Chapter 8 Delirium

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Chapter 8 Delirium

Leila sauntered in her usual rhythmical cadence completely naked towards the bed where Ardith sat, staring fixedly to Leila's perfectly carved body. One more time the lady was hypnotized by The raven-haired woman's spell bounding beauty. The dim light radiating from the fireplace reflected on the countess's striking body glowing red on her pale skin making her look like some kind of ethereal being.

It was the same thing, every time Ardith had bared Leila in front of her. It gave her a pleasurable sensation of numbness. She wasn't able to move but she didn't want it either, feeling she could be there forever, staring at her. Leila appeared to Ardith like an angel fallen straight down to Earth from Heaven. Everything so perfect and alluring on hers. The way she moved and how she smiled; her mellifluous voice and the gemlike blackness in her eyes, it was nothing more and it was everything the duchess needed or ever wanted.

Leila climbed onto the bed, crawling over the soft furry bedspreads with sensuous grace till she reached Ardith's feet. Gently, she caressed the virginal lady's legs making her whole existence shiver with delight. The blonde lady's heart beat arrhythmically and blood pumped in frantic race through her veins. It was both unimaginable and unknown sensations but all of them gleeful. With each subtle stroke, Leila provoked in Ardith's things beyond her understanding. Her skin tingled and her delicate parts itched with rampant desire. Ardith knew that were forbidden sensations, yet she didn't want them to cease. It felt so good and deep inside she only wished Leila could go on forever.

The sensual countess of Swabia moved with grace on top of her, directly over her tights and staring down to Ardith, her lips crooked up. The woman on top moved forwards leaving a trail of moistened sexuality as she crawled over Ardith's body, opening her legs wide to fit on top of the duchess. The inexperienced lady was submerged in a deep trance. Her mind and body exhilarated to have Leila on top of hers, regaling overwhelming passionate caresses, making lust to burst inside out.

The dimness in the room made Leila's dark pupils to dilate, so gorgeous she was contradictory divine.

Leila leaned closer to touch the duchess' erect nipples. Ardith moaned excitedly. Everything in which she had believed, all the religious and moral precepts she has been taught vanished away in that moment and were replaced by intense and carnal desires.

Leila did wonders with her body. Their bodies were so close, their breasts brushed each other. Leila moved deliciously on top of Ardith, making their womanhood rub and their thighs moistened as their hips danced swaying in the frantic rhythm of lust. Ardith gasped, her heart hammered with the intensity of the moment as Leila kissed her lips with desire. The duchess retrieved the kisses with passion never met before. Those were kisses Edmund had ever given to her in such an intense manner.

Leila played her tongue inside Ardith's mouth, making the girl taste the sweetness of her lover's palate. That was heaven to Ardith... or hell... She didn't know and didn't care.

The countess moved down from Ardith's mouth onto her neck kissing and licking her soft skin, making the young duchess to gasp and moan. Her chest throbbed at arrhythmic speeds as lust overpowered her wholeness, her gaze got lost for a moment in the ceiling of the room. The duchess closed her eyes taking a deep breath to the lingering sensation of something pricking her neck. It didn't hurt at all. It was the most delighting thing in the world, a mixture of pain and frenzy. Adrenaline rushed through the maiden's bloodstream and she didn't want that fire to be extinguished.

After a moment her body became numb... Ecstatic numb and even if she tried to move, it didn't respond. Ardith was a prisoner, a prisoner of Leila and her dark charms. The countess pierced and sucked Ardith's blood giving her so much pleasure that she was sure there was nothing greater than that lifeless sensation. The sensation of a soul leaving its fleshy outer cask. Every time her breathing was slower as dimness and coldness invaded her from inside out making her to feel weak... and weaker. All around her was just a blur and darkness enveloped the room.

"No!" Ardith screamed. Jolting she sat up straight on the bed. The woman panted and sweated... panted more and gasped with fatigue; her skin was damped and cold. A turmoil of darkness swirled around her grand and the still latent images from a recent dream or nightmare emerged.

Glancing quickly to her side, Ardith sawLeila still fast asleep. Relieved to find her roommate fully dressed, but not enough to make her feel ashamed of herself and what she had dreamt, a piercing feeling of guilt fell like a iced-water bucket on her body. She felt sinful, perverse and confused. How did her mind created such horrid and wicked dreams? What? She did not understand why. Deep inside she knew herself and she was sure she would never and ever behave in such an aberrant way. There were things she had never imagined could be done with a man and even worst with another woman. Could those acts be done or experienced? The way Leila moved and kissed her... not even with her Edmund she dared to think about anything like that. The erred delusions made her feel tainted, dirty. She asked her self, what an abominable spirit came to possess her soul in the wee hours and induced to her that dream... Only evil things!

Ardith got up from bed and gulped a mouthful of water from the silver jug on the bedside table trying to dilute Leila's flavor, still so fresh in her mouth. Her body, far from being relaxed, still shivered product of the strong and passionate remnants of Leila on her skin. There wasn't enough water that could clean up her skin, thoughts and soul in that moment. Ardith knew that the only way to scare those lustful and horrendous thoughts away was praying. Hustling up, she walked directly to the bedroom's window and gazing up to the starry night, she longed to touch heaven above as if to reach God with her fingers. She deeply needed the forgiveness to her soul, so she closed her eyes and began to pray.

"Pater Noster, qui es in caelis,
Sanctificétur nomen Tuum,
Adveniat Regnum Tuum,
Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie,
Et dimitte nobis débita nostra,
Sicut et nos dimittímus debitóribus nostris;
Et ne nos indúcas in tentationem,
Sed libera nos a malo,

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