ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 41

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"Oh, they refused to come here," Dom explained as he leaped onto Yara's bed, rolling around aggressively. Yara sighed.

"Whew, well, whatever. OI, STOP ROLLING AROUND MY BED LIKE A DOG!!" She threw a pillow at Dom, who immediately ceased and laughed.

"Move! This is my side." She pushed Minu as she flopped herself on the left side of the bed, with Minu beside her and Dom on the other side.

"Be silent, or I'll kick you both out."

"Okii," they both said in unison. Yara yawned and slowly went back to sleep, and the same went for Minu and Dom.


Waking up from the sound, she opened her eyes enough to see what was going on. Her room was dark, but the door opened, and she watched as the redhead slowly entered the room. Tip-toeing, he quietly closed the door behind him and settled onto the bed beside the sleeping Dom. She didn't bother to speak as she silently closed her eyes.

The chirping of birds could be heard outside as the clouds remained dark. Slowly opening her eyes, she was met with Jay's sleeping face. She immediately backed up, but her head hit Minu's head, flooding her mind with memories. She sighed softly, slowly raising herself from where she lay down, sweat forming on her brow. It seemed that Jay had also come to her room last night, but she didn't hear him. Now, the boy was sleeping beside her. Looking at where Vinny lay, it appeared that he had already occupied the remaining space, leaving Jay with no choice but to sleep beside Yara, who still had space on her left side. Slowly crawling towards the end of the bed, she managed to slip out without waking the boys. She went to the bathroom to take a shower before returning to her room to find the boys still snoring. She changed into her uniform before heading downstairs to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she grabbed a frozen whole chicken and placed it in water to defrost. Returning to the fridge, she grabbed a bottle of Starbucks coffee, taking slow sips as she surveyed the calm atmosphere inside the house. She smiled, grateful that the boys kept her busy and helped her forget about her lost family. It felt like she was raising four boys alone, and now she was cooking them breakfast to prepare for school.

Drying the chicken, Yara started cleaning it. Once ready, she turned on the stove and added a block of frozen butter. Grabbing the sachet of ready-made chicken curry sauce, Yara began slicing the ingredients and the chicken evenly. Pouring the ingredients into the pan to fry them first before adding the chicken, the aroma wafted through the house. Once the chicken was fried, she began cooking it.



Yara looked up towards the sound emanating from the staircase, her gaze fixating on the ascending figures. Minu, always the impulsive one, was the first to leap, bounding at least five steps before landing gracefully and darting into the living room. Dom and Vinny followed closely behind, their expressions a mix of determination and annoyance.

"WOI!!" Yara called out, her tone a mixture of amusement and reproach.

She watched with wide eyes as the trio engaged in a playful scuffle, their antics providing a momentary distraction from her culinary endeavors. Turning her attention back to the stove, she finished frying the ingredients before adding water and chicken curry powder. The aroma filled the kitchen, drawing the attention of the boys, who slowly turned towards her.

Wind Breaker |  𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘎𝘰𝘥Where stories live. Discover now