Chapter 30 Inquisitors

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Chapter 30 Inquisitors

Lord Aelderic hurried down the stairs trying to look unaffected by the impromptu visit of the inquisitors. He felt asphyxiated by anguish and despair and the sternness on the men's gestures made him feel unease. Beating at a rapid speed, his heart wanted to jump out of his chest. With every step taken, the duke told himself that he needed to be calmed and serene if he wanted the clergy men to leave his dominions as soon as possible. The inquisitors had arrived and came along with a dozen soldiers to escort them. Those were bad news, specialy for his beloved Ardith.

Monsignor Fredrick, bishop of Saxony, His Eminency, Monsignor Bodicelli, Cardinal of the Sacred Empire and other two bishopss, including the feared inquisitor, Bernardo Gui, were seating in the great living area. The latter did as he pleased in Toulouse, taking the heretics Visigoths out of there. The same Goths that ended to be the vampire army defeated in the southern regions in Germany. There was no doubt, they came after Ardith.

"You're welcome, Your Eminencies. Your Highness, Monsignor Bodicelli, Monsignor Grederick, Monsignor Gui, it's a pleasure for me to receive you in this, my modest dwelling. But, let me ask you, what had brought such important personages of the Holly Catholic Church here? I'm your humble servant and your most devoted parishioner." Lord Aelderic kissed the men's hands and made a reverence inviting them to sit again.

"I'm afraid the matter that brings us here is a very delicate one, Lord Aelderic. We, the Church, have been informed, by a trustful source, that very strange things have been happening in your lands. The Devil is a roaring lion, you know, Lord Aelderic." Bodicelli was the one to speak first. In his hands he held a dirty and wrinkled envelop.

"I'm afraid you need to be more specific, monsignor. Things like what are you referring to?" The duke replied.

In that moment the servant brought a bottle of a fine French red wine and offered to the clergy men. Only Gui rejected the glass of the red liquid. His face severe, studying Lord Alderic as he spoke.

"In the outsides of Harzburg, it was found a corpse. He was a messenger. The poor fellow was beheaded and dismembered. In one of his pockets it was found this letter. It narrates terrible and unbelievable things that were taking place in your lands, in this castle precisely. It talks abot demons that drink blood, beheaded maids and some clear and detailed instructions on how to kill these infernal creatures. The letter, or I might say, the letters were addressed to you, Lord Aelderic Cuthberht, duke of Harzburg. It was signed by your son-in-law, Sir Edmund Wigheard." Mosignor Frederick explained.

Gui stared at the duke, watching how his face changed colors as he listened to what Frederick had just said. Lord Aelderic remained in silence and let the men speak. It was better to wait and find out how much these men knew about the terrible situation in which his family was involved. He didn't want to put in more danger his adored daughter's life.

The inquisitor cleared his throat. It was his time to talk. "I'm afraid that this visit do not respond to political or economical affairs, like the ones you are accostumed to deal with, Lord Aelderic. We come after the woman you found apparently badly hurt in the woodlands near the castle. Her name is Leila von Dorcha, former countess of Swavia when she was alive but who happens to be a horrid creature known as a vampyr. We lost her track in the region of Bavaria, where she caused chaos and killed meny men. She is here and only seeks for blood and power." The inquisitor stood up and walked towards the duke.

"Well, for me it is a great pleasure to inform you that Leila von Dorcha is dead... terminated. Your quest ended here, your eminencies. The hellish creature has gone for ever. A few hours ago in the woodlands, near the Harz Mountains. She was beheaded and burnt to ashes. You can send your men to corroborate what I'm saying. I will ask my men to guide your legionaires." Here, Lord Aelderic was able to breathe a little more relaxed, felling less tensed.

"Oh, you ended with Leila. King's Henry herald is much more capable than I thought. He vanquished the demons' army in the southern regions and managed to come in the right time to destroy Leila. That's remarkable. Let me tell you that this hideous woman had kept the church's inquisitos busy for a century since she was expelled out of Swavia. I think this is great. I'll do that. I'll send my men to verify that she's been beheaded and burnt as it should be done."

"Fine, you will see that Leila has finally been defeated. Now we can celebrate this victory, don't you think so? Freida! Bring more wine for our eminent representatives of the Church!" Lord Aelderic ordered the maid trying to sound festive.

'Yes, but before we called our mission complete here, we would like to pray for your beloved daughter. We know that she was the one that fond Leila in the woods and that she's been ill lately. Priest Rudrich informed us that the poor lady has been feverish and that raves. How is she? Her name is Ardith, isn't she?" Gui held his glass of wine and sipped slowly the red liquor. His eyes were on the duke, who almost choke when he heard the inquisitor asking him for Ardith.

"Oh, well, yes... Ardith has been delicate. Her emotional health had decayed since her nanny died. Orla was like a second mother for her. And my poor daughter has suffered so much. She had never recovered from her mother's death, imagine how my sweet girl must be. First her mother, then Leila kills Orla and the man that she loves was sent to battle. This has been a perpetual tragedy for her... Yet she's doing a lot better. She's resting in her alcove."

"I'm glad to kmow that your daughter is better. I would like to see her and pray for her, if you don't mind."

"Mosignor Gui, I wouldn't like to contradict you, but as I told you she's resting. I don't think it is prudent to wake her up this late. We can pray for her here if you want, Your Eminency." Lord Aelderic tried to dissuade the inquisitors from going up to Ardith's room. They could find out that she had been bitten by Leila and they wouldn't be merciful with her. They would kill her like Leila was killed.

"Are you denying your daughter the Christian right of receiving our blessing and prayers? Lord Aelderic, not everyone has the opportunity of been the recipient of such a sacred unction as a plea done by three of the highest representatives of the Catholic Church. You offend us and of course you contradict us with your words." Monsignor Bodicelli was furious. He faced Lord Aelderic showing indignation.

The duke didn't know what to do. If he denied or not, these men would find the way to get to Ardith's bedroom anyway. There was nothing else he could do. It was better to allow them to go and pray. Once they got into his daugher's room he would find the way to avoid them taking Ardith with them.

**** Reader's notes:

(1) Bernardo Gui was a notorious inquisitor of the Catholic Church in the XIII nad XIV centuries, the time when this novel is developed. He was in fact in Tolouse and he was responsible for the thousands of deaths of poor menand women found guilty as heretics and witches.

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