Ch. 4

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Rosie and Alastor stared at the flame that was only getting bigger by the second. Both of them were confused as to who could've started the flame to begin with. They both left the emporium and joined the rest of the cannibals who had formed a crowd to watch what was happening on the edge of town. Lucifer? 

"Is that the king? what is he doing?" Rosie asked, watching the king of hell fly around the flaming billboard. Alastor knew the answer was yes, but he couldn't wrap his head around why. Why was Lucifer the one who destroyed the billboard?

"I should get back to the hotel, it was nice visiting my dear!" Alastor said, giving Rosie a small hug

"Off so soon? stay safe, Alastor, visit again soon!" Rosie hugged him back. She then watched as Alastor snapped and disappeared into his shadow. Off he was. Alastor found his way back to the hotel, and once inside, he found charlie

"Charlie dear!" He called her. Charlie was standing at the bar talking with Husk and Angel. When she heard Alastor, she held up her finger and made her way over to him

"Al! feeling better? I'm so sorry we all laughed at you, and I'm so sorry we didn't think about how you must've felt" She started ranting as she usually did, Alastor stopped her

"I'm fine dear, much better after I had a chat with Rosie" He said, charlie smiled widely at him, happy that he was feeling better

"That's great! what did you need?" Charlie asked, pushing her hair out of her face

"Your father. You do know where he is, right?" Alastor looked at his nails as he awaited charlies response

"No, actually, I don't. Why?" She replied. Alastor watched her face turn from excited to confused as she tried to work out where her dad could possibly be

"He's picked a fight with an overlord, a rather powerful one too. He lit a billboard on fire" He stated, waiting for the chaos to ensue before him

"He what?! that's horrible publicity for the hotel! he could get hurt! why is he doing that?! how do you know!? why didn't you stop him! Vaggie!" Alastor chuckled under his breath. Though he was confused about why Lucifer broke the billboard, he couldn't be upset. He got to watch Lucifer cause problems, charlie panic, and best yet. He was no longer on the news. He couldn't be happier. Charlie explained to Vaggie what her dad was doing, and the two ran for the hotel door, Alastor following the pair

"Okay, I'm trusting you four with the hotel. Don't ruin anything. Husk, watch them!" Charlie shouted before the three of them left the hotel

"What? why is it always me!" Husk rolled his eyes.

"Okay, where is he, Alastor?" Charlie asked. Without a word, Alastor lifted his cane and pointed up into the sky, where Lucifer was flying around. Charlie face palmed and started to run toward where her dad was, Vaggie following behind and Alastor, using his shadow to travel. They made it to the base of the billboard where Vox was standing, shouting at Lucifer. "DAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Lucifer noticed charlie, and he flew down to her

"I'm teaching this TV a lesson. Charlie, I'm the king of hell I can handle this, " Lucfier said

"What did he even do?" Charlie asked, Lucifer made eye contact with Alastor. the fear in Alastor's eyes said all he needed to know

"He's making false news stories about the hotel to make sure business is bad. I had to help my little girl, I'm almost done!" Lucifer flew away yet again. This time, he grabbed Vox and lifted him up into the air, to look at what he did."Remember this, you are a mortal soul, a sinner. I am the king of hell. If you so much as even think of messing with me, Alastor, my daughter, or the hotel ever again. This billboard is going to be the least of your worries. " Lucifer flew down and dropped Vox on the ground, leaving him stunned, confused, and angry. Vox stormed off, and Lucifer joined the group

"Dad, you can't just start fights like that" Charlie said, still concerned

"Charlie, I'm okay, I wasn't going to let someone like that ruin your chance to make your hotel work" Lucifer glanced back at Alastor

"Well, thank you, dad," Charlie hugged her dad.

Everyone started to make their way back home, Lucifer talking about Vox and how lame he was, Vaggie and charlie listening to him. And Alastor trailing behind the group, lost in thought. Why, why did Lucifer do all of this, break the billboard, yell at Vox, keep charlie from finding out what was actually on the billboard. Was he playing the long game? trying to make Alastor think he cares when really he just wants to take him down? he shook his head. That was his thing, not Lucifer's. Maybe Lucifer genuinely cared? that was somehow a worse outcome. everything was so confusing. They finally made it home. And Alastor immediately left to his room, socializing was no longer on his mind

Alastor took off his coat and sat in his chair silently. Staring at the fire, the blaze before him reminded him only of what he was trying so desperately to wrap his head around. Why did Lucifer do all this. He couldn't take it anymore. The fire made his mind race far too much. Alastor snapped and conjured a piano into his room. He took a seat and started playing 'i wanna be loved by you, by Helen Kane' humming the words as he went. He started to float off into his own world as he played.

"You're good at playing that thing," Lucifer said from the doorway of Alastor's room. Alastor stopped playing, and he spun around to look at the king who was leaning on the door frame

"Do you ever knock?" Alastor asked, Lucifer shook his head, stepping into the room. Closing the door on his way in

"Just keep playing." Lucifer walked over to Alastor. Alastor scooted over, and Lucifer sat beside him. Alastor went back to playing the song, as he was before

"Boop-boop, I couldn't aspire, To anything higher, Than, filled with desire," Lucifer sang, pausing before he sang the last part, Alastor stopped playing

"How do you know this song?" Alastor looked over at Lucifer

"I have been in hell for over ten thousand years, I was alive during the nineteen-twenties," He chuckled. Alastor nodded and started to play again

"Bup-bum, butle-doodle-dumb-bum!" Lucifer sang, starting the song back up after the line he had skipped over."I wanna be loved by you, just you!" He belted his heart out

"And nobody else but you," Alastor softly sang, catching Lucifer off guard. Lucifer could feel his face getting hot, Alastor singing that line made his heart flutter.

"I wanna be loved by you." They both sang together, Lucifer felt like his heart was going to explode. He tried to hide his red face, but Alastor turned back, and for once, that smile didn't seem so fake.

"a-lup-a-dup-a-dup-a-dup! Boop-boop-a-doop!" Lucifer shouted before turning around to hide his face, his blushing cheeks. Alastor sarcastically rolled his eyes before standing up and making his way to his chair by the fire. Lighting himself a smoke as he did that. Lucifer's face only grew redder, Alastor smoking, singing, and he doesn't have his coat on? it was all so much

"Thank you," Alastor said through the smoke he exhaled

"What?" Lucifer took his face out of his hands

"Thank you," 


Authors note: I thought I'd publish chapters three and four in the same day, just to feed everyone. Also because I can't sleep when I know I have a full chapter ready to publish and people waiting for more. Enjoy!

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