Chapter 26 Blood Frenzy

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Chapter 26 Blood Frenzy

The horses formed under Edmund’s command.  The empire soldiers flanked their leader and waited for further instructions. The handsome general dismounted his stallion and walked to the altar. He advanced amongts the presents in the wedding ceremony. They stared at the knight with bewilderment and curiosity.

            “Edmund, my dear son, I'm so glad you're back...” The Duke reacted elated and moved to greet Edmund. Both men hugged and shook hands happy to see each other again.

            Leila observed from the background with perspicacity. She remained precautious standing by the wedding altar.  The unexpected and unwelcome arrival of Edmund Wigheard made her feel uneasy. Leila knew that nothing good would out of this impromptu appearance. Edmund knew too much about her. He had witnessed the true nature of the vampire race when he fought against the vampire armies in the southern regions. 

            Edmund was a menace for her now and she must think how to get rid of him right after her wedding. The simple fact of being able of surviving an entire army of blood drinking demons and not only that, killing both Ardo and Pelagius, the greatest vampire warriors of all times makes this Edmund the most dangerous enemy she should have. Fortunately she had found that letter hidden in the messengers pocket revealing the truth about her.

            Leila demonstrated to be a great actress and hid her anger behind a huge and welcoming smile. Meanwhile her wrecked and evil mind was orchestrating a machiavelic plan to end with this intruder’s life. But for the moment this would have to wait. There were at least six soldiers heavily armed and ready to attack her. If she wasn’t provoked she would remain as angelical as the fool of Lord Aelderic thought she was. But now ahe needed to do something to continue with the ceremony. ‘Damned Edmund!’She tought.

“Lord Aelderic, you don’t know how happy I am to find out that you are fine and that nothing bad had happened to you.” Edmund gave a pry stare to the beautiful woman dressed in white standing next to the bishop. He had never seen her before and something in her made him feel some discomfort.

            “Of course we are fine. Why wouldn’t it be? Well, now tell your soldiers to dismount. You are all invited to pasticipate of this great feast… It’s a double celebration! My son has returned triumphant from battle! Come, I will introduce you the lovely bride.” Lord Aelderc patted Edmunds back and glowed with pride pointin Leila who was smiling in the most warm and delightful way.

            Edmund realized that Ardith wasn’t there. He looked everywhere and his hart pounded in his chest violently. Poor man, he started feeling anxuious. He perceived there was something wrong. “Wait a minute! Where’s Ardith?”

“Oh, Edmund, my poor daughter has been in a delicate condition of health lately. She’s resting and recovering in her bedroom.  So many things had happened since you left to battle. We will have the opportunity of talking after the ceremony. Now, meet my future wife, Leila Von Dorcha.

‘Leila Von Dorcha… Leila Von Dorcha… Von Dorcha…’ Her name rumbled and echoed in his mind recalling that time Gieffrey had come to his tent to report his finding in the region of Swabia. He remember the messenger telling about the woman that appeared badly injured nearby the mansion and was one of those demonic creatures Edmunf fought against.

Inside of him there was revolving turmoil of terrible emotions: anger, fright, anguish, despair, revenge… He stepped back in awe realizing that the woman Lord Aelderic was going to marry was an evil vampire.   Leila knew she’d been discovered. She sould smell adrenaline pumping in Edmund’s blood. She paled and opened her eyes wide revealing a reddish glow.

Edmund placed his right hand right above the swords grip. His left hand was in the air with the index finger pointing high. It was the signal his men were waiting for.

            “Have you just said Leila Von Dorcha, Lord Aelderic?”Edmund demanded an inmediate an affirmative answer to give the order to attack. His eyes fixated on the vampiress. She gave a few steps back glaring back to the general of the Germanic Army. She hid behind Lord Aelderic yet she clenched her fists and her jaw squared tense. She was ready to repel any attack coming from Edmund or the guards.

“Yes, I said Leila… But, what’s going on here Edmund? Why are your men ready to attack?”
Lord Aelderic was confused, nervous, watching the threatening glares Leila and Edmund darted to each other as if they had met before.

“Because they will attack! Soldiers! Seize! The horsemen moved hastily between and over the benches and tables. The guests ran and hid behind the tumbled benches and observed the terrible and unveliebable events that were taking place in the duke’s wedding.  

            Soldiers circled on their steeds fencing around the Edmund, Lord Aelderich and Leila and the bishop. “Edmund, I demand an explanation! What is going on and why we are cornered as if we were the enemy? Lord Aelderic faced Edmund with anger.

“Because the enemy is right here amongst us! She is very dangerous, deadly and evil demond! This dreadful and malefic creature respondsto the name of Leila von Dorcha.”

“Oh no! My love he’s so wrong. Please don’t let them let them hurt me.” Leila ran to hide the the duke. The duke faced Edmund once again. The general was already aiming with his sword at Leila.

“Edmund, I don’t understand what madness had befallen upon you. I need you to explain why you are accusing my future wife of being such terrible things.” Lord Aelderic was more nervous and confused than fuming.

“The woman you intend to marry is not a woman! She’s a monster! Leila is a killer who feeds on the blood of mortals and draws its essence of life.” Edmund said, sword gripped tight and his eyes on Leila.

The vampiress stood motionless and without saying a word still behind the duke. 

“Edmund, what you are saying is pure nonesense. Put that sword down! There must be a rational explanation for all these… There’s not such thing as a monster that feeds on human blood? Please, Edmund.” Lord Aelderic tried to calm down his son–in-law who was more than ready to end Leila’s life.

“Do not listen to his words my love. They are pure inventions… fallacies! You and I will get married. You love me and I love you Aelderic. How are you going to believe that tomfoolery? Can you believe that I drink the human blood? He just wants to turn you against me, to confuse you!” Leila spoke angrily. His voice trembled with despair to feel cornered.

“Alright Edmund! Enough of slander my fiancee and invent these stories that are nothing but completely implausible and fanciful! Unless you have evidence to support what you say about my future wife, I advise you and your men to withdraw.” Lord Aelderic stood firm in his demands.  

“Evidence you said? Do you want evidence? I will give you the evidence you are demanding, but I won’t take responsibility for what you will see!” Edmund faced both Leila and Lord Aelderic. He set back his sword. Leila moved a little uneasy. She watched expectandly.

The handsome general placed his swords on top of his opened hand palm and with a single and slight movement he made a cut in his hand. Blood immediately emerged from the wounded hand dripping profusely. Drops hit the ground drawing carmine erratic circles on the white gravel.

The metallic smell of human blood filled the air and hit instantly Leila’s nostrils. In her mouth a pair of white and sharp fangs protruded. Her pupils dilated glowing like furious garnets glaring at the bleeding hand of Edmund. The woman wasn’t able to contain herself. She pushed away Lord Aelderic and bounced in an acrobatic fashion and landed like a fiery over Edmund falling both strepitously to the ground.

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