Chapter 33 Herbs and Praying

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Chapter 33   Herbs and Praying

         A week had passed since that fatidic event in which Edmund stabbed himself to prove his love for Ardith and messages informing of the herald's situation were finally delivered to Wigmodia as well as to the king's castle. Such a great sacrifice done by Edmund resulted to be too extreme due to his delicate health condition.

Edmund's parents prepared in a hustle everything to leave to Harzburg immediately.  His mother, Carmilla was in great distress as a mother should be. When the messenger arrived with the note speaking of Edmund's precarious situation she threw herself on the floor and grieved. "No please God! Not my son Edmund! Oh God, why?" Edmund was her only son. She feared for his life when he was sent to battle to fight the supposedly Visigoth factions, but the anguish was more evident now that his life hung on a thin thread. It seemed that the Moirai  were gambling on his time left on Earth and Atropos was to give the final cut.

Immediately the Count of Wigmodia ordered his servants to set everything to leave in that instant. "Francesco, prepare the horses! We depart right away to Harzburg!"

While in Brandenburg, King Henry stood by the window in his room staring to the horizon and thinking. While his gaze got lost in the thickness of the forest a tear rolled down his face. The ruler was abashed by the news about the precarious health condition of the young man he loved as his own son, Edmund Wigheard. He feared for his like a father did. Only to think that Edmund could die was unbearable. The esteem and love the king felt was so immense that even though they didn't share the same blood, he had designated the young count as his herald and the only heir to the throne of Germany. Queen Cathalina couldn't bear him a child, so the determination had been taken a couple of years before. Edmund was a noble and wise young man and thus the King preferred the Count over his nephews or cousins to rule over the empire. Once the king dies, Edmund would be crowned as the rightful king of Germany.

"Guard! Give the order to prepare my chariots and escorts! We leave in this precise moment to Harzburg! Let know Sir Wallace and the notary. Tell them they'll come with me and that I need them to bring all the documents regarding to Lord Edmund as my heir. We leave in two hours!" The monarch commanded. "I only hope it is not needed."

In the Cuthberht mansion, Ardith helped to bathe Edmund. It was not usual to see a noble maiden assisting in the male's daily bath, even though they were wounded or sick, or even worst if he was the maid's fiancé. But in this case, Lord Aelderic permitted this acceding to his daughter's wishes of taking of Edmund herself due to the decayed of his state. She devoted to him day and night praying and taking care of him the best way she could. She hoped he would survive and so their love.
There was no shame in what she did because to honor the truth Ardith's eyes were not as virginal as his father believed. With every prayer she was determined to eradicate those sinful memories in the time when she gave herself to Leila, succumbing into that licentiousness and forbidden passion.

Ardith thank God everyday that hellish creature didn't exist anymore, but she knew her malign traces were still latent in her. There were so many things to overcome yet. First, Ardith's soul was corrupted and the way she saw the world now was totally different... It would never be the same definitely. She was not that candid and pure girl she was before, but the events made her spirits stronger and she was even more mature. Before she was weak and influenceable and because of her innocence and weakness, Ardith became an easy pray for Leila who effortlessly seduced her dragging her soul back and forth in and out of hell.

Everyone in the castle was in great danger since the moment Ardith carelessly brought that maleficent creature to the fortress. Orla died and so many others viciously killed by Leila and they're lives were lost forever. Then the inquisitors arrived to take her and to stop them, Edmund stabbed himself taking him to be facing death now.

Ardith shook her head trying to shake all those horrible events off her mind. Carefully, she began to wash Edmund's chest with a wet cloth. Caressing softly in a circular motion she cleaned his firm pectorals and she sighed. Her heart was breaking in pieces as she watched Edmund lying in that bed so deeply asleep. He looked like an angel... Her guardian angel.

A maid assisted the young duchess and both were dressing Edmund's torso with the bandages. Then they carefully placed him facing up once again. Fortunately, fever had ceased and the wound seemed to be healing properly but he was still in a delicate condition. He hadn't responded yet or waken up, Ardith prayed day and night and she had faith he will recover his health soon.

Very early in the morning, the duchess prepared the room where Edmund rested. Messages had been received that maybe that same afternoon the Counts of Wigmodia and King Henry would arrive to Harzburg. The bedroom should be crisp and clean for then so she helped the maids to mop the floors. The huge canopy bed sheets changed and new clean sheets had been placed as well as recently picked flowers were put in the vases.

By that time, as usual, Baron Ascili came to revise Edmund followed by Monsignor Rudrich. Those two had become permanent guests in the Cuthberht mansion. The first one to take care personally of the young man's health and the latter to make sure no pagan rites were taking place during the 'healing treatment'. Since all type of medicine was banned by the Church for more than a century passed, the priest was there to supervise and keep the healing process clear of any kind of sorcery. However, in this occasion, the church decided to stay in the shadows while the healer's intervention took place, in this case a renowned medic expert in the area and the procedures were allowed because of the delicate situation and who the sick person was. And since the tragedy was provoked by the Church itself and three of the higher ranked emissaries, they decided to wash their hands off for their own sake. It was better to put them together to pray instead. If Edmund Wigheard died their heads would be the ones to roll to then be hung in stakes in front of the King's palace, and with this, the immediate dissolution of the Sacred Roman-Germanic Empire.

Germany was the only religious-political bastion remaining outside of the Italian boundaries. It was an undeniable truth that the empire was falling to pieces like the skin of a leper. The King supported the church both monetary and with human resources. And if he lost his only heir to the throne because of the foolish intervention of the inquisitors, who arrived to Harzburg after something that the Church itself denied its existence, the results would be dreadful for the clerical orders established in Germany. It would be the end of the alliance for sure.

Baron Ascili removed the bandages to heal the wound applying some thick ointment, prepared on a base of thyme and sage. After the cloths were soaked in almond oil, Ascili covered the injure once again. The bishop observed the procedure with suspicion because the employ of some herbs associated to sorcery were prohibited. But by the way things were, it was better not to interfere. After the wound was properly cleaned and healed, the bandages were replaced for clean ones again.

Baron Ascili informed the duchess about Edmund's condition. "Milady Ardith, the wound has sealed well. The scar looks clean and shows the correspondent pink color. Fever has disappeared but he is still weak. I will send to prepare some herbs and teas and you can give them to him at noon." Saying that, the medic left the room and Bishop Rudrich began with his daily praying for the soon recovery of Edmund. He pleaded fervently. His head depended on God's answer.

Ardith entered the room carrying a tray with the steaming and aromatic herbal infusion. The young lady placed the silver tray over the bed side table and then she sat on the bed next to Edmund. She arranged the pillows to elevate Edmund's head so it was easier to give him the tea.

"Well, mi beloved Edmund, I need you to cooperate with me. You must take this infusion." Ardith tried to cool down the hot tea by blowing softly the liquid in spoon. Then she opened carefully his mouth and placed the spoon on his lower lip.

"My dear, it is hot!" Edmund woke up, reacting to the warmth of the liquid poured in his mouth.

Ardith jumped on her feet almost tumbling the trays and plates down. The spoon dropped to the floor though and she She covered her open mouth with her shaking hands. Edmund then opened his eyes slowly giving Ardith a faint smile.

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