Ch. 15

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Alastor woke up in a cold sweat, his heart racing and his body shaking. He held his chest as he struggled for air. Lucifer jumped up, out of his sleep and he looked at Alastor who was panicking

"Woah, woah, are you alright?" Lucifer asked as he put his arms out for Alastor. Alastor leaned in and hugged Lucifer. His breathing heavy

"I had a bad dream. I remember how I died" He whispered as he fell into the hug

"You do? I didn't even know that was possible" Alastor pulled away from the hug

"You are the king of hell" Alastor sighed

"Yeah, but I was never actually alive. Remember I was born in heaven. So I don't exactly know how sinners minds work"Lucifer explained, Alastor rolled his eyes and he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down

"That does make sense" Alastor said as he stepped out of bed. Lucifer stared intently at the shirtless man before him "Stop staring, its rude" Alastor joked

"What if I didn't heal you?" Lucifer tilted his head a bit

"Why say that?" Alastor asked as he pulled on his button up shirt

"Your scar, I mean. If I let it get worse, would you even be alive?" Lucifer looked down at his hands as he spoke, his voice soft

"Of course I would be! I'm the-" Alastor started, sounding as confident as ever

"You are a sinner! radio demon or not, you can die! that scar was caused by an angelic blade Alastor! if it wasn't me who healed you, you'd be dead! a wound caused by angelic steel, can only be healed by an angel, like me!" Lucifer breathed "Charlie, would be your only other hope, I could've passed my powers to her but it's such a low chance that she would have it. So no, you wouldn't be here right now" Lucifer stood up out of the bed

"Why are you saying all of this? you are worrying me" Alastor replied, pulling his pants up and buttoning them

"You telling me about your death on earth just got me worried about you dying here" Lucifer said, Alastor stopped in his tracks. Reminders of his death on earth flashing before his eyes. His breathing sped up, not again. He was not dying again.

"I can't, I can't die again!" Alastor said, his knees shaking

"Woah, calm down, I wont let it happen again!" Lucifer ran over and he steadied Alastor "it's okay I'm right here"

"Dad! Alastor!" Charlie burst into the room, she paused for a moment staring at the two men for a second "Adam is back!" 

"He what? is Lilith back?" Lucifer asked, Alastor's heavy breathing slowed and he looked up at Lucifer with worry in his eyes

"No it's just Adam, and he says he wants to try a shot at redemption. hes, in the lobby waiting" Alastor looked over at Charlie, anger in his eyes

"Redemption? Haha! funny, lets go have a chat with him" Alastor said softly

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you two, dad you should really put on a shirt" Charlie pointed at her shirtless dad before stepping out of the room. Alastor and Lucifer finished dressing themselves and they both made their way down to the lobby

"Let me just, punch him one time, please! charlie told me not to last time he was here" Lucifer crossed his arms as the two walked out of the elevator

"Not unless he deserves it" Alastor said to the shorter male. They walked to the lobby and they stood before Adam

"Redemption huh? why?" Alastor asked the man

"I hate it here! it's gross! always hot! the people here suck! I have no powers! I miss Sera! and my army! lute, I fucking miss her like crazy. and Margret, she made the best fucking food ever." Adam went on and on, making Alastor lose his mind. then it hit him. He hit Adam with his cane

"Hey, why do you get to hit him?" Lucifer growled

"Stop talking. Margret?" Alastor questioned

"Oh yeah, she makes the best food ever, she works at this cute little store in the middle of town and her top dish is like, always jambalaya. She makes it in hopes of finding her son or something? says it was his favourite" Alastor's eyes widened. Mother? 

"Al, are you alright?" Charlie said

"What! oh, indeed! well, if you so please, you're welcome to stay. But you have to attend every trust exercise, every meeting, and have to actually try to redeem yourself. Or you will not be allowed to stay" Alastor pointed his cane at Adam

"Understood" Adam backed away from Alastor

"Lovely! make yourself at home, Charlie will show you to your room" Alastor's smile grew wider than ever. Charlie, Adam and Vaggie all left the lobby

"Alastor, whats the deal with Margret" Lucifer was about to look Alastor in the eyes when Alastor faded into his shadow and he slipped away

"His mom" Husk said from the bar. Lucifer made his way over and he took a seat on one of the stools. Husk poured an apple whiskey in a glass and he slid it over to the king

"His, mom?" Lucifer sipped the whiskey

"Yeah. Margret was his mother. He used to talk about her all the time, till he became a stuck up dick" Husk wiped the counter down a bit before throwing the cloth on his shoulder and grabbing a bottle off the shelf to take a swig

"How do you know so much about him, hes only started opening up to me recently and even then, he hides important things" Lucifer sighed, Husk chuckled

"Get him drunk and he'll tell you his life story. He hasn't gotten drunk since. Well, since he left for seven years. We were both in a rough spot and we decided to get some drinks. One too many in and he spilled the beans on his life before all of this" Husk took a sip of his drink "now I ain't saying get him all drunk, but if you want anythin more outta him that's your best bet"

"Tell me more about his mom" Lucifer prodded

"All I'm sayin is that his mom, is his weak spot. He hates talking about her, hates it because it makes him all sad, he breaks when he thinks about her and his tough guy persona falls apart. and he hates being seen as weak. s'why hes always smilin, makes him seem strong" Husk looked at the bottle in his hand "I've even seen his smile falter when talking bout her" Husk placed the bottle down and he leaned on the counter

"Just saw smiles heading to the bar with that, short girl, what was her name?" Angel pointed behind him as he walked in through the door "Mitzy? nah that ain't right, Mimi? No, Mimzy? yeah that's it, that girl" Husks eyes widened

"That woman is bad luck" Husk said grabbing a bottle of wine off the shelf and pouring Angel a glass. Lucifer nodded and made his way out of the hotel to go find Alastor


This chapter ends a little funny but, I can't exactly think of a better way to end it. Anyways! I'm super duper sorry about the wacky upload schedule, I'll be publishing another chapter today as a sorry for being so late on this chapter! I've been extremely busy with school, and work courses ahh!

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