Chapter 4

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Mother beamed with pride as she presented the little grey wolf pup to the gathered wolves. "I present to you, your son," she announced, her voice echoing off the walls of their habitat. The other wolves murmured and gathered around to get a glimpse of the new addition. But Darkfeather remained unimpressed. "Aren't you happy that you have a child who'll continue your legacy?" his mother asked, hope flickering in her eyes. Darkfeather sighed, his gaze fixed on the ground. "The last red moon was already years ago," he mumbled. "We left because of me. I didn't want to continue on to try and save mom's life and prevent the Tree of Life from dying." Thunder stepped forward. With his bold posture and striking appearance, he caused quite a stir among the crowd. Mother decided to leave the two wolves to settle their differences. Thunder locked eyes with Darkfeather, his voice laced with both anger and concern. "I know you're bitter about the past," he said. "But this is a chance for redemption. This little one carries the hope of our kind. He could be the one to restore balance to our world." As Darkfeather turned to leave, a small voice called out, "Dadda?" The grey wolf pup blinked his eyes open and looked at the fighting wolves, his curiosity piqued. Thunder was taken aback. He bowed down to meet the little one's gaze. "Name him so I can bring him to safety," Thunder implored Darkfeather. Darkfeather couldn't resist a small smile as he watched his son. "Ha! He'll be dead within a week," Darkfeather sneered, his bitterness resurfacing. Thunder's eyes filled with rage. He lunged at Darkfeather, sinking his teeth into his rival's shoulder. "You monster!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the habitat. Taking a step back, Thunder picked up the tiny wolf in his jaws. The pup was unfazed, his eyes fixated on Thunder's magnificent lightning bolt on his side. With a sudden burst of excitement, the little one reached out his wings and bit one of his wings , testing to see if they were real. "Leave it be! Quit doing that," Thunder chastised gently, picking up the pup. "Don't try to rip off your only defense mechanism." He cradled the wolf, looking into its curious eyes. "Also, name him," Thunder said, his voice filled with determination. "Or I'll name him myself." But Darkfeather couldn't bring himself to care. "I don't care about him," he said coldly, his wings propelling him into the air as he flew off into the distance. Thunder clutched the wolf pup closer to his chest. "I'll name you Kris," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. And with that, Thunder set off towards safety, with Kris in his arms. Darkfeather's departure didn't dampen Thunder's spirit. He was determined to protect his son and ensure Kris had a chance at a bright future. As Thunder made his way to Darkfeather's mother, Luhan and Xiumin, two loyal members of the pack, joined him.

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