Chapter 24 Curses and Obligations

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Chapter 24 Curses and Obligations


Dawn broke over the Harz mountain range, announcing the the sun's first rays of light the arrival of a new day in the region of Saxony. Outside Lord Aelderic's room the birds perched on the tree branches sang, a soft but not soothing melody to the chaos unleashing inside the duke's chambers.

Leila sat by the edge of the bed wrapped in the white silky sheets weeping uncontrollably. With an empathic look, the Duke stared down at her, his massaging his temples not knowing what to do. The man wrapped himself in his robes to cover up his nakedness, but the terrible sin committed couldn't be hidden behind any clothes. It had only one name: fornication. The night before, Leila slid into the master's room to seduce him and there was nothing he could do to stop her. In fact he wasn't able, he didn't wanted, and desire overpowered him in the form of Leila's luscious silhouette. For the woman and her otherworldly charms it was so easy to bedazzle Lord Aelderic soon he was tangled in the silky thread of perdition the seductress weaved.

"Please don't cry my love", Lord Aelderic knelt on the floor, feeling remorseful and impotent after Leila's overreacting episode of puritanism. "it's not your fault. I'm the man here, hence I had to control my instincts. I was the one that succumbed into the temptation that is your candid nudity, your ethereal beauty... I understand you my dear, you only seemed for love and attention."

"No, I'm the only guilty here. I was shameless and imprudent to come into your bedroom and take my clothes off with such a lack of decency. I'm not that type of woman, you must believe me milord! I'm not a whore... The truth is that I've fallen in love with you Aelderic and I don't want want to lose you", Leila cupped the duke's face in her delicate hands, her moistened onyx eyes fixated on him.

Softened by Leila's feigned innocence, the lord cried with her. "I love you too. In such a short time I swear I've learned to love you... It is fine, look what had just happened between us..."

"What happened was wrong, it's a sin! Oh God, what will happen to me now? I was raped by three men... and I just gave myself to the man I love in a momentum that I should have avoided at all cost! What man is going to take seriously a woman who has been dishonored? Every man would abhor me... including you." She sobbed tightening the blankets wrapping her.

"Don't say that. Never!" The duke hugged her with tenderness. "You can't blame yourself for what those filthy thugs did to you. If God ever places them in front of me, I'll kill them with my own hands! Oh, my beloved you are an innocent angel, pure and harmless... And what happened between us last night... what happened, it's not your fault either. I am a mature and experienced man and I'm a man of honor. I told you we would get married and I'll keep my word. It's my duty to repair the damage I've done to you in making you my woman before we got married. I promise you that in three days we will husband and wife if that pleases you."

"Are you talking seriously? Please, don't  lie to me or my heart will chatter in pieces. Will I become your wife in three days?" Leila clung to the duke's body, looking like a child when promised of a toy.

"Of course I'm speaking the truth. I will never deceive you. Please, get ready. In a few hours we will go to the market to buy anything you need for the wedding. I'll tell the seamstress to work day and night to have your dress ready in three forthdays. This afternoon I'll send message to the Bishop will accelerate the delivery of invitations. Does that make you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy. This is like a dream came true. I... I can not believe I'll be your wife in only three days. I am the  happiest woman in the world!" Leila embraced and kissed the duke once more with exceeding passion.

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