Chapter 22 Blood Memories

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Chapter 22    Blood Memories

         “What's wrong Ardith? Have you lost your mind?” Lord Aelderic grabbed Ardith by her shoulders and shook her. He thought her poor child was delirious. 

         “Stop, Father! Stop! I swear I’m not feverish! Leila is a monster. She killed Orla to drink his blood” Weak but angry Ardith looked into his father's eyes as she said all these things almost panting.  Then she stared at Leila who reacted surprised by the accusations that came from the young duchess.

         In the same way, the rest of the people there seemed to be astonished by the peculiar and confusing scene.

         “Ardith , I can’t believe what you are saying! I don’t understand why can you blame Leila of Orla’s death. This lovely lady couldn’t have killed your nanny by drinking her blood. You cannot be serious. What you say makes no sense!” The duke tried to reason with his daughter. He cupped Ardith’s appalled face. He couldn’t believe the atrocities she professed.

         Ardith burst in tears. She panted and sobbed, feeling so sad and angry. Frustration overpowered her when she saw no one believed her. People looked at her with pity, considering her ill.

         “Lord Aelderic, I think Ardith raves product of his illness. I’m sure you would not believe that I can, or that anyone could be capable of such aberration?” Leila tried to make Lord Aelderic doubt of her daughter’s word. It was not that hard though for he already thought his poor daughter was so ill her mind was twisting reality. Leila addressed the duke in her sumptuous and seducing manners.  

         Ardith could feel feeble but she was aware of what was going on and reacted very upset. She rushed forth towards Leila breaking off her father grip. “You're a liar! There’s no lie in what I say. I'm not delusional or say nonsense! I’m speaking the truth!”

         Lord Aelderic managed to stop Ardith before she went over Leila. He had never seen Ardith so upset. She was raging, out of control like a mad woman. “Ardith, please control yourself! This outbreak will not do you well. You need to calm down.” The duke told his daughter as he tried to control her.

         Leila painted on her face an expression of false distress and sham. The young duchess’ nerves were so altered that she was restraining herself of grabbing Leila by her dark mane and slap that fake expression off her face.  

         Baron Ascili joined the group of people waiting to enter the chapel. The same people that stayed by the old church’s door watching the spectacle with morbid curiosity. Lord Aelderic exhaled in relieve as he spotted the healer approaching, yet he was still struggling to curb her daughter’s outburst. “Baron, I think it's better to take Ardith to the castle. She seems to be in great distress and is talking incoherently.

         “Please father, I'm not talking incoherently! You must believe me! She killed Orla and I'm sure that she assassinated that maid too! Leila has come to my room night after night to drink my…-” Ardith fainted leaving the sentence unfinished. Lord Aelderic and Baron Ascili reacted immediately and grabbed her still and feeble body before she hit the floor.

         Everyone stood there whispering, feeeling pity for poor Ardith. It was obvious that her condition was so deplorable and Orla's sudden death had greatly affected her. The curious people stepped aside as the two knights that carried Ardith passed by.  Leila followed closely the duke and the healer, pretending to mourn inconsolably for her friend’s. Circumstances that were she provoked.

         “Oh, Lord Aelderic, all this is so sad. I feel so sorry for my dear friend. Why is all this happening to her? She’s an angel. The disgraced, in her raves blames me of all this. She must be sicker than I thought.” Leila acted as if she was wiping her tears. 

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