Ch. 5

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"You're thanking me? why?" Lucifer made his way to the fire, and he took a seat. Taking in the view before him

"Yes. It seems I am. I appreciate you ruining that billboard. But why did you do it?" Alastor took a puff off of his smoke. He glanced over at Lucifer, who was staring rather intently. Their eyes met, and Lucifer looked away quickly. Alastor's smile felt so real. One he wasn't forced to wear.

"I uh. It was. I did it because, I didn't want you to see it" He paused, realizing he sounded so weird for saying that, but he wasn't done "Because I know how you are, you like to uphold this stupid facade. 'I'm bigger and better than everyone' When you and I both know you're not. You even have the guts to talk down to me like I'm not the strongest being in hell. I admire you for that, and I know how much your reputation means to you. I didn't want to see you hurt again. Once was enough. " Lucifer could feel his breathing stop as he looked over at the male across from him. He half expected to see glaring eyes, but instead, he was met with enlarged pupils

"I think you need to leave," Alastor said. Lucifer was confused. He thought he had done the right thing. Didn't he? He noticed Alastor put his cigarette down in the ashtray.

"Why? I thought we were having a nice talk. " Lucifer got out of his chair. Their eyes collided again, and this time, those pupils were even bigger. How could one just get lost in them

"Please, I need time to think." Alastor grabbed his chest, and his breathing got heavy. His face was deep red, and those eyes of his. Lucifer couldn't tell what was happening, but it was clear the radio demon was going through something. Lucifer gently nodded

"Okay, I'll go. I'm leaving. " Lucifer held his hands out, and he backed away slowly out of the room. When he was out, he stood staring at the closed door before him. What the hell just happened?

Alastor got out of his chair, and he paced his room, back and forth. What the hell is this feeling? what is going on? his heart was pounding faster than ever, his face was hot, his body was shaky, and he felt like running a marathon. Worst of all, he had a weird sinking feeling in his stomach. Was he dying? why did he feel this way? why was he so happy? he appreciated Lucifer's help, but there was more than appreciation. There was something else. He felt like Lucifer understood him. He hated this feeling. He hated it so much. But he wanted more of it. It was almost like it was an addiction. He walked over to his bed and took a seat. So many things happened all in one day. He needed a rest, or four. He snapped his fingers, and his radio flicked on, playing his favorite earth station. He changed his clothes and he laid in bed. His mind was racing. He couldn't understand what he was feeling. And he wanted to, so bad.


The next morning had come around, and Alastor had a headache. Something he hadn't had since he was alive. He groggily made his way out of bed and to the bathroom for a nice hot shower. He started the water, stepped in, and took in the warmth. He did love a nice hot shower. When he was done up, he walked over and dressed himself up to his waist. He paused to look in the mirror for a moment, tracing the scar along his chest. It was deep and dark, very detailed. To think he was going to let it heal on its own. He sighed and fully dressed himself before making his way out of his room and down to the bar where Husker was half asleep

"Husker, my good man, I'm not asleep on the job, are we!" Husk shot up and gave Alastor a rather annoyed looking stare

"Now I ain't." Husk walked over and grabbed a bottle of rye, and he took a swig, Alastor watched the kitty indulge in his bad habits. It seemed like it was just him and Husk in the hotel this morning.

"Where is everyone, Husker?" Alastor said, grabbing his cane to admire it

"Well, Charlie and Vaggie are off doing some charity work thing. Angel and Cherri are out shopping for valentines Day. Niffty is killing bugs somewhere, and I haven't seen the king yet. " Husk took another swig of rye, and he went back to leaning on the bar counter

"Valentines Day. Oh, I remember valentines Day of 1927, Mimzy and I had such a good night on the town. She got so drunk that she fell in a trash can. Ah, memories. " Alastor placed his head in his hands, pondering about life

"You and Mimzy were together when you were alive?" Husker perked up

"Ah heavens no! She always said men were too much for her, and I just never found the right person for me. Love wasn't my thing. So every valentines day, we would go out and make fun of all the couples we saw. Oh, what a hoot she was!" He chuckled, a little bit of his real voice shining through. he had almost forgotten about valentines day, he hadn't thought of it for years. Though he was glad it made its way into hell.

"Wow, you are sad." A familiar, sleepy voice came from behind Alastor. He turned and coming down the stairs was Lucifer. Rubbing his tired eyes, henever went on a real date for valentines, huh? must suck. " Lucifer chuckled as he made his way down to the bar. Alastor could feel his heart stop momentarily when Lucifer looked at him.

"Haha! and I suppose you know so much about love yourself, considering your wife is strangely absent this valentines. " Lucifer felt his hand hit his mouth at lightning speed

"Don't talk about her like that!" Lucifer slammed his hands down onto the bar, causing Alastor to look at them. That's when he noticed Lucifer's wedding ring was not on his finger.

"Hmm, too late, already did!" Alastor joked. He took a good look at his own fingers, checking his nails

"Very funny radio man" The bar then got eerily silent, no one was speaking and the only thing that could be heard was Alastor's radio effect every time he took a breath "How do you even-"

"Were back mothafuckas!" Angel burst through the door with shopping bags in his hands, Cherri shortly behind, her own bags in hand."Hey smiles, I got something for ya!" Angel ran over, and he pulled out a black and red box from one of the bags. He held it up, and Alastor carefully took it

"What is this?" He asked, uncertain of why Angel would buy him something

"Oh nothing, just try it on and come find me, I wanna see how cute ya are!" Angel shoved the demon who nodded and found himself up in his room with a burgundy blazer, over a red pinstripe vest, a small black and red bow tie, and matching black undershirt and dress pants. He sighed and opened his door to Angel, standing there with a smile plastered on his face. "Look at you nice and fancy! do ya like it!" Alastor chuckled and nodded. He did actually like it

"It's very nice indeed, now what's this for?" Alastor asked, taking a look at the sleeves on the blazer

"Valentines Day, I figured you could use something other than that tattered old suit you usually wear." Angel smiled, giving Alastor a small wink

"I'm not celebrating this year, I don't ever celebrate." Alastor looked up at Angel, who was flattening out Alastor's suit for him

"Well, maybe this year, things can change. I'm sure there's some, pretty woman, or handsome man out there for you. At least give it a shot. It won't kill you toots, " Angel giggled before walking down the hall

Maybe he should give this year a try. But with whom?

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