Ch. 2

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Alastor sat in pain for moments before he heard that familiar voice again. "Hun? you're coming home soon, right?" Alastor looked over at the radio that was once playing music and is now playing the voice of his mother. His dear mother. "Where are you off to?" Alastor tried to ignore the radio, he tried so hard. Covering his ears, shaking his head, "hunny?" Stop it, stop! 

Lucifer watched Alastor panic. This was unlike Alastor. Or unlike the Alastor that he knew. He watched Alastor look up at the radio on the table, The radio that was playing old human music. Though he was confused as to why this music was causing Alastor's distress, he decided to get rid of it, hoping it would make Alastor feel better. Lucifer snapped and watched the radio disappear. He then sat on the floor and placed his hand on Alastor's shoulder, his heart beating out of his chest out of worry for the deer.

Is the radio gone? Lucifer? Alastor jerked his head around to the hand on his shoulder.

"You still think you can handle this on your own?" Lucifer asked, sincerity behind his voice. Alastor shot him a glare, but Lucifer's question still stood. The hand now left his shoulder as Lucifer stepped back

"I said I can handle myself!" Alastor struggled to stand, using the nearby table for support. He growled as he stood straight, his hand still tight around his chest. Lucifer couldn't help but blush at the growl but roll his eyes at the pride of the deer

"Wow, you're right! you're doing so well!" Lucifer crossed his arms and watched the man grumble in pain. Before glaring at Lucifer, then adjusting his coat, with only one hand. Lucifer's smug grin faded. He could see the genuine pain behind that sadistic smile

"Oh shut up," Alastor said, a flicker of anger in his eyes.

"Fine, if you want to keep this up, be my guest." Lucifer walked toward the door of the room, leaving Alastor alone, before glancing back at him. Alastor coughed into his hand. When he pulled away, there was a pool of blood on his palm. Lucifer couldn't ignore this anymore he stomped toward the man

"Alastor, you're not fine, and I'm not going to keep sitting around acting like you are." Lucifer grabbed Alastor's waist 

"Leave me alone!" Alastor yelled, refusing to admit his weakness, but he couldn't hide the pain that was on his face

"You're coughing up blood, I'm not leaving you alone." Lucifer him to the chair in the middle of the room. He placed him down and snapped his fingers, and Alastor's wound was cleared

"You could do that the whole time!" Alastor shouted, standing from his chair, his neck twisting in a disgusting way, his pupils dilating, eye whites turning black and his smile growing

"You told me you didn't want my help!" Lucifer retorted, throwing his hands out angrily, not an inch of fear on his face. Alastor backed down, turning back to his normal self.

"You're right," Alastor said quietly, Lucifer looked over at Alastor, confusion in his face. For once, Alastor admitted defeat. Something that Lucifer never thought would happen. And here he was. Alastor flopped down onto the chair by the fire and gestured to the seat across from him. Lucifer took a seat, and the two sat watching the fire in silence

"Are you okay?" Lucifer asked, focused on the melancholy male. The emptiness in Alastor's eyes as he watched the fire, fiddling his fingers

"I'm -" Alastor started, only to be cut off by a knock on the door. Alastor snapped, and the door swung open to Charlie smiling widely

"Sorry to bother, but we're getting ready to start the trust exercise Vaggie and I worked on! are you two joining us?" Lucifer looked up at Alastor, who was now towering over him, cane in hand. From his angle, Lucifer couldn't see anything but his neck, jaw, and the sweat gleaming off of him.

"Indeed! we would love to join you!" Alastor walked past Lucifer, and the swaying of his coat sent Alastor's natural musk right into Lucifer's face. Lucifer took it in before realizing he probably looked stupid. He jumped out of his seat and ran after charlie and Alastor, who had made it pretty far down the hall without him. He finally caught up, and he followed shortly behind

"What are we doing, charlie?" Lucifer asked

"We're doing what I call, the pretzel! it involves us forming a circle, grabbing random hands, and untangling ourselves without breaking our hold, using communication and teamwork to get free! Alastor, you can sit this one out if you want. " Lucifer was confused. Why would he get to sit the activity out? 

"Nonsense dear! I do love a good bonding exercise!" Alastor said, more chipper than ever, as if he wasn't just nearly dying on the floor in his room just minutes ago. Lucifer did admire his dedication. The group finally made it to the living room where everyone had already stood in a circle. Cherri, Angel, Niffty, Husk.

"Took ya long enough!" Cherri shouted. The three joined the circle, and everyone grabbed each others hands, making it as tangled as they could.

"Okay! I have Vaggie and Alastor!" Charlie said. Everyone looked at their hands, and that's when Lucifer realized he had a hold of Alastor. His face flushed a deep red, but he tried to hide it. He didn't need anyone questioning him. Everyone made their best efforts to untangle themselves, everyone but Alastor, who stood with a rather bored looking smile. Angel was walking over arms. Lucifer was ducking under arms, and Charlie was directing people, but he was standing completely still. Until the circle was nearly complete. 

"Okay, work with me here! I need your left side, Alastor!" Lucifer was too short to jump over Alastor's outstretched arm, and Alastor was too stubborn to step over Lucifer's arm

"Hmm, looks like you'll have to find a better way over!" Alastor said with a chuckle, clearly amused by the king's small stature. Lucifer sighed and tried to gauge how high his jump would need to be to make it over. And with no hesitation, he leaped. 

But his foot clipped Alastor's arm, and the two of them hit the floor with a thud.

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