Ch. 20

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Alastor stood on the balcony that was above the lobby, watching everyone prepare for battle. This was the second time he's done this in the last two months. He could feel history repeating itself. He watched Charlie and Vaggie talk, Husk and Angel hug and kiss, And Cherri stare at the picture of sir Pentious on the wall. Adam and Lilith were speaking and Lucifer was drinking at the bar while speaking to Nifty and Mimzy. Alastor was going to do whatever it took to protect the hotel with his life.

"Okay everyone! Gather around" Charlie shouted. Alastor used his shadow to travel over to the group, ready to listen

"I know we've already done this once, but I want to thank everyone for being here. Thank you to the cannibals, and Rosie. Thank you to all the patrons of this hotel, and thank you to my mom, Mimzy and Adam for being here to help. All of you mean so much to me. Those angels will be here in less than an hour and we must be ready. I know all of you can do this" Charlie said, tears in her eyes. Everyone cheered and chanted, all but Alastor. He knew now that he had all his power back he was stronger than ever. But he felt, weak.

"Alastor?" Lucifer grabbed Alastor's shoulder. The deer turned around looking at Lucifer, the pair maintained eye contact before Alastor leaned in giving Lucifer a kiss. Lucifer pulled away giving Alastor a tight hug

"I love you" Alastor said softly

"I love you too, we'll get through this" Lucifer replied

"I hope-" Alastor was cut off

"THEY'RE HERE EARLY!" Vaggie shouted. Everyone prepared to fight, no one was ready. Alastor and Lucifer both used their powers to make a shield covering the hotel. Everyone ran outside watching the angels attack the shields

"THIS IS IT GUYS!" Charlie yelled "GET READY" everyone stood guard. Alastor used his tendrils to attack angels before they broke through his shield.

Once the angels were through the shield, Lucifer's shield was the only one still standing. It held up pretty good against the angels but it was soon damaged and the angels came flooding in. Everyone fought valiantly, angels falling from the sky, and cannibals dying below. Alastor used his tendrils to attack and Lucifer used his magic. No one had seen Lute yet.

"Watch out charlie!" Lucifer shouted, he flew toward Charlie and he attacked the angel about to hurt Charlie. He punched the angel into the ground, before using his magic to kill the angel.

Angel jumped around, shooting angels out of the sky. Husk flying around with his playing cards. And Adam with his guitar

"I'm going to the roof, I need to find that Lute" Alastor told Lucifer and Charlie. The pair nodded and off Alastor was to the roof. He made his way up and when he arrived he searched the sky for lute. And still nothing. He watched the angels fly down until finally he saw something. A ball of grey flying toward the roof of the hotel. The ball landed on the top of the hotel with a blast of smoke

"Well if it isn't the coward that fled from Adam during the battle. Brave enough to show your face again?" Lute flew out of the smoke cloud she created

"Lute is it? re-"

"Oh shut your fucking mouth. I don't want to hear your bullshit. Where is the little girl that killed Adam!" Lute yelled, stepping closer to Alastor, her spear held to his face

"Well, if-" Lute drew her spear closer to Alastor, placing the tip on his chest

"No smart remarks, tell me. NOW!" Alastor held his hands up, as if to say he was submitting to her. As she lowered her weapon Alastor used his tentacles to shove lute off the roof, watching her hit the ground below with force. Everyone below jumped out of the way. Alastor shadow traveled to where lute hit the ground and he stood over her

"As a trained soldier I would think you could-" Lute jumped up from the ground wrapping her hands around Alastor's neck, holding him up. She looked at him with nothing but anger in her eyes

"You asshole! tell me where that little girl is. now!" Alastor shook his head, even without his breath he wasn't giving up where nifty was. Just as he was about to take his last breath, lute dropped him to the ground. He watched her fly into the hotel out of sight

"Alastor! are you okay?!" Lucifer flew over to Alastor, who was on his knees catching his breath

"I'm okay" Alastor breathed heavily. "But nifty" He pointed out, Charlie ran over and with a nod she ran into the hotel after lute. Alastor stood to his feet, shaking.

"I'll go with Charlie" Lucifer said, Alastor shook his head

"No, You need to protect everyone out here. Charlie and I can handle Lute alone" Alastor said, Lucifer nodded and Alastor ran off into the hotel, listening to nifty's shouting. He ran toward the screams and he found Lute and Charlie fighting

"Alastor!" Nifty called out, Alastor used his tendrils to grab Lute and throw her out of the way. He ran over and picked up nifty in his arms, he held her tight while Charlie dealt with lute. Lute struggled to stand up off the ground.

"You can't stop me from doing this!" Lute yelled, Charlie stood above lute staring at her with anger in her eyes.

"Alastor! go!" Charlie pointed at the door. Alastor nodded and he ran out of the room, and out to the battlefield. He placed Nifty down on the ground and told her to run and hide. Nifty nodded and ran toward husk, hiding behind his legs. Alastor watched the chaos around him, fear consumed him. He couldn't believe how many angels there were. How many people were dying around him "Alastor!" Charlie ran out from behind Alastor.

Alastor turned his head around, looking back at Charlie who grabbed her mouth in shock. Everyone on the battlefield froze, even the angels. Alastor grabbed his heart, where he felt a shooting pain. He felt a prick on his palm and when he looked down lutes spear was poking through his heart. He felt weak in his knees and without a word, he hit the ground

"Lute! What the fuck!?" Adam stood forward. Lucifer stopped attacking an angel and he focused his attention on the group

"Sir?!" Lute landed on the ground, letting go of her spear. Lucifer looked over at Alastor, and as soon as he did he dropped everything

"ALASTOR!" Lucifer flew over, picking Alastor up off the ground. He held Alastor in his arms. "YOU BASTARD, ILL KILL YOU. Ill kill you!" Lucifer fell to the ground, Alastor tight in his grip. He looked down at the blood soaked chest of Alastor. Lute looked at her hands, then back up to Alastor

"Get the fuck out of here!" Adam pointed at lute

"But sir! I was just trying to avenge you!" Lute defended herself

"Well its not what I wanted! Get the fuck out of here and go home! and you tell Sera, Adam said call off all the exorcists! GO!" Lute cried, looking at her hands. She jumped up and she flew off into the sky, the rest of the exorcists following.

"You'll be okay! it'll be okay!" Lucifer snapped his fingers, trying to heal Alastor. "Right?! it'll be okay!" Lucifer looked at everyone for help. Charlie walked over and she kneeled beside her dad.

"Dad" Charlie cried, she rubbed her dads back and she fell into his shoulder

"Lucifer?" Alastor squeezed out, he looked at Lucifer's eyes "Guess this is goodbye"

"No, this isn't goodbye! you're going to be okay! I'll heal you!" Lucifer snapped again "Why won't it work!" He snapped his fingers over and over, watching his magic spark. "Please!"

"Can you smile for me? I want to see that handsome smile of yours one last time" Alastor grabbed Lucifer's face, Lucifer smiled softly but it immediately slipped away into tears. Lucifer held Alastor close, hearing his breath "I love you" Alastor breathed one last time, and then it stopped.

"I love you too" Lucifer replied "Alastor?" His voice sounded more frantic "Alastor!" He cried into Alastor's shoulder. Everyone else started crying as well, Mimzy and nifty holding each other tight. Charlie hugging her dad. Husk holding angel.

"I'll miss you"


This was a fun chapter to write, it is also the longest one in the book by far! 1400 words. Crazy I know. Please let me know how the grammar is in this one. I feel like it's not the best. Hope you enjoy it!

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