The one and only

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I am a 14 year old girl called Y/N I have been karting with my brother since I was 7 years old. My brother, Nathan, is 1 year older than me he is the best brother I could ever ask for and is my best-friend.
Since I Kart so much I don't go to school as much as other kids so I have a tutor with me for when I don't go to school so I don't fall behind.
I love school, especially geography, sometimes I'm a bit sad that I didn't have a normal childhood like most children would but I am very grateful that I get to Kart because many people would die to have the privileges that me and Nathan do. Me and my family live in the middle of Oxford. Tomorrow is one of the first races of the season in the junior karting championship.
My brother broke his leg over the winter-break so he probably won't be driving this season because he cant the walk without his crutches.

We are preparing for tomorrows race by training. Again. The only thing I like about training in the morning is I get to listen to music. I love listening to music, it helps me do a lot of things.
Right now I should be doing lateral pulls but instead I'm deciding what song I want to listen to.
After about 5 minutes of deciding I finally decide on "dog days are over - Florence + The machine"

Around 3 hours later I finish my workout and decide to go to the showers to wash off all the sweat I managed to create. Then go home and eat some chicken.
I always eat chicken the night before a race, it's a little tradition that Nathan created by his love for chicken. We finish up dinner and I decide to go to sleep.

*Next morning*
I wake up to my alarm that is ringing down my ear. I didn't wake up to the alarm, I woke up to Nathan coming in my room with his crutches hitting me and his voice screaming down my ear to wake up.
I stand up and feel the cold wooden floor beneath my feet, shivering from the coldness outside I decide to pick up a small blanket and wrap myself around in it heading downstairs for breakfast.
I get to the kitchen and think about what to eat for breakfast, I decide on 2 Weetabix with sugar, lots and lots of sugar. I usually have this or oatmeal with yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, I decided I don't want yoghurt today, it makes the roof of my mouth feel weird.
Dad finally comes downstairs "Y/N why aren't you dressed yet, we need to leave in 20 minutes so we can get there early" he says a bit angry, my dad isn't one of the nicest people in the world, he's not the worst though.
"Sorry dad" I say in response.
My dad gets really mad when me or Nathan don't win or if we mess up, he only really pays attention to us when we win.
He already wasn't in a good mood because Nathan can't race this season because of his leg. When we don't win he tells us that we are worthless and that we don't deserve him as a father.
I leave running upstairs on the brink of tears, I hate it when he shouts because it scared me, I go into my closet and get out all my gear and get dressed. Nathan walks in...
"Y/N don't listen to him, you didn't mess up, you just needed your energy to start the day."
We leave the house and drive over to the track, I get out of the car, Nathan and my dad get the kart out of the trailer attached to the back of the car.
Me and Nathan are terrified of my dad, we love him but are scared to not follow his rules or do as he says.

*a couple of hours later*

the race is almost over. We have 2 laps left, currently I'm in a good position. P2, but I feel like my dad won't like this because I'm not in P1, it's one of my oldest friends from karting in P1. AKA Jad, he has always been there for me and is like another brother to me but is also my rival so on the track we just forget about our friendship and see each other as another kart to overtake.
The race is done, I ended in P2. It was an amazing position but I knew dad would be mad.
I get out of the kart and head over to my brother who is currently running over to me to congratulate me.
"Once again, you passed me with flying colours" Nathan says to me, he says this after every race when I come P3 or above.
He takes a photo of me and the kart to post on Instagram, I always post a photo after a race.


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Liked by❤️: @Nathan.y/l/n ,  @Jad52 and 317 others
Y/n.3 : P2!!!! Amazing start to the season, can't wait to beat you next race @Jad52 🐌🐌

@Jad52 : why u putting a snail emoji, I beat you🐌🐌😭😭
@Nathan.y/l/n : well done lil bean so proud of you ❤️
@y/nlovrrr : OMG THATS SO GOOD!!!!

I love all the people on Instagram, somehow I even have fan accounts.
After posting on Instagram I hug my brother again because we are both so happy, in the corner of my eye I see my dad talking to someone, I don't know who it is since their back is turned but it scares me because of how angry he looks.
I feel like he knew I was looking because soon after I looked he turned his head so fast towards me, I feel his glare that could burn my skin, he was angry, very very very angry.
He stomps over to me and Nathan who are enjoying our little moment together, once again our moment will be ruined by him, why can't he just be happy for me??
"Come on we are leaving" he says kicking my kart away like it weighed nothing. "Nathan hurry up and help me get that to the car" he adds on pointing towards my kart that he just kicked.
Nathan helps him and I'm too scared to ask if I can even go get changed out of my race suit. So I don't.
We get into the car and drive off, my dad is doing the thing where he barely looks at the road and just screams at us in the car. In this particular moment, just me. I am in the back of a car, getting screamed at and everything just stops in an instant when my dad runs a red light and a truck crashes into the side of the car.
I know I'm alive but I'm hanging onto a thread for Nathan who I have no clue is alive, I can't hear, I can barely see, everything is blurry.
I remember lights from an ambulance coming to us, they get us all out of the car and immediately take us to hospital.
I don't remember anything from the ride here. I just remember blue lights then I woke up here, they say I've been out for 3 days, they don't say anything else so I just assume Nathan and dad are okay and alive.
I know that my right arm is broken and that I have a massive wound on my left from glass shattering into my side and cutting through a bit deep, they managed to get it all out at least..

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