Ch. 8

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I'm so so sorry I haven't updated, I was busy for valentines Day and the day after. I'm back and ready to continue. enjoy!


The king fell into the kiss, and just as he did, he was pulled back up into Alastor's arms. A warm embrace shared between the pair, Lucifer's face nuzzled into Alastor's chest and Alastor's chin resting on the kings head

"I told you! Gimme the money Husk" Alastor's ears perked up and he looked toward the door, where Angel, Husk, Niffty, and Cherri were all stood watching them hug. Vaggie and Charlie walked past, only to stop and join the group

"What are we doing?" Vaggie asked

"We were betting on if Al would kiss Lucifer or not. I bet yes, and now Husk owes me, " Angel said excitedly

"Ya, I voted with Angie, so he owes me too," Cherri said, Husk grumbled under his breath with an eye roll

"Go away!" Alastor hissed at the group, who all immediately scattered away, all but Niffty who stayed put

"Niffty dear, what are you doing?" Alastor asked, Lucifer lifted his head and looked back at Niffty, who didn't say a word. She just stared

"Will you excuse me?" Alastor let go of Lucifer, and he made his way over to Niffty. He picked her up and walked her to her room. She didn't say anything the whole way there. She just clung to Alastor's suit. When they finally arrived, she started to cry, Alastor placed her down on her bed

"Niffty darling, what's wrong?" Alastor asked, genuinely worried

"You took the ultimate bad boy!" She shoved Alastor a bit before turning over in her bed and yanking the covers on

"Niffty," Alastor sighed, placing his hand on her back

"No!" Niffty shouted, Alastor nodded and left her room, making his way back to his own room. Where the king made himself comfortable in Alastor's bed. Upon entering the room, Alastor could feel his face getting hot. The king was wearing nothing but underwear.

"Staying here for the night? are we?" Alastor closed the door and made his way over to the bed. He snapped his fingers, and all of a sudden, the king was now wearing shorts and a shirt. Lucifer's suit, which was lazily tossed on the floor, was nicely folded and placed on top of Alastor's dresser as well. Lucifer looked down, then he threw his hands up in the air

"Hey! It's hot in here!" Alastor took his suit off, and he dressed himself in his pajamas. A red button-up shirt and matching pants "Ha! what are those!?" Lucifer asked, gesturing to Alastor's old man pajamas. Alastor took a look at his pajamas

"What? they're comfy and more modest than what you had on. " Alastor walked over and sat on the bed, getting under the covers

"Yes, but they're so, old man! Don't you get hot? I mean, I sleep half naked, and even then, I still sweat!" Lucifer said through giggles, making fun of Alastor's pj's. It was clearly the highlight of Lucifer's night

"Okay, have you had enough?" Alastor snapped his fingers, and a fan popped up on Lucifer's side of the bed. Lucifer smiled and got himself comfortable under the covers. Alastor was uncomfortable. He had only just learned what love felt like, and he already had Lucifer staying the night. He wasn't used to having someone in his bed at night. He tried to sleep, tossing and turning. It didn't work. He rolled over and looked at Lucifer, who was sprawled out, snoring. He let out a soft chuckle before getting out of bed

Alastor took a seat by the fire, his favourite spot. And he lit a smoke. He took a few deep inhales off of the cigarette, watching the smoke dance as he blew it out. He couldn't figure out what made him so weird about love. he felt something with Lucifer he did, but it still felt strange. Most couples do everything together. He knows Charlie and Vaggie share a bed. He's seen them kiss many times, and they say I love you everyday. It's normal. Even Husk and Angel went out for valentines Day together, and he hadn't seen Husk act that way with anyone before. Yet Angel made Husk different. Love changes people, Husk smiles more, makes more jokes. You can see it on his face, the way he admires Angel. 

Alastor was unsure, worried even. About the way love would, or was changing him. He didn't want to become soft. He was supposed to be the most powerful overlord in hell. His plans to rise above even Zestial would be ruined if he let the king in. Did he really need power that bad? Yes, he did. Ever since he manifested in hell, he had one goal. Becoming more powerful than Lucifer himself. Lucifer, I can use him to my advantage.

"Antlers? where are you?" Lucifer called out. Alastor walked over and pulled the blanket over Lucifer, patting his back. 

"I'm right here," He whispered. The blonde nodded with a smile and went back to snoring. Alastor took a puff off of his cigarette, and he walked back over to put it out. He was unsure of how to feel, but he now knew he could use the king's likeness to his advantage. Whether he would or not was up to him. He pushed the cigarette into the ashtray, and he made his way back to bed. This time, he was able to fall asleep. Maybe he could get used to having someone in his bed


"Alastor, get up!" Alastor opened his eyes to Charlie shaking him awake, He sat up, and he stared blankly into her eyes."Adam is here! With mom!" Alastor took a second to process what was just said, but when it clicked, he got up as fast as he could

"Why wake me and not your dad!?" Alastor snapped, making Charlie spin around and his clothes changed, then Charlie faced him yet again.

"Well, if he sees Adam, he'll kill him! and if he sees mom, who knows how weird he'll act! If you get rid of them before he knows, nothing bad will happen!" Alastor nodded and started walking toward the bedroom door

"Alastor? where are you going?" Lucifer said, half awake

"I'll be right back! stay put, I have some business to take care of, " Alastor said, waving off the king and rushing downstairs to the lobby with Charlie. The two walked to the door. Alastor swung it open, and sure enough, Lillith and Adam were there, just what they needed.

"Good afternoon, Charlie, Alastor." Lillith hummed, bowing down

"Hey! It's radio man, I fucked your ass up Haha!" Adam said, Lillith gave him a firm smack on the back of the head

"Good afternoon! What brings you both to the hotel!" Alastor said, his eye twitching at the sound of Adam's voice

"I came to see my daughter, he's only here because he begged to come along with me. He told me he was scared to be alone" Lillith sighed

"Hey, it's not everyday you wake up in hell of all places! it's horrible here!" Adam grumbled, Alastor could feel his anger rising at every word that Adam said

"Well, Come on in!" Alastor stepped out of the way for Lillith to enter, but before Adam had the chance to follow, Alastor stopped him "Charlie dear, show your mother around, I have something else to deal with" Charlie nodded excitedly. Alastor closed the hotel doors, and he got in Adams face

"You are welcome inside. But if you do anything, to our staff, guests, or hotel. I will make sure, all of hell hears you scream and beg for mercy at my hands!" Alastor's smile grew as did his figure. He wanted Adam to know that he was no longer in heaven, he was in hell Where the rules, weren't the same. Adam cowered away from the demon, exactly what he wanted. Alastor then opened the door, and let Adam inside. Alastor followed suit

"Lillith!?" Lucifer shouted from the top of the lobby stairs. Alastor's heart sank

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