Ch. 19

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"Who?" Rosie asked, sounding very concerned and unsure

"No one, I have to leave" Alastor stood up and he disappeared into his shadow, Rosie shrugged her shoulders and she took her leave back to the counter of her shop. Alastor flew down the road, hoping to make it back to the hotel in time. But he was stopped in his tracks by a very familiar blue shoe. He came out of his shadow and he looked the glowing TV man in the face

"Alastor? you're, leaving?" Vox said, his voice breaking

"How do you know that? And its not your concern that I am" He said, pushing Vox out of the way

"I'm sorry about the hotel okay? it wasn't my fault" Alastor stopped walking, he turned around and looked at Vox with a cocked eyebrow

"I would like to know how, it wasn't your fault" Alastor crossed his arms

"Oh shut up. I'll tell you why, because I came to the hotel looking for Vox. He told me you two were going out. He told me to meet him at this nice Spanish restaurant for dinner but he didn't show up so I went  looking for him. He didn't tell me WHERE he would be so I assumed the hotel. But he wasn't there so I left, The princesa spoke to me that day, she saw me" Valentino appeared from the store behind Vox, he had a great explanation so Alastor was lost. Who started the fire? "I may have accidentally fallen down the stairs, dropping my smoke on the grass" That would be the reason the fire started. Alastor rolled his eyes.

"I know it hurt you all, and I really did want to reconnect with you. Now that I know you're leaving, I can tell it wont ever happen. But goodbye Alastor. Good luck on your redemption" Vox Left with Valentino, and all Alastor could do was watch

"Thank you Vox, goodbye" Alastor said before falling into his shadow again, he made his way to the hotel and yet again he was stopped, this time by Mimzy

"Alastor! I was just about to come get you. How's it going!" Mimzy said, Alastor didn't reply instead he bent down and hugged her tight

"I know you get me into lots of trouble but thank you for being my friend Mimzy" She hugged him back

"Why are you saying all of this?" She pulled away and looked him in the face

"I'm getting redeemed, I'll miss you Mimzy" Mimzy stood in shock, tears forming in her eyes

"That means I won't see you again" She said, the tears flowing down her rosy cheeks

"You can always redeem yourself. I know it's not your style but, if you redeem yourself then maybe we can visit each other again" He slipped into his shadow and he started toward the hotel again. Leaving Mimzy to think about everything

He entered the hotel and standing before him was Lilith, he popped out of his shadow and he stared at her. Her looming figure above him

"I was hoping I'd see you. I tore your contract, you shouldn't have to live like that anymore" Lilith said, causing Alastor to breathe heavily

"Why?" He asked

"I was so cruel to you. I let heaven get to my head. I wanted to be there so bad, I didn't think about how I was treating anyone around me. Even you. I want to help the hotel and my daughter. I'm so sorry I hurt you Alastor" Alastor nodded and shook Lilith's hand

"Now that mom is done talking with you, we need your help. The hotel is going to be attacked by the exorcists in two days. We have two days, to prepare for this fight. Just like last time" Everyone nodded, Alastor couldn't believe they were on their way back already. He agreed to help with whatever he could. 

"Is there room for one more?" Mimzy said, smiling at Alastor. Mimzy was told the news and she agreed to help as well.


After a day of preparing the hotel, Alastor and Lucifer fled to Alastor's room for a restful night. They entered the room and Alastor immediately started changing out of his clothes. Lucifer walked over and he hugged the half naked Alastor from behind, holding his waist tight. 

"You are so cute. I'm so glad you've decided to help out" Alastor spun around in Lucifer's arms, looking him in the eyes

"I wouldn't have anything happen to this place. I'm always willing to help" Alastor replied, Lucifer stood on his toes and he gave Alastor a peck on the lips. Alastor pulled Lucifer back and he started making out with the king. Lucifer pulled away, shocked

"Woah. What happened to you getting dressed for bed? you're still in your undies" Lucifer giggled, pulling at Alastor's boxers

"I said I would make it up to you" Alastor picked up Lucifer "Now is that time" Lucifer blushed. Alastor walked over to the bed planting Lucifer down. Alastor stood up straight, his face a deep red

"If you don't want to, we don't have to" Lucifer said

"Take off your clothes" Alastor replied, Lucifer smiled

"I think that means you want to go through with it" Lucifer growled

"Take them off" Alastor smiled wider, watching Lucifer comply. Lucifer stripped himself till he was in only his boxers. 

Alastor then got on top of the king. His lips meeting Lucifer neck. He planted little kisses on the kings neck, and shoulders. Then he ran his tongue down Lucifer's chest, and down to his stomach. Stopping at the hem of his boxers. Lucifer could feel his breathing stop and his body tense up. Alastor bit the top of the boxers and he pulled them down. Using his hands to fully remove them. He sat back up, looking Lucifer in the eyes. The male below him was a deep red colour and he loved it. He still felt weird about sex but the last time Lucifer helped him, he loved the feeling so much he couldn't resist. Alastor watched Lucifer's hands move up to Alastor boxers, pulling them down. Alastor smiled down at the king who was more than ready for whatever Alastor had planned. Alastor snapped his fingers and Lube appeared on his cock

"What was that?" Lucifer asked, before he got his answer there was a dick sitting on his hole

"Is this okay?" Alastor asked politely, worried about Lucifer

"Yeah, I'm ready" Lucifer nodded, his breathing speeding up as he prepared for what was to come

Alastor pushed the tip in, allowing Lucifer to adjust. Lucifer nodded and Alastor pushed it in all the way. Lucifer flinched causing Alastor to stop. Lucifer smiled and Alastor started thrusting in and out slowly. They both started to enjoy the feelings. Alastor wasn't expecting this feeling but he loved it. He sped up, making Lucifer moan in pleasure

"Oh fuck, this is amazing" Lucifer moaned out, Alastor sped his pace. He could feel his legs shaking. And his tummy knot. He wasn't ready to cum so he tried holding back. He bent down, placing his face beside Lucifer's, he moaned softly into Lucifer's ear

"Sorry about this" Lucifer was confused until he felt Alastor bite his shoulder. Lucifer moaned at the feeling. Alastor bit harder, drawing blood and tasting it. Lucifer reached his hands up and he gripped Alastor's back, clawing at it. Alastor slowed down a bit, worried he would cum before Lucifer did.

"I'm gon-" Lucifer didn't even get it out before he threw his head back, moaning and cumming on himself. Alastor stopped biting the king and he pulled out, cumming on Lucifer's stomach.

"I'm sorry, it couldn't be longer" Alastor sighed.

"Are you kidding? that was amazing" Lucifer smiled "I love you so much" Alastor could feel his face get hot. he snapped his fingers and the cum disappeared. The deer laid down on the bed beside Lucifer, pulling him in close. He threw the blanket over them, and the two cuddled to sleep


I cannot write smut if my life depended on it. But it was long overdue I fear. Also two chapters in a day! I did write three, but I feel like I should save the next one for tomorrow. Sorry! I hope you enjoy it!

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