Ch. 14

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WARNING There are a few words used offensively against the LGBTQ community and mention of abuse!!

I'm super sorry for the late uploads, I have been busy dealing with some things lately but I'll try going back to daily chapters as soon as I can!


Alastor lay in silence for a while, petting Lucifer's back as he stared over at the fire pit. A million thoughts running through his head. he stopped rubbing Lucifer's back, and the blonde grunted then rolled over to the opposite side of the bed. Alastor watched the boy get comfy, before he decided to get up. Alastor put on some boxers and shorts. He walked his way over to the chairs by the fire and he lit a smoke. His favourite way to ease his mind was smoking by the fire

What have I done? mother I am so sorry. I have sinned in so many ways. He glanced over at the male in his bed then back to the fire. During his time, the roaring 20's men and women were only just starting to come out, and be more open about their sexuality. But among his family, the gays were seen as monsters. And here he was, being, gay.

Alastor's mom tried for years, to get him with women all through the city. Lovely women. He remembers an amazing lady named Mary, his mom had told him about. He decided to ask her on a date, he was nothing but kind and respectful to her. And she, well she was the same to him. But, when she leaned in to kiss him after dinner, he politely refused. Making Mary cry. He tried so many times to make dates work out, but they always ended with the woman either slapping him, crying, or ignoring him. Because he didn't feel the same way

But he remembers one, instance where he felt something he couldn't describe. In his last year alive, he remembers going out for valentines with Mimzy, the pair making quite the splash out on the town. Toward the end of the night, as Alastor held Mimzy's hair back while she threw up in a bin. A tall male had passed by, catching Alastor's eye. A man he couldn't take his eyes off. 

Was he perhaps, attracted to only men and not women? he shook his head, crazy talk. He was simply just attracted to Lucifer, yes that was it. But why? why him. He thought, looking back at the king, wrapped tightly in the covers. And why did he feel so guilty? Anytime he showed affection to Lucifer, his mind was always so full of thoughts. He felt, disgusting but he loved the feeling of being near Lucifer.

He couldn't place his finger on it. He felt something when with the king, when kissing him, when they were having fun in bed, when he saved his life in the fire. But why did he hate it so. He sighed, finishing up his smoke. He put it out, and he made his way back to bed. He slipped under the covers, and he faced away from Lucifer. Unable to look at him

"Where did you go off to?" Lucifer startled Alastor, the king's breath hot on the back of his neck

"Just had to use the washroom" Alastor replied, feeling Lucifer's arm wrap around his waist

"You smell like smoke, you were sitting by the fire weren't you?" Lucifer questioned, snuggling into Alastor's warm back

"Yes, how did you know" Alastor said quietly

"You always smoke when you're sitting by the fire. I see these things you know?" Lucifer yawned "what's going on? look at me" Lucifer whispered in Alastor's ear. Alastor sighed, rolling over to face Lucifer

"Nothing. I just feel so, strange about us" Alastor looked deep into Lucifer's eyes. Lucifer pulled back a bit

"Was it the blow- me sucking y-" Lucifer couldn't find the words

"All of it. I feel strange for being with a male, in my family being homosexual was seen as wrong. My mother, was the only person who saw them as normal. But my father, taught me it was incorrect to love the same gender. I was never attracted to women, I respected them as I was told but I never liked them in that way. But when I was on my last year alive I remember being infatuated with a male I had seen. I think, I am homosexual. Gay" He huffed "but I feel disgusting for saying that" He said softly, his voice cracking. Lucifer's face was stunned, but also sincere. The king pulled Alastor in for a tight hug

"You don't have to follow his footsteps. Being gay is not wrong, you're not disgusting. You're amazing, and perfect, I love you for who you are Alastor" Lucifer said sadly

"I love you too" Lucifer pushed Alastor out of the hug, and he looked him in the eyes

"Did you just?" Lucifer smiled, his heart racing "you just told me you love me" Lucifer couldn't contain his excitement and he aggressively shook Alastor around the bed

"I dO lOvE yOu" Alastor's voice shaking from Lucifer throwing him around. Lucifer stopped shaking Alastor

"whatever happens, promise me well make it through" Lucifer said as he looked into Alastor's red eyes

"Is this because of-" Alastor was cut off

"Lilith? yeah. When things got rough, she left. Left me, left Charlie, left her home. I don't want that to happen again" Alastor nodded

"I promise" the two hugged tight, Lucifer with tears in his eyes. Alastor's mind, suddenly, wasn't so loud anymore. Safe, accepted, and loved. he hadn't felt safe like this since he last saw his mother. The two cuddled, both of them drifting off to sleep


1910 - 10 years old

"Look at that! disgusting! men should not be holding hands in public. Don't act like them Alastor my boy, those are not men, Hoodlums!" Alastor's father pointed at a gay couple holding hands

"Oh don't say that Eddie!" Alastor's mom hit her husband across the head "Listen here, you be whoever you want to be sweetie, don't let anyone tell you who to be!" She grabbed Alastor's cheeks, squeezing them


1916 - 16 years old

"Don't tell my son it's okay to be a filthy queer! I did not raise a gay son! and will not tolerate one!" Alastor held his legs tight to his chest in his bed, his tears streaming

"He is my son as well! and they aren't filthy Edward! They're human too! He can be who he wants to be!" His mom yelled back. Then, there was a loud crash. Alastor let out a soft cry

"Don't ever talk to me like that again!" Eddie shouted, Alastor covered his ears to drown out the sounds


1925 - 25 years old

"Don't touch her!" Alastor jumped in front of his mother. His fathers hand met his face. Alastor hit the floor

"What are you doing boy! this doesn't involve you!" Alastor stood to his feet, holding his now swollen face

"Yes it does" He spat


1932 - 32 years old

"Where are you off to?" Alastor's mom asked, as Alastor put his shoes on "Hun? You're coming home soon, right?" She said

"Yes mother, I'll be back home as soon as I can be" Alastor put his coat on, and he leaned in to hug his mom


1933 - 33 years old

"You piece of shit. Finally got what you deserved" Alastor whispered as he threw dirt over the hole he dug up. BANG! His body went limp and he hit the ground

"Go get em boys!" A man's voice shouted from the distance, barking echoing in Alastor's ears as his vision slipped away from him. Severe pain tearing at his limbs.


This chapter was a bit longer than usual! I am starting on another book, a prequel to this one, Alastor's life when he was alive! Let me know if you guys are interested in that!

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