Chapter 9 Unexpected Guests

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Chapter 9 Unexpected Guest

Ardith wasn't able to conciliate her sleep anymore. She realized it was better to leave that dormitory before dawn. It was evident that after seeing Leila's exposed nudity, something inside of hers was moved. The natural way the beautiful raven haired woman shamelessly uncovered her charms had an immediate effect on the young duchess' spirits.

Even in dreams she had never dared to think about his Edmund somehow improperly and if she felt weak the choice was always to suppress both the licentious thoughts sensations. And Edmund was a gentleman in all the extension of the word. He respected her and cared for the purity of her body and soul. When Ardith imagined her being Edmund's wife, she was happy enough just to picture herself doing her chores and caring for their children. But thinking of them in the intimacy... ever! Those thoughts were forbidden and lead to the corruption of the spirit.

Ardith decided it would help to take a bath early in the morning and hoped that the lavender scented water would carry away all those dark memories that had arisen in her dreams the night before. But while in the tub and as she stroked herself to rinse the water and soap off, the gentle movements of her hands associated with the natural bathing routine turned to be slightly erotic caresses to her most private parts. Again, in her mind were conjured up images of that immoral dream. Ardith shook her head in an attempt to drive out those perversities. It was a better option to get dressed right away and to find any thing to keep herself busy... so immediately she left the tub and ran outside the lavatory attached to her bed chambers.

After dressing, she decided to organize her wardrobe, taking the opportunity to take some clothes out that she no longer used and give them to Leila. She piled a few beautiful dresses and tunics on her bed and with the full sunrise up, she left her room and went straight to the kitchen.

Ardith was the mistress of the house. She tried to take care of the fortress' duties, in the same way her passed away mother did with love, but those shoes didn't fit her. It took her a while to recover after her mother's death and trying to do what the passed away duchess did best always hurt so much. Once in the kitchen, the young duchess ordered Danäe, one of the maids, to take breakfast to Leila in her room... She could not go there yet, she didn't want to.

The lady spent some time in the stocks counting and organizing the provisions of grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables in the pantry. Outside in the consumer's orchard, Ardith loaded her basket with herbs and spices to then head back to the kitchen where she gave instructions to the cooks on the menu to be prepared for that day and the week ahead. As the lady of the house, the chores included to be aware of food stocks, crops and production of milk and cheese as well as some healing tasks. And she knew that those had been neglected because of her childish mournful past state, other words to think of her own weaknesses. It took a while to realize she wasn't an orphan little girl anymore but a grownup lady in charge of the state and goods that belonged to his father. And this morning in special she needed to be busy the most that she could.

At the usual time, she walked out the kitchen to meet with her father, Lord Aelderic. They had breakfast together whenever he was in the duchy. But when Ardith entered the room she received a huge surprise. Sitting next to his father, there was Leila, aimlessly conversing with with him. All that sudden aversion and fear provoked by men in her disappeared and she looked quite comfortable talking to the duke.

"My beautiful daughter. Look who is having breakfast with us this morning." An excited Lord Aelderic spoke, widely beaming a smile on his face.

"Oh. I had sent a maid to take breakfast to your room... but, well... never mind. I'm glad to see you're so recovered and that you can join us for breakfast." Tensing her lips up, Ardith sat at the opposite end of the table, for her seat was occupied by Leila.

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