Chapter 31 By the Order of the Church

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Chapter 31 By the Order of the Church

Adith was still sleeping, serene like an angel yet  the spectrum of death manifested on her decayed countenance. Giving a sad look to his beloved, Edmund grieved and cried. He couldn't stand seeing her that way, so frail and sick, so different to that vivid and fair lady he fell in love with. Edmund stroke gently Ardith's hair and whispered, pleading to the dying woman to fight for her life. "My love, please wake up. When these men arrive to your chambers and notice your deplorable condition, they wouldn't hesitate to take you with them or kill you here if it's necessary. I can't allow that my dearest. I would certainly die in grief. Ardith, my love... wake up... wake up."

The softness in which Edmund spoke turned into sobs filled with despair and deep melancholy. Edmund raised Ardith's fragile body in his arms with a mixture of tenderness and desperation and embraced her as if his own life depended on that sole hug. The king's herald felt his hope had vanished away with the touch of her beloved cold skin and her feeble heartbeat, barely perceptible but still latent. Tears rolled down the man's face moistening Ardith's golden hair. Edmund repeated one time and another how much he loved her. He held her tight to his chest and implored to God above for a miracle. He reminded the Lord his own sacrifice and the time devoted in His favor fighting against the bloody vampires. Edmund rocked back and forth Ardith's body in his arms and kept praying, begging for that miracle to happen soon. Only that could save the duchess' life because the inquisitors would come through that door in any moment.

"Edmund." A soft weary whisper blew in his ear making his whole body shiver. It was Ardith's voice calling his name. He placed back Ardith on her bed and stared at her fixedly in silence and waited. He couldn't believe what he'd heard. On his face gestures of incredulity and hope were mixed. Ardith was still with her eyes closed, breathing slowly and Edmund waited to see if what he heard wasn't a product of his mind broke in pain and despondency. But after a moment, the young duchess lips moved slightly, and again uttered a faint murmur "Edmund".

"Oh my God, you have spoken!" Edmund was so excited his heart didn't fit inside his chest. Tears of joy rolled down his face this time and he hugged Ardith even tighter than before. "My lovely Ardith I am here! Yes, it's me Edmund! Please open your eyes. I need to know that you are fine. Look at me Ardith! Look at me, please!" Edmund shook Ardith gently to see if he could get a solid reaction that confirmed she was in fact better. He waited for a coherent human reflect to be sure she was still his Ardith and that she hadn't been contaminated by Leila.

And after a few seconds the desired reaction was produced. Ardith opened her eyes slowly, placing them in her beloved's face. "Edmund... oh, you are back." She whispered.

"My love, you woke up! Thank God you are alive!"

"In that precise moment, the door in Ardith's alcove were opened. The inquisitors, flanked by two legionaries, entered the room followed by Lord Aelderic who stared at Edmund implying that he couldn't do anymore to prevent them of coming in. The expression on the clergy men so severe and frivolous made Edmund react instinctively. The man stood up immediately and blocked with his body Ardith's bed.

"What are the inquisitors doing here? You have nothing to do in this place!" Edmund stood up straight, on guard with his hand opened facing the sword's grip, ready to unleash the weapon if it was needed to protect Ardith's life.

"Sir Edmund Wigheard, is this the way the Church's authorities should be addressed? Such a disrespectful behavior surprises me, even more if it comes from the king's herald. You are meant to be king. I thought you were a little bit more wise... and polite." Monsignor Bodicelli stared at Edmund with an expression of false indignation as he extended his hand to the herald to be greeted as it was supposed to be. Meanwhile in the back, Inquisitor Gui and Monsignor Fredrick remained stoic, studying Edmund's every single movement and gestures. In the same way they were staring at the woman resting on the bed.

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