break and some fun."

"Well, just you and I—?"

"Hey! That's unfair!" Harry intervened with a frown. Chris nodded in agreement, and Owen smirked as Noah gritted her teeth.

"Hey! It's a girl's night! Give us some space!" Noah barked back at the boys, and Yara couldn't shake the sense of déjà vu.

"I think you're forgetting something," Owen said, crossing his arms. "Yara's guardian from Korea said I need to be by her side. It's dangerous for her to be alone since it's her first time in the UK. Meaning, she can't go anywhere without me."

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now