Chapter 5 Protected

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Chapter 5 Protected


The physician arrived to the room where Leila rested. The young lady had been sleeping for an entire day. Her ghastly pale skin showed as the only touch of color the purple circles under her closed eyes, maybe due to extreme sleeplessness and weakness. Leila resembled a sorrowful dark haired angel that slept peacefully, her face radiating divinity. Being the daughter of the Count of Swabia, through her veins ran noble blood and for many this was synonymous of a divine lineage.

Baron Ascili, a renowned physician that studied at the Scuola Medica Salernitana in Italy and who was a close friend of the family, answered the call immediately. The next morning he arrived at the Cuthberht's mansion. To ask for a medic was the best option hence the other alternative would have been to wait for the priest in charge of the duchy to administer the limited methods established by the empire and the Church and those only consisted in resting, praying and the sole faith in God. That was unbearable for Ardith, who was deeply concerned about poor Leila's situation.

With a somber expression on his face, Ascili looked at the girl as he placed his hand on the palpable vein in Leila's neck to feel the of the blood's stream pumping

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With a somber expression on his face, Ascili looked at the girl as he placed his hand on the palpable vein in Leila's neck to feel the of the blood's stream pumping. He moved his fingers up and down the vein and his face grew stern, perplex. Puzzled he touched her wrists and forehead, scared to feel her skin so cold. It just didn't seem right to him that with all his years of experience and studies such a faint beat and low temperature was never a good sign. "For how long she has been sleeping?" The medic asked, his gaze fixed on Leila.

"Since yesterday in the afternoon, for she came in a very deplorable state. Orla and I helped her bathe and then she fell asleep." Ardith replied.

"Has she eaten?"

"No... well, we brought her watercress broth... but she was askant to eat. She's been sleeping since", the duchess informed the physician.

"Interesting... And you told me that the girl manifested that she was raped by several men who then left her in the woods at her own fate. I guess she wasn't able to walk by herself, wasn't she?"

"According to what she said, yes. But I still have my doubts." Orla added in a sardonic tone. It was obvious that she didn't buy Leila's story.

"Nanny Orla, you never give for granted anything. You take too seriously what they say: never let a stranger into your house."

"Then I must make a thorough examination." Baron Ascili proceeded to carefully lift the sheet that covered Leila's body. He gently rolled back the skirt of her night gown up to her knees. When Ascili was about to move the girl's legs apart to examine her delicate parts, Leila opened her eyes, her dilated black pupils filled with horror. Jolting back briskly, she sat up straight making the healer to jerk away terrified.

Imitating the movements of a spider, Leila crawled backwards until she reached the head of the bed and almost clinging to the wooden carved piece she growled like a direful feline. "Get away from me! Don't touch me!" Leila shrieked. "I don't want anyone to touch me!"

Ardith stepped forwards warily, and leaning closer to the bed, in a soothing voice, she tried to calm Leila. "My dear, look at me... Trust me. Baron Ascili is a wise man, a very well prepared medic and a friend of us. He'd come to help you, to take good care of your health. He only wants to examine you."

"I don't trust men! I don't want a man to touch me!" The woman's features changed drastically. Like a cornered beast, she sat in the middle of the bed looking like helpless frightened child, extending her hands to reach Ardith as if seeking for protection.

"Baron Alisci, evidently my protégée is in great distress at this moment for everything that has happened to her. It must have been a horrible experience. If you consider that she can get better with the sole care we provide her in this house, I will not force such examination."

"She is very weak and certainly had lost some blood, specially from her intimate parts. Leila must eat well and rest. If she cooperates must be better soon, but she must take her concoctions as indicated", the healer leered with askance at Leila.

"Did you hear the doctor's recommendations, Leila? He will not touch you", sitting besides the woman, she spoke to her with tenderness. "But you have to promise me you will eat and rest as long as directed."

"I promise... I'll do everything you tell me to do, but please don't ever let a man to lay his hands on me."

"It's okey, here nobody is going to hurt you. You're safe here, in my castle." In a motherly demeanor, the young duchess stroke Leila's glossy black hair.

"Fine, it's all said now. I'll go to the orchard to pick the herbs to prepare the infusions milady. Once they're ready I'll let you know. I think for the moment and until our patient begins the treatment, I see there's no need for me to disturb her with my interventions unless she worsens. I'm confident that Orla and the maidservants would take good care of the countess." Baron Ascili said and left the room.

"Leila, I will ask the cook to prepare something for you eat and tea. Some infusions must be taken after eating or might upset your stomach. I'll be back in a few minutes. Promise me that you'll stay in this room and wait for me until I return."

"I'm afraid I'm too weak to move. I'll be here, promised." Leila's thin lips curved up tight, reassuringly.


The door in the guest room where the countess slept was opened, a thing gap left was enough to peep through and see that there wasn't anyone but her. A curious duke tiptoed inside trying not to wake her up. The news of the young lady found badly injured in his lands shocked everyone, being the first thing he was informed once he stepped in the castle.

Standing by the bed, he noticed how beautiful and young she was and enthralled by  this otherworldly comeliness, the man could only stare at her. Deep inside he was moved by a mixture of tenderness and compassion with some fatherly instincts and something he wasn't able to decipher, but the more he looked at her, the more he found her gorgeous even in her deplorable state.

"Now I see why everyone talks about you. Rumors speaking of your beauty don't make justice at all. Look at you so graceful yet so frail and candid like a flower. What happened to you? Who did this to you? What mystery engulfs your enchanting presence and brought you here? I certainly don't know... But I'm glad it did. Here you'll be safe, I swear." Leaning closer, Lord Aelderic's stroke Leila's face.

****By the time this story was set, Church banned the practice of medicine. It was considered witchcraft and pagan by most of the clergy. However it was stablished the first legit school of medicine in Italy, the one mentioned above in this chapter.

What do you think of this chapter? Did you like it? What do you think of Leila's awkward reaction when she was examined? And Lord Aelderic's reaction when he saw Leila? Please comment and let me know what you think.
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