Ch. 7

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"That's not for me to tell you," Lucifer said, walking over to Alastor. Lucifer snapped, and Alastor's radio started playing. He put his hand out in front of Alastor. Alastor took it, and he swept the demon off the bench. Lucifer started to dance, Alastor stumbling around as he was dragged along. Alastor couldn't bring himself to dance along with the king. He let go of Lucifer's hands, and Lucifer dropped his arms to his side

"I don't, know," Alastor spoke, he snapped, and the radio stopped playing. Silence filling the room, their eyes connecting

"Okay, well. Let me know when you find out. " Lucifer smiled, a fake smile. Alastor could tell he was hurting inside. He really didn't know how he felt for the king. He hated him, but the feelings he was getting told him otherwise. He was just confused. He nodded, and the king started out of the room. Alastor needed time. Lucifer left the room, and he made his way down to his room. Once inside, he flopped down onto the bed.

Alastor sighed and took a seat on his bed. What was he to do? he didn't know how to feel, what to feel. What to do. He changed and laid down in bed. tomorrow was going to be a long day. Lucifer did the same, changed, and went to sleep.


Lucifer awoke to a radio blaring in his ears. He snapped the radio away, and it poofed back. He covered his ears before sitting up and shouting about how he was awake. The radio then stopped, and a box landed on his lap. There was a note tied to it. He read the note, "Put this on!" He grabbed the box and opened it. It was the suit he wore last night. The one angel had bought him to match Alastor. 

He got out of bed and dressed himself up. He took a look in the mirror, and in the corner of it was a sticky note "fix up your hair" he looked up at his hair and he pushed it back with his hand, the note then changed to say "better than that" he rolled his eyes with a smile and he fixed it properly with gel and a comb

When he finished, he stepped out of his room, and standing there was Angel, holding out a bouquet with a note tied to it. He thanked Angel, and he read the note, "Looking good, now find your next gift!" He chuckled and made his way to the elevator. Angel followed shortly behind. When the elevator opened, Cherri was standing in it with a box of chocolates. She handed the king the box, and the three took the elevator to the ground floor.

The doors slid open, and there was Niffty, holding out a necklace box and a letter. "Almost there!" Angel, Cherri, and Niffty walked through the lobby. Next was Husk, standing with his hand out. A bottle of wine clutched in it. Lucifer could feel his face getting hot. He was excited. not sure what was happening but excited. 

Lastly, his daughter and Vaggie are standing at the hotel doors. Charlie smiled widely at her dad, and she gave him a big hug before handing him a duck stuffie. He smiled wider than he ever had before

"Dad, I want you and, whoever is beyond that door to have the best day ever." She smiled, Lucifer turned around to face everyone that handed him something as he was leaving. They were all dressed nicely, all of them clearly going out on their own valentines dates. He was most happy for his daughter.

"Charlie, I am so proud of you. You're so grown up. I want you and Vagina to have a great day too. " He hugged the pair tightly, and he made his way to the door of the hotel. He opened it, and there he was. Alastor standing with his hand out, his suit all nice, a flower in the pocket, and his hair done all cute.

"ALASTOR?" Everyone in the hotel shouted. Lucifer spun around, and everyone stood with shock on their faces

"You guys didn't know Alastor was behind this?" Lucifer stated, taking Alastor's hand.

"Uh, nah mate! we didn't. He's like the last person we thought of!" Cherri responded

"Yeah, he's not exactly the romantic type," Husk said

"I think it's cute!" Angle announced

"We all woke up to notes and items outside our doors. We just went along with it. We thought you had some sneaky fling, not with Alastor!" Vaggie said, throwing her hands out

"Well, if you must know. He is quite the charmer this one!" Alastor pinched Lucifer's cheek."Now we have dinner to attend, tahtah!" 

"My dad, and Alastor?! I'm going to have two dads?!" Charlie heaved

"Honey, they were arguing over who was the better father, At least we know its both of them now" Vaggie chuckled the group joined in as they all watched the strange pair leave the hotel steps.

Alastor and Lucifer made their way through hell, their hands intertwined. Demons running, some staring and some even recording the couple. Lucifer, dating a sinner? how they do fall. Lucifer didn't mind the stares. He was the king of hell. If anyone were to do anything brash, he could handle it, but Alastor was starting to think going to dinner was a mistake. He kept his head held high, but inside, he was worried. They made it to the restaurant, and it was no better, eyes were on them. The two of them ordered, ate, and chatted. Nothing too romantic happened it was a casual night out. Mostly because Alastor was too scared to make any moves, this was his first ever real date, first ever love, and he was being judged like crazy. He hated it, and he thought it would be fun

When the pair was done, they made their way back to the hotel. Once inside, Alastor stormed off to the elevator, leaving Lucifer alone and confused. He looked around the lobby at everyone who all shrugged at him.

"Dad, what happened?" Charlie asked

"I don't know, he was sort of avoiding me all dinner, only making small talk. Then he was silent the walk back, and now he's run off. " Lucifer looked over at the elevator, and he made the choice to follow Alastor. Alastor entered his room and immediately lit a smoke. he was stressed out, and he needed time alone. That time didn't last long because Lucifer burst in the room

"What's going on? is everything okay?" Lucifer walked over, taking a seat across from Alastor

"Not really. I thought i was ready to give this whole, love thing a shot. But when we were in that restaurant and people were staring. I panicked. " Alastor sighed, taking a puff of his smoke

"I see. well, fuck them!" Lucifer said, grabbing the smoke from Alastor, he took a drag of it and he put the cigarette in the ashtray

"What?" Alastor looked at Lucifer in shock

"Fuck them, fuck what the people of hell think. I'm the king, I can go on a date, with whoever I want. Sinner, or not. I haven't felt this way, since I was with, Lillith. You make me, so happy. And when you did all this romance stuff today, all the gifts, the date. That only made me happier" Lucifer paused when he noticed Alastor's face getting red, he chuckled "If you want, we can just stay friends, its your choice" Lucifer held his hand out to the deer who carefully took that hand

"I don't know" Alastor said, Lucifer snapped and that stupid radio started up again

"Okay, well you have time to think about it. Now can we actually dance this time?" Lucifer asked, Alastor nodded and the two started dancing to the song. Their bodies flowing and moving together like graceful swans. The silence was so quiet. It was safe, silence the pair could get lost in. The heavy breathing and taps of shoes are the only noise between them. Alastor spun Lucifer a few times, showing that he was the one leading the movements

"I think, I've made my decision" Alastor said between his breaths, the two still gliding across the floor

"Oh yeah? And what is it?" Lucifer asked. Alastor spun Lucifer, and dipped him low to the ground

"This" Alastor planted a kiss on Lucifer's lips, a soft, and passionate kiss.


AHH A KISS? NO WAY! Really thought, this isn't the end, there is so much more to come, I have some devious plans for the future pages and chapters so stay tuned!

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