Chapter 12

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Luhan looked outside for a moment and saw a feather laying on the ground. The soft breeze gently rustled through the trees, and he instinctively reached down to pick it up. The feather was sleek and black, with a beautiful lustre that caught the light. Holding it up, he called out to his uncles, Thunder and Zircon, who were nearby "Hey, guys! Look at this. Is this Darkfeather's?" Luhan asked, a puzzled expression on his face. Thunder glanced over from where he was grooming his fur, his eyes locking onto the feather. "Yep, that's definitely Darkfeather's," he replied with a weary sigh. Zircon, who was sharpening his claws against a nearby tree trunk, joined the conversation. "How can our brother do such a thing? It's not like him to leave his feathers lying around," he pondered aloud. Thunder nodded in agreement. "I don't know. I always found it weird how he kept himself isolated from the rest of us. He flew away one day and returned a few days later." Thunder released a low growl, frustration evident in his voice. "I hope my son takes after me and keeps his pack well-together. I don't want him to end up like Darkfeather." "Hmm... do you already have a name for him?" Zircon inquired, his curiosity getting the best of him. A proud gleam flashed in Thunder's eyes as he nodded. "Well, yes, I do. I've been thinking long and hard about it." Luhan and Zircon exchanged excited glances. "Can we hear it?" they asked eagerly, eager to share in Thunder's revelation. Thunder took a deep breath, realizing the importance of his decision. "Of course. I've decided to name him... Chen." The two stared at each other in disbelief. "What?!" Zircon exclaimed, his voice filled with shock. "Chen? That's so unexpected!" Thunder laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I know it doesn't really fit in with our pack's traditions, but I wanted to give my son a name that's unique and special. Chen sounds perfect to me." Zircon shook his head, unable to contain his laughter. "Nah, my son won't fit in with Chen. I'm going to name him Lay." Thunder's laughter swelled, his sides shaking in amusement. "Hahaha! Both of them are completely out of context! Chen and Lay? Our pack will be the most unconventional one in history!" The brothers laughed together, their worries momentarily forgotten. In this moment, they embraced the beauty of their unique family dynamics and the love they shared for one another. As the laughter subsided, they realized that regardless of their names or differences, they were bonded by a deeper connection. In their hearts, they knew that their pack would thrive because of their individuality, not in spite of it.

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