Ch. 17

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Alastor woke up, his head pounding and the sweet sound of his radio playing in his ear. He scanned the room to see if he could find the king, and sure enough he did. Sitting in the chair by the fire. He slipped out of bed and he made his way over to the fire taking a seat across from Lucifer

"You're turning into me" Alastor joked, snapping a cigarette into his fingers, he lit the smoke and he took a deep inhale off of it

"Yeah, I've just had a rough day" Lucifer exhaled deeply

"I understand" Alastor looked down at his hands, then back up at Lucifer "She was an amazing mother" Alastor took a puff of his smoke

"I bet she was. Only an amazing mother would spend over a hundred years looking for her son" Lucifer said softly, looking over at Alastor

"Yes" Alastor looked over "I wish I could see her one last time. But we both know that wont happen. She belongs up there. I don't" Alastor's smile felt fake

"You do belong up there, we just have to prove it" Lucifer said

"I eat people" Alastor chuckled softly

"Fair, but you have to at least TRY for redemption" Lucifer got out of his chair, excited about helping Alastor 

"We don't even know if redemption is possible, and say it does work. Then what about you?" Alastor said

"Wha- Me?" Lucifer sat back down, his eyes fell to the floor and for a moment he pondered that thought "I'll be fine" 

"I wont" Alastor inhaled deeply, exhaling smoke as he breathed out. Lucifer kept his head down and the room fell silent

"Tell me more about her" Lucifer spoke, he wanted to find out more about his mother and why she meant so much to him

"Well" Alastor started


1913, 13 years old

"Al honey, your friend is here to play!" Margaret called out. Alastor ran down the stairs excited to go play with his friend. His mom stopped him dead in his tracks "Stay safe my baby. Here" She grabbed a coat off the coat rack and she slipped it on Alastor patting him on the back

"Bye mother" Alastor opened the door and ran out, his mother waving him off before shutting the door


1917, 17 years old

"Oh honey, your father said he could make it to your show later today" Alastor pulled out a chair at the dinner table

"Mother, I want you to be there" He replied his voice breaking

"I have wo-" She looked back and saw her sons face fall. She knew how much he hated his father so she nodded 

"Okay, I'll miss today" She said softly, walking over to her son and squeezing his cheeks "Now cheer up, or you wont perform very well" She chuckled


1928, 28 years old

"Mother I'm" Alastor pushed the door to his home open, to the sound of shouting

"You are a useless woman! I come home and the kitchen is a mess!" Eddie yelled at Margaret 

"I had work, I didn't have much time. I can get it done right away" She said, hiding her face away

"Father! stop it!" Alastor shouted, walking over to his mom. He grabbed his mom walking her away

"Where are you going boy?!" Ed yelled, Alastor spun around, his eyes full of anger

"away from you!" Alastor and his mom left the home and Alastor hugged her tight

"You will forever be my baby boy" She whispered "But you're so grown up now" Alastor cried


1933, 33 years old

"Mother, can you hear me?" Alastor sat beside his mother in the hospital. His hand holding hers tight

"Alastor? my baby?" Alastor's tears rolled down his face

"Yes mother, its me" Alastor squeezed his moms hand "I came to see how you were"

"I'll be alright my love" Alastor cried, seeing his mother so ill was scary "Oh honey, please don't cry. Even when I'm gone, I'll always be here" She pointed to his chest

"I know mother" Alastor replied looking in her eyes

"Can I see your smile? I always loved your smile. So handsome" His mom asked, her eyes flickering. Alastor flashed a big smile to her and he watched her face light up.

"I love you so much my baby" She whispered, her eyes fell closed. And her breathing slowly stopped. Alastor held her hand as tight as he could. his smile fading.


"Your mother, is the reason you smile all the time?" Lucifer asked. Alastor nodded

"I vowed to her, that I would never stop smiling. Even when things got hard, when I was in danger, or when losing something I love. It shows weakness to stop smiling" Alastor breathed out.He hates being weak

"she sounds like a great mother. My father banished me from heaven so that's how I'm doing" Lucifer chuckled, half joking but half not.

"My father beat my mother my whole life so, I guess we both have bad fathers" Alastor chimed in, Lucifer nodded and the pair laughed it off

"We should sleep" Lucifer stated

"indeed" The two walked over to the bed, Alastor snapped and his clothes changed. As did Lucifer's, Lucifer rolled his eyes and they jumped into bed.


"Alastor! Dad! Emily sent us a heavenly note!" Charlie shook her dads awake in excitement, the pair both groggily got out of bed and looked at the note charlie was shaking around "Look! were all going to read it together in the living room! so get ready and come down!" She ran out of the room with her hands up in the air. Lucifer shook his head and Alastor could only stare out at the hallway

They both changed their clothes and made their ways down to the living room, Lucifer was still yawning and Alastor seemed as though he had been awake for hours. They were two different people. They entered the room and they both took a seat on the couch with the rest of the members of the hotel

"Okay! are we ready?!" No one answered, angel yawned, husk slipped his booze, Cherri was practically asleep and Alastor just didn't care enough to answer "Alright! I love the energy today. Vaggie, can you read it please?"

"Sure babe" Vaggie opened the letter and she cleared her throat "Dear Charlie Morningstar. This is Em, Emmy, Emily, whatever! I'm writing to you because I have some exciting news! your hotel, worked! We just got one of your residents and he's fitting in very nicely. Sir Pentious! he's already made a few friends and though he does miss all of you very much, he says he loves it here! Sera is shocked, but she says it's okay for your hotel to continue working! She says shes doing her best to break it to the exorcist but because of Adams death, lute isn't happy and refuses to listen to Sera, we'll hopefully work it all out soon. Love Emily!" Cherri jumped out of her chair in excitement

"Pentious is alive?!" She sat back down "I mean, that's sick!" Adam looked around the room

"Lute misses me too? I fucking knew she would. I'm awesome like that" Vaggie rolled her eyes, as did Alastor and Lucifer

"You know what this means?!" Charlie asked "It means! all of you can be redeemed, even you, Adam" Adam nodded 

Alastor looked down at the ground, now that he knew redemption was possible. He started thinking about if he should try a shot at redemption. But, there was too many things holding him back, nifty, husk and all his other souls. Watching over the hotel. Lilith. And more importantly, Charlie and Lucifer. He couldn't leave them, could he?


WOWZA this chapter feels rushed, I don't particularly like it so I might make some adjustments to it later on. I hope you guys enjoy it!

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