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The horrid smell of burnt flesh filled the air. The rests of Leila's parboiled and blackened skin, almost reduced to ashes stuck to the moistened grass like sticky pitch. A few inches away off the rest of the body, her head lied. Only a bunch of fine scorched threads of skin attached to a skull was everything left of her once beautiful face and from her still opened mouth a pair of sharp and long fangs protruded.

Leonardo contemplated what was left of his beloved Leila with a mixture of rage, guilt and mourn. A tear rolled down his pallid cheek, a teardrop that he wiped away immediately.

"Oh Leila, my beloved one... What have I done to you?" The vampire prince whispered in a broken voice.

Leonardo kneeled next to the incinerated corpse and picked a handful of ashes to then let them go with the wind. His hand was left tainted in black. Again, the vampire cried, this time staring at the blue sky as if wishing for some divine help. Leonardo let scape a loud scream that resonated on the mountain slopes making the birds in the trees to flee flying away.

The vampire rose and walked towards his black stallion where he untied a sack of leather that hung from the horse's saddle. Little by little he picked up and gathered everything he could from Leila's rests and put them inside the satchel. Once he finished, he tied again the leather bag to the saddle and mounted the stallion with incredible skills to then ride away until he disappeared in the thickness of the forest.

Ardith - A Vampire Story (editing)Where stories live. Discover now