Ch. 18

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"Alastor?" Charlie said, her face concerned

"Yes darling?" Alastor said, looking up at charlie

"You okay?" She asked 

"Yes, may I ask you a question?" Alastor got out of the chair and he walked over to Charlie and Vaggie, Lucifer watched from the couch. Wondering what could be so important

"Yeah, is everything alright? oh my gosh should I get my notebook? I'll get my notebook!" Charlie was about to run away when she was stopped by Vaggie

"Babe, I think he's fine. But if he tries anything!" Vaggie raised her spear to Alastor, he raised an eyebrow and he used his hand to push the spear out of his face

"Oh put that down" He said "I wanted to ask, if it would be possible for me to" He looked down

"To what?" Charlie grabbed Alastor's hand

"To be redeemed?" Charlie let go, and her face lit up with joy. She grabbed Vaggie, shaking her around for a second before stopping to breathe

"OH MY GOSH! YOU? YES! YES! YES!" Charlie grabbed Alastor "But why?" Alastor looked around

"Well, knowing that it is possible, and knowing now that my mother" He paused "Is there, I would like to try. I asked you as I was worried you wouldn't have anymore protection at the hotel" He looked at his hands "And I would miss some of you" Alastor looked back at Nifty

"Babe?" Vaggie pulled Charlie to the side "You don't believe him right? I mean it's Alastor? when has he ever said that to anyone" Charlie pulled away from Vaggie, hurt on her face

"Vaggie, I thought you believed in our hotel" Charlie said. Vaggie looked into charlies eyes

"I do" Vaggie replied "But-"

"Well, the reason I- we started this place was because we believed any sinner could be redeemed. Does that not mean anything to you?" Charlie asked, her hands shaking "I would never tell a sinner no, even if that sinner is Alastor" Charlie walked away from Vaggie and she made her way back to Alastor

"Yes?" Alastor said

"You can give it a shot, we will all help you" Charlie smiled "lets start with, eating people. That, needs to stop" Alastor nodded at her request

"Please, don't tell Lucifer just yet" Alastor said, his voice sad "I want to tell him when I'm ready

"My lips are sealed" Charlie said, zipping her lips and throwing the fake key away with a smile

"Thank you. I will be back, I have a few stops to make" Alastor disappeared into his shadow and off he was out of the hotel, Lucifer watched his boyfriend leave and he ran over to Charlie

"Where did he go?" Lucifer asked his daughter

"Oh just out for a few errands, hell be back" Charlie smiled wider than ever before running off down the hallway, Vaggie following behind her


Alastor walked down the street, watching sinners run by. He took in the air around him, and he knew he would miss this place. If he even wanted to redeem himself. He wanted to try but the one thing holding him back was Lucifer. He wanted to spend his life with Lucifer but he knew it couldn't last forever. He took a turn into cannibal town and he made his way to Rosie's emporium


Lucifer took a seat back on the couch, and as he sat there was a knock on the door to the hotel. He stood up and he walked over to open it up. He swung it open and standing there was none other than Lilith

"What the fuck are you doing here" Lucifer said

"I came to apologize" She stepped into the hotel, making her way to the living room. She stood before the patrons of the hotel with a smile "Please forgive me Luci, and please fetch Charlie. I have news she needs to hear" Lucifer nodded and he made his way upstairs to Charlie's room

"Honey? your mother is here and she wants to tell us something" Charlie swung the door open in anger. She pushed past her dad and she ran down to the living room. Vaggie and Lucifer following. Charlie stopped in front of her mom looking her dead in the eyes

"You better have a good reason for showing your face back here after what you did to our host" Charlie let her demon form slip out

"Lute and the exorcist army are coming back, two days from now. To take revenge on the hotel for killing Adam" Adam jumped out of his chair 

"She what?! that bitch!" Adam said in anger, everyone paused to look at Adam

"What?" Lucifer said

"I said, that bitch! She can't come here and attack this place?! that's just fucked up!" Adam went on, Charlie stood with her jaw on the floor

"Adam, You did that to us?!" she said

"I know, But I actually like it here, I miss Sera and lute, but I have to admit, this place fucking rocks. There's no rules here, even as the first man Sera told me I couldn't be rude, and that I swore too much, and I couldn't use my holy magic outside of hell" He laughed "But here? I can drink booze, I can swear freely, I can punch anyone I want!" He threw his hands around

"So why are you at the hotel?" Vaggie asked

"To be somewhere familiar, those people out there are scary. Does this mean you guys are going to kick me out?" Adam said, he sat back down

"Do you want to stay here?" Charlie asked

"And you're not going to cause problems?" Vaggie held up her spear

"Yes, I want to stay. And I won't cause problems!" Charlie looked over at Vaggie, then back to Adam

"Okay. You can stay, But you have to work. You can be our bellhop" Charlie laughed, Adam sighed but he nodded, agreeing to the job. As long as It meant he didn't have to leave

"Charlie, listen to me. Lute is coming and I want to help. I'm sorry I mistreated you. And Alastor. I was upset, and lashed out" She looked over at Lucifer "I understand If you want to be with him. I left for seven years and you had every right. I was just jealous, and angry." She pulled her ring off her hand.

"You're forgiven" Charlie said, walking up and hugging her mom tight, Lucifer joined in giving her a hug. 

"Here" Lilith pulled away, snapping her fingers. A contract appeared in front of her. Alastor's name signed across the bottom. She moved her fingers and the paper split in half. The group watched a dark magic come out of the paper and float away into the sky "It's the least I can do for him. I know my actions can't be excused, I was disgusting toward you all. But I want to try"


"Oh Alastor honey, that's your choice, if that's what you want I won't be upset" Rosie said, standing up and hugging Alastor tight "You get redeemed, if its truly your wish"

"Thank you" He hugged her back. Only to then step back and grab his chest tight

"Oh are you okay?" Rosie ran over and she guided Alastor to the chair behind him, and she sat him down patting his back.



This is what I call "a chapter of dialog" I need to cut down on the dialog, its just so fun to write! Don't worry my next few chapters will be less talking, I hope! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

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