Chapter 21

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Sunrise and Temptation stood at the edge of a meadow, the first light of dawn casting a golden glow over everything around them. The air was crisp, and the birds were just beginning their morning chorus. As Temptation approached his brother, Sunrise felt a sudden jolt of fear shoot through him. "You scared me, brother," Sunrise said, his voice laced with surprise as he turned to face Temptation. "What is it?" Temptation looked at Sunrise with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "I have a question," he began. "Why do you always wear a blindfold over your left eye?" Sunrise's hand instinctively reached up to his face, his claws wrapping around the fabric covering his eye. The blindfold concealed a secret he rarely shared with anyone. "It's because of the red forces," Sunrise said, his voice tinged with sadness. "They took my left eye during a battle. An arrow found its way towards me, and I tried to dodge it, but it was too quick. The arrow pierced my eye." Temptation gasped, disbelief etched on his face. "But... what happened next?" Sunrise's expression grew distant as memories flooded his mind. "Mother, with her steady paws and loving touch, removed the arrow from my eye. She stitched it up as best as she could. But the damage had been done." Temptation's eyes widened in astonishment. "So... you only have one eye?" he whispered. Sunrise nodded, a mix of sadness and acceptance on his face. "Yes, only one eye remains. But it serves as a constant reminder of the battles I've fought, the struggles I've overcome." As they stood there, immersed in their quiet conversation, a breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the echoing thoughts of another figure nearby. Luhan, their cousin, had been observing them from a distance, captivated by their conversation. "I was right," Luhan thought to himself, a sense of understanding washing over him. "All of us, in our own ways, carry battle scars. Some are visible, like Sunrise's blind eye, and some are hidden deep within." With a newfound perspective, Luhan made his way towards the forest, silently searching for his father. In the depth of the woods, where sunlight barely penetrated, Luhan hoped to find solace and answers.

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