Chapter 27 Wounded

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Chapter 27    Wounded

“For God’s Sake, Leila, what are you doing?” Lord Aelderic was in shock. His future wife had jumped on top of Edmund and was acting like a raging animal. Leila immovilized the man using her strong and long legs. Both fought fiercely on the floor under the prying and perplex gaze of the guests.

The duke tried himself to remove Leila grabbing her shoulder, but she turned to face him ad he stepped back scared when he saw the protruding fangs in her mouth. She growled and hissed as she tried to bite Edmund. Lord Aelderick walked back to stand next to the priest, both witnessing in awe what had happened to Leila. She had become a monster!

Everything was a chaos; a Dantesque infernal scene in which Leila was the devil. Most of the guests ran screaming, terrified trying to escape from the outer patio. Some others, more curious and bold, hid behind the tumbled tables and benches to have a better view of what was going on. Meanwhile, Edmund and Leila revolved tussled on the cold gravel floor: Leila to kill and Edmund to survive.

Lord Aelderic comtemplated stupefied and impotent the unlikely incident. He didn’t know what to do. Lord Aelderic couldn’t believe what was happening. To his confused and fussed mind all the unwonted memories regarding to terrible confessions, tragedies, death… the poor maid. Orla! The sudden illness his daughter was suffering… That last thought saddened and infuriated the duke… Then the words of the witch were true. He realized he had in his hands the previous morning the dripping blood of an unfair and fatal veredict. The foretelling warning words echoed in his head making a deafening noise. The images of the poor woman revolving and screaming in pain as she was been burnt alive, ordered by himself, appeared vividly in his mind.

All that came like a terrible and wicked result of an unfortunate gambling of fate. Before, those were random events that seemed more than common than disgraced, but now he had found the source of all evils. It had the beautiful form of a woman. A monstrous woman named Leila Von Dorcha.

Seconds became an eternity to Edmund that fought for his life. Soldiers advanced dismounting their stallions and rushed to rally round their general. Leila was evidently stronger than her human rival and she was overpowering him. Her fangs were a few inches from Edmund’s collarbone. One of the legionaires immediately reacted standing behind the vampires and ready to strike. Leila had excellent reflexes and anticipated the sudden movement of the man behind her. She swiftly stood up and with one single movement she thudded the soldier that was aiming at her his sword. The mas was blown away falling a few meters away unconscious on the floor.

            Lord Aelderic finally reacted and grabbed the sword left by the fallen soldier. He joined the circle the men formed around Leila. The hellish creature looked like a cornered animal growling and hissing and moving defensively. The soldiers closed the circle and she retroceded. She moved forward and the men stepped back. It was a terrible dance no one wanted to give a wrong step.

            Edmund recovered, standing up rapidly and snatched a velvety bag tied to his waist. It contained a small crystal bottle filled with a clear liquid. Edmund opened it and threw its content to Leila. “Vade retro satana… In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.”

            Leila writhed in pain. She covered her eyes and her fangs were protruding longer tan before. The few guests that had stayed as curious witnesses, fled off the castle outer yards screaming. It was to dangerouns and terrifying to remain there. The bishop was kneeling hidden in a corner praying all the repertoire of prayings he knew. Faith in God was vital in those terrible moments.

            “Keep your praying bishop! We fight against a demon!” Edmund ordered the priest who grappled the Bible and the crucifix in his neck. His voice sounded louder yet broken for the fear the religious man felt.


            Lord Aelderic opened his eyes wide staring in fright and awe thr way Leila wriggled franricaly cursing and blaspheming in demonic tongues. Edmund clutched his sword and stroke injuring Leila in her side.

            Black and shideous blood bubbled out the wound painting a huge and dark stain on her white and crisp wedding dress. Leila’s eyes glimmered red and her white and sharpened fangs stuck out menacingly. Her face reflected an intense soreness. She contemplated the cut and screeched both of anger and pain. Her cries deafened the men as she looked more like the legendaire and horrific Banshee.  

            The men close the circle with more confidence. The moster was injured. Leila felr defeated, lost. Knowing that she was wounded, tired and cornered by more tan 10 men put her in a disadvantaged position. The demonic woman chose the best option in that moment: retreat. Leila bounced high above the men and ran. She climbed up the back garden’s wall like an animal and once on top of it she faced the men and shrieked like a beast. Leila jumped down the wall, disappearing behind it. She had escaped!


            “What is going on here Edmund? What- what is that? What is Leila?” Lord Aelderic was terribly impressed, breathing heavily and shocked.


            “Leila is a vampire. She is a malefic creature that feeds on blood and possesses supernatural powers. Listen to me, Lord Aelderic! You must order to close all the gates and doors and send your men to guard every wall and corner of this castle. You must be alert, this demon can choose to come back to replenish herself now that she’s wounded and shes loosing blood. Ask the bishop to be aware and his Holy Water ready… along with his prays. I will go after Leila. Shes injured and hopefullywe will get her. We must finish her before she keeps doing more evil!”

            Lord Aelderic nodded and hurried to the castle to give the orders to protect the castle. Edmund spoke to his soldiers. “Men, to the horses! There’s a beast to hunt!” The handsome and brave general mounted his dark stallion behind his men. “A cornered and wounded beast is always the more dangerous one.”

***Edmund is back and Leila is wounded! What do you think of this chapter guys? What do you think will happen now? Let me know with youe comments. If you liked this chapter, don’t forget to vote!

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