Ch. 3

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"Dad!" Charlie tried to sound concerned for her dad, through laughs was a bit harder than she thought. Charlie bent over with her hand covering her mouth, her giggles causing everyone else to laugh as well. Even Lucifer, who was laying on top of Alastor's back. The only person not as amused with the fall was Alastor. He sighed

"Can you get off me?" he asked angrily, shoving Lucifer a bit

"Oh, get over it! it was funny!" Lucifer chuckled, getting up off the demon to allow him to stand. Charlie was still in tears, trying to catch her breath

"Yeah, Alastor, lighten up a bit! it was just a fall, dad didn't mean to. " She chuckled, still thinking about the fall. Alastor stood himself up off the floor, grabbing his cane as he did so. He looked around at the group, and everyone was still laughing. Even Husk and Niffty.

"You should've seen your face smiles! you could put that on the wall. It would be a masterpiece!" Angel added, Alastor was now getting angry. Everyone was laughing at his expense, and he hated it.

"Pardon me, but I didn't find it very funny. Being tackled by him, " Alastor used his cane to point at Lucifer, who was now rolling his eyes

"it was all in good fun, freaky!" Cherri said

"Well, you and I have very different definitions of fun then," Alastor huffed

"Yeah well that's because your definition of fun is watching anyone but yourself suffer" Vaggie added, she wasn't laughing anymore "you said it yourself, you don't think this hotel will work and you're just here for the 'entertainment'" Vaggie waved her hands about like a crazy person as she spoke

"I simply just have a different perspective on things." Alastor rested his hands on his cane

"Looks like you and dad have something in common. Both of you don't have much faith in the hotel." Charlie looked sadly at the floor, and Vaggie comforted her

"You don't believe the hotel will work?" Lucifer asked with genuine curiosity on his face, Alastor looked over at the king

"Not really, sinners are all but one thing. Good. " Alastor then spun around on his heel before walking toward the hotel doors. Lucifer stared blankly at the man. he knew there was more, Alastor wasn't here just to watch the place crumble because it already did crumble, and he's still here. "I'm off to cannibal town, Tah-Tah." he then left the hotel

Alastor made his way down the streets of hell, sinners running away from him every time he got near. How he did love feeling so powerful. He looked at some of the shops as he passed, an old timey clothing store, a Vox tech store, a few bars. He continued on until he reached cannibal town, and here he was welcomed. None of the cannibals ran away from him. Some even greeted him kindly. it was very different. He made his way over to Rosie's emporium, and he entered it, his eyes scanning for his favorite overlord. And there she was, helping a cannibal pick a hat out. He waited patiently for her to finish up, and when she did, she turned around and ran right up to him, giving him a tight hug

"Oh, Alastor! I thought you were dead! my doll, my darling, how are you!" Alastor smiled wider than usual, excited to see Rosie

"Oh, never better!" Alastor retorted, Rosie led him over to the back of the store, and she sat him down in a chair. She took a seat across from him.

"How did you make it out! my cannibals told me they didn't see you, and they said Adam was defeated by Niffty!" Alastor's eyes squinted in anger

"No need to remind me," Alastor said, Rosie gave Alastor a confused look before switching the conversation

"Well, I heard of a potential deal to be made, a woman down on her luck, west side of cannibal town" Rosie stood up and grabbed her box of pinkie fingers, placing them on the table infront of them

"I'll definitely think about that. On another note, I made a deal with the princess herself!" Alastor looked at his finger

"You have her soul!" Rosie put her hands up in excitement

"Heavens, I wish! but just a regular deal, she owes me a favor at any time of my choosing. " He smiled wider than usual, taking one of the fingers out of the box and taking a nibble

"The princess, that's impressive. You haven't made any soul deals lately. Why may that be?" 

"I've been quite busy with the hotel, I haven't much time to" Alastor froze, his body getting noticeably tense and his eyes focused on the window to their right. Rosie glanced out the window, her eyes scanning the area until they landed on a large animated billboard outside of cannibal town. With the headline 'The powerful Radio demon runs from a fight with the first man?' Rosie covered her mouth with her hand

"Alastor dear, is that what happened? You could've told me that I don't judge. Even overlords like us are allowed to run from fights ya'know" Rosie said, but Alastor didn't respond. All he could do was stare at the board "Alastor hun?"

"Do you know how bad that makes me look?!" Alastor nearly shouted before he took a deep breath in."How did he get that video?" Alastor watched the billboard play the video of Adam breaking his Cane, over and over again it replayed.

"Just ignore him. He's nothing but a swine." Rosie watched the billboard flicker, now watching Alastor get hit. Finally, she understood why he ran. She looked over at Alastor and down to his chest.

"What is all of hell going to think? me? running from a fight!" He ignored every word Rosie was saying. She rolled her eyes

"Alastor! stop it. You are one of the most powerful overlords in hell, If Vox tried to take on Adam, you and I both know he would give up far quicker than you did. You put up a good fight against someone so much stronger than you!" Alastor looked over at Rosie with soft eyes. What would he do without having such a darling bell as her in his life. He nodded at her and stood up with his arms out. The two hugged tightly until Rosie tapped Alastor's back. He let go of her and looked out the window. "I suppose that fixes your problem." 

The billboard they were both just looking at was now completely destroyed, up in flames and all.

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