Ch. 6

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Alastor made his way down the hall quietly. Still in his outfit. Thinking about who he would take out for valentines Day. What he would do. Maybe he should take Rosie out? As good friends? Or Mimzy? So they can get up to their old antics again? No, they weren't exactly the right idea of a valentines date. Alastor couldn't stand the idea of romance or what someone would even do on valentines Day. He started to make himself dizzy from all the thinking, so he snapped himself out of his own mind, and he made his way to the hotel lobby and down to the bar where Lucifer was still sitting

"Wow! Looking sharp radio, " Lucifer said, taking in Alastor's outfit. The colors matched so well. He smiled and blushed at the dapper deer. "Spider legs got you that? It's nice. What's the occasion?" Lucifer joked

"Valentines Day. If you must know, " Lucifer's rosy cheeks went pale. Alastor had a valentines date? And he didn't say anything? Why did he care so much? Oh, forget it, he knew why.

"Who are you going with?"  Lucifer asked, hoping that Alastor hadn't chosen a date yet

"I haven't chosen yet. I may have a few people in mind. " Alastor looked at the shorter male.

"Sucks, another lonely valentines huh?" Lucifer tried to joke around

"Hmm, strange. I still don't see a wife anywhere. Is she perhaps invisible?" Alastor retorted. Lucifer hated Alastor. But that hate turned into tension.

"I told you not to talk about her like that." Lucifer stood up, staring up at Alastor. His sharp jawline looks more attractive than ever from below

"That hand is looking rather empty. I figured you no longer cared. Shame, really. I may have chosen you for my valentines. " Alastor booped Lucifer's nose before walking off to the elevator. Lucifer could feel his eyes rolling. Until he realized what was said. Alastor had him in mind for his valentines?

Alastor made his way up to his radio tower, and he sat down in his spinny chair. He looked around at his control panel, then to the walls that were lined with different items. Old radios, deer antlers, and a few old timey clocks. He sighed. It had been a while since he broadcasted anything. He flicked his on the air sign on, and he started talking about how sorry he was to not have broadcasted in some time. Then he put his favourite earth tracks on, and he let himself relax to the sound of the music. 


Hours had gone by, and Alastor was finally finishing up his broadcast. He said goodbye, and he flicked everything off. He took one last look at his tower before stepping out and heading down the hall. What was he going to do, valentines Day was tomorrow, and he hadn't even asked anyone yet. he walked down the hall slowly, making his way down to his room where charlie was placing something down. A box.

"Charlie dear! What's this?" He walked up to charlie, and he tapped the box with his cane before planting it firmly into the ground

"Oh, Al! I'm not actually sure. Dad grabbed it from outside on the doorstep. It's addressed to you. I knew you were busy in your tower, so i decided to leave it here, " Charlie said, picking up the package to hand it to Alastor."Two gifts in one day, look at you, Mr. popular. " She chuckled before cheerily walking away

Alastor stared at the box for a while before entering his room. He walked to the fire, took a seat, and placed the box on the table. He re lit his cigarette from last night, and he stared blankly at the box. Worried about what may be in it, after all. he wasn't one to receive packages. He puffed on his smoke for a while until he finally decided it was time to open it. He grabbed the box and untied the bow. He pulled it open, and sitting inside was a duck? a red duck. With a cane and antlers. It was him as a duck.

"Creepy," he muttered to himself as he grabbed the duck out. He admired the duck for a few more seconds, wondering just who could've sent this to him. Under the duck was a letter. He pulled it out, and he read it, hoping it might tell him who sent it

"Dear, radio demon. I made this for you, hand crafted. I wanted to say that I truly appreciate and care for you. Though it may not seem that way on the outside, your opinions, ways of life, and actions. Inspire me, and make me happier than anyone has ever made me before. thank you for being who you are. " No name. Nothing, he was going crazy over this. He just wanted to know who it was, who sent him this stupid duck. He placed the duck down, picked his smoke back up, and there was a knock. What was with people coming to his room so late? He snapped, and the door opened, Lucifer standing with a goofy smile and some ugly suit that looked, similar to his. Alastor chuckled at the outfit, but the king didn't seem to mind. The king walked in, snapped his fingers, and popped a piece of paper into Alastor's hands. A music sheet? for piano? 

"What exactly are you doing?" Alastor put his smoke out, and he stood up. He walked over to his piano, and he placed the sheet music down on the stand

"Nothing, just play the piano." Alastor rolled his eyes and started working out how to play this song. It was one he had never heard before. He started to play the notes, and Lucifer swiftly joined in by singing.

"I don't want to set the world on fire! I just want to start, a flame in your heart!" Alastor looked over at the king, whose face was a deep red color. "In my heart, I have but one desire! and that one is you, no other will do! I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim! I just want to be the one yo love! And with your admission, you feel the same! I have reached the goal I'm dreaming of, believe me!" Lucifer stopped for a moment to breathe before continuing up again

"I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to start, a flame in your heart." Lucifer finished singing, and he took a few deep breaths. Alastor kept his eyes on the piano below him, his heart was racing and his face was red again, why? what was this feeling? he grabbed his heart again. Lucifer placed his hand on Alastor's shoulder

"Alastor?" Alastor looked back at the king, whose race was nearly as red as his hair

"What, is this feeling? why am i feeling this way?" Alastor asked, terror on his face. Lucifer giggled a bit

"You don't know what you're feeling? what does it feel like exactly?" Lucifer sat on the piano bench beside Alastor, his hand now rubbing Alastor's back

"It feels strange. My heart is racing, my stomach is sinking, my face is hot, I'm shaking. What is this?" Lucifer's face went pale."WHAT?" Alastor shouted, scaring Lucifer into falling off the bench

"Woah! calm down, you're okay! you really never have felt love before, have you?" Lucifer asked, getting up off the ground

"No! I have not! does that mean I love you!?"

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