Ch. 13

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Their kiss lasted longer than Lucifer thought it would've. Their tongues intertwined, bodies so close. Lucifer placed his hand on Alastor's cheek. Making Alastor pull away

"This is so unlike you," Lucifer said through heavy breaths, Their eyes colliding.

"I know," Alastor spoke. Retracting his tentacles. His hands now held Lucifers tiny waist tight.

"So, why are you doing all of this?" Lucifer asked, his hands held Alastor's cheeks

"I don't know. You make me feel so different." Alastor sounded so genuine."I like it," Alastor growled. Lucifer smirked, and the two got back to kissing. Alastor gripping Lucifers waist, Lucifer on his tippy toes.

Lucifer ran his one hand down Alastor's neck and down to his coat buttons. He slowly started to unbutton Alastor's coat, pulling it off once it was fully unbuttoned. He then untucked Alastor's undershirt, and he slid his hands under it and up to the males chest. Sliding his fingers along the scar that covered the majority of his upper half. Alastor's breathing stopped, and he once again pulled away from Lucifer. Their eyes met, and all of a sudden, Lucifer was picked up and placed onto the bed behind them. Alastor on all fours, breathing heavily above him.

"Woah, big guy," Lucifer said. He watched Alastor's face go red, and his ears pin back.

Lucifer slipped his hands back under alastors shirt, watching the deers face grow darker and darker as he tickled Alastor's warm torso. Alastor sat up on his knees. Lucifer pulled his hands out of Alastor's shirt, and he moved onto the buttons. He unbuttoned it, watching as Alastor's breath stopped momentarily with every button that got taken off. Finally, the shirt was off. Alastor sat shirtless above the king. He felt so out of control. His body was tense, and yet, it was such a good feeling.

Lucifer took his own coat and shirt off, Alastor trying desperately to regain his composure. Though, once he saw the blondes body, his stomach sunk. He didn't know what he was feeling, but he knew he loved it. Alastor bent down, his face mere inches from Lucifer's. He then moved down and started licking Lucifer's shoulder, only to then softly bite Lucifer. Lucifer let out a soft moan, making Alastor panic, Alastor pulled away, sitting up with his ears perked up. Lucifer chuckled a bit

"Did you see a ghost, tough guy?" Lucifer grabbed Alastor's waist. Alastor didn't respond, but he glanced down. Lucifer followed the demons eyes, and once he was low enough, he covered his blushing face. Alastor was hard.

"What is it!" Alastor panicked. Grabbing at his ears

"It, you," lucifer laughed lightly. "You're aroused, Alastor," the blonde continued laughing through his hand that cupped his mouth

"Aroused? This is what, sexual attraction feels like?" Lucifer removed his hand from his mouth. He couldn't believe it. Alastor wasn't confused about feeling those feelings toward him. He didn't even question being sexually attracted to him.

"Yeah," Lucifer let out a soft chuckle. "we can stop if that is what you want. No pressure, " he said

"I want to continue. If this is what it feels like to be, sexually attracted to someone, then I want to explore it some more. " Lucifer nodded at the deer

"Okay, safe word will be," Lucifer started

"Apples" Alastor finished the sentence

"Why that?" Lucifer questioned. Alastor didn't respond.

Instead, Alastor bent down and went back to licking Lucifer's neck. His tongue glided across the males skin. He found a spot, and he bit lightly. Lucifer's back arched a bit at the sensation. Alastor bit down until he could feel blood, and he took a small taste

"You dick. Don't drink my blood. " Lucifer slapped Alastor's cheek softly. Alastor bit harder drawing a bit more blood. When he pulled off, Lucifer's golden blood was smeared across his chin "You're so sexy like this" Lucifer joked, Alastor's smile grew a bit "now its my turn" Lucifer grabbed Alastor and he flipped the male over onto his back. Lucifer now straddling him

He ran his hands down Alastor's sides, making the deer squirm under his touch. He made his way to Alastor's pants, and he slowly pulled them down. Watching Alastor's face turn from excited to extremely nervous the lower his pants got. Lucifer continued pulling until the pants were off. He moved down until his face was now inches away from the bulge in Alastor's boxers

"We can start off slow," Lucifer said. Placing his hand on Alastor's bulge

"Okay," Alastor whispered before letting out a breathy moan. Lucifer's face got a dark red at the sound of the demons pleasure.

He started to rub the bulge, Alastor's hands gripping the sheets, his back arching ever so slightly and his eyes rolling. He hadn't felt anything like this in his life. He wasn't one to even touch himself like this. So it was all so new. He let out soft moans as lucifer continued. Soon, the feeling stopped, and Lucifer was pulling down Alastor's boxers. He pulled, until Alastor's throbbing cock, nearly hit him in the face. Alastor groaned, and Lucifer growled at the sight. He placed his tongue on the tip, and Alastor's hips bucked aggressively.

"Woah, I haven't even started yet" Lucifer said, placing his mouth over the tip. Alasotr's hips bucked again, this time sending his cock directly into Lucifer's throat. Lucifer pulled away, coughing "Okay, okay, don't kill me!" Alastor couldn't even say anything, he just needed that feeling back.

Lucifer slid his mouth on slowly. This time, he expected Alastor's thrust, but it never happened. Instead, he was able to start sucking. Alastor's back arched in pleasure, soft moans escaping his lips making Lucifer harder than a rock. Alastor's body tensed up, and Lucifer could tell climax was near. But before that could happen, Alastor grabbed the kings hair, and he pulled him off.

"What?!" Lucifer shouted

"What was that feeling!" Alastor panicked, for a second time

"You mean this?" Lucifer put his mouth back over Alastor's tip, making Alastor moan and yet again reach for the kings hair

"You're getting close to cumming, uh, I mean climax?" Lucifer said uncertain

"So I'm going to, finish?" Alastor said confused

"Yes, now let me help you out" Lucifer put his mouth back over Alastor's tip, and he slowly hobbed up and down, listening to the soft groans the male as he got close. Alastor reached down, and he gripped the kings blonde hair tight, his back arched, his legs tensed, and his cock throbbed inside of Lucifer's mouth, Lucifer pulled off and some cum landed on Alastor's belly

"What is that!" Lucifer swallowed what was in his mouth and he looked down

"That's cum Alastor. Jeez you really are sexually deprived" Lucifer licked up the last bit of cum, and he pulled himself up, nuzzling his face in Alastor's chest

"You didn't" Alastor started

"I know, but this was about your first time. I've had sex many times" Lucifer shrugged it off. Alastor looked down at the blonde that was laying on top of him. He smiled, and cuddled the male closer to him

"I'll make it up" Alastor whispered. Rolling him and Lucifer over to cuddle better. They lay in bed silently, nothing but heavy breathing between them

Alastors mind, however. Wasn't so silent


AHH, I feel like this is horribly written and a bit rushed but, I hope you guys enjoy!!

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