Chapter 7

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Sunrise gazed up at the sky, his eyes fixed on the red moon. It hung low, casting an eerie glow across the land. He couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he wondered about the never-ending presence of the crimson orb. "Are we sure it'll ever end?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He absentmindedly brushed his sleek fur with Thunder, his faithful companion who stood by his side. Sunrise looked around at his brothers, seeking answers. "I'm not sure," came the response from Temptation, a mischievous wolf with a glimmer in his eyes. "But who knows? Maybe there's something mysterious and powerful behind it all." Hourglass chimed in with a playful tone. "I bet your future son will be as clumsy as you are, Sunrise!" Sunrise let out a chuckle as he playfully nudged Hourglass. "Oh really? Well, I bet your son would look just as dashing as you do with that half-and-half coloring!" The banter continued between the group, with laughter filling the air as they teased each other. Hourglass, not one to back down, defended himself. "Hey now, grey is not a color, it's a shade! And a very stylish one at that!" But as Hourglass turned to look over his shoulder, he froze. Standing before him was a majestic red wolf, its eyes filled with an intense gaze. Hourglass was taken aback, fear gripping his heart. "Get away from me, you hideous being!" he yelled, his voice quivering with a mix of terror and anger. Sunrise leaped into action, his protective instincts kicking in. He lunged at the red wolf, knocking it to the ground. With Thunder beside him, they formed a united front, ready to defend their brother. Temptation watched in awe as he witnessed Hourglass at his fullest, his agility and strength unmatched. Temptation, not one easily impressed, couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Damn, he's something else." As Temptation cautiously made his way to the side, he felt a sudden surge of power within him. Arrows whizzed past him, missing by a hair's breadth. It was as if he had become invisible, blending seamlessly with the surroundings. The thrill of this newfound ability electrified him.

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