Ch. 10

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"And you're sure, this was Lilith?" Lucifer asked wearily. not wanting to believe she was this cruel. The woman he loved

"Dad, you watched Alastor and mom leave together. And Niffty says she saw mom leave the room. I'm sorry, I don't want to think of her this way either. But she did leave for seven years, and conveniently showed up after the extermination with Adam? and then hurts our hotel host and just, leaves again without a word? this isn't a coincidence shes, shes up to something" Charlie grabbed her dads shoulders

"This isn't like her, at all. This isn't the Lilith i'm in love with charlie" Lucifer grabbed his daughters hands off his shoulders and he held them tight

"Good to know you still love her" Alastor's raspy voice came from the couch that he was carried to after his incident, Lucifer's head shot over to him. Alastor was sitting up, grabbing his sore nose as he did so "and i thought" Alastor chuckled

"No its not-" Lucifer walked toward Alastor

"Please, spare me the details. I understand" Alastor got off the couch, he snapped his cane into his hand and he walked off toward the elevator. 

"Alastor please, listen to me" Lucifer called out. Alastor didn't respond. Instead he hit the floor his tower was on and he let the doors close, watching Lucifer's face fall. He sighed deeply, he didn't want it to come to this, but he knew it was going to happen. He knew the king was still infatuated with her. He rolled his eyes and he made his way to his radio tower. He got in and he took a seat in the chair in the middle of the room. He sat in silence for a moment, until he could feel, tears?

Don't cry! you don't cry! the radio demon, shouldn't cry! why are you crying! suck it up! stop, stop, stop, stop! "Sweetheart where have you been?" Shut up! shut up! "Oh Al sweetie, momma still loves you" go away! "I know things are rough" they are "but just remember our song"  Alastor took a deep breath

"Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see, bluebirds they're singing along, nothing but bluebirds all day long" Alastor sung softly to himself, the voice of his mother still echoing in his head

"That's a nice song" Lucifer said from behind Alastor. Alastor didn't turn around, out of fear that the king would see his tears. He wiped his cheeks off, his eyes still puffy.

"Out" Alastor said, his voice monotone

"No, I want to talk" Lucifer walked into Alastor's tower, placing his hand on Alastor's back

"I don't want to hear your excuses. I heard what i needed to hear" Alastor moved his shoulder in hopes Lucifer would get the hint, he didn't want the mans hand on his back

"No excuses. I messed up, and I can't lie to you. I do love her, still. But not the same way I love you" Alastor rolled his eyes, that was stupid

"Hmm, I see, I suppose you love her in a 'I actually loved her this whole time but I was in denial' way? and you love me in a 'I'm only saying that I love you out of pity' way? am I right?" Alastor said, his head still facing the ground, away from Lucifer''s eyes

"Look at me" Lucifer bent down and lifted Alastor's head by grabbing his chin. As soon as his eyes met Alastor's he let go, pulling back a bit

"Have you, been crying?" Alastor growled and pulled his head away, turning away from the king

"This is why, I don't love" Alastor said coldly, Lucifer's heart dropped

"I'm sorry. I don't love her. I think i was just, in denial about who she was. I do however love you, the way you make me feel is unlike any other" Lucifer hugged Alastor from behind

"Let go of me" The kings grip loosened " Let, go" Lucifer fully let go. Alastor stood up, a single tear falling down his face. He then sprouted his tentacles and he shoved Lucifer out of his tower, slamming the door as soon as the king was out.

Lucifer grunted before making his way down the hall, the little taps of Niffty running up the hall catching his attention. He stopped to look at the girl sprinting toward Alastor's tower

"I wouldn't" Lucifer started

"I don't listen to boys like you. you're worse than a bad boy!" Niffty kicked the kings shin, only to run toward Alastor's tower. Lucifer shook his head, she was crazy. Niffty entered Alastor's tower

"I pushed you out for a reason!" Alastor got up and looked over at the door, his eyes fell onto Niffty who stared up at his with one eye "Oh, Niffty dear. I'm sorry, come here" Alastor held his arms out, Niffty jumped up and Alastor caught the small girl. He took a seat in his chair and he rolled over to one of the many windows of his tower. The two looked out at the city

"I hope you're okay sir, I'm glad I found you! that lady is mean! I hate her!" Alastor chuckled, he nodded his head

"Me too" Alastor pointed out the window "oh look! that poor sinner is on fire ha!" Alastor laughed, Niffty put her face against the glass, before joining Alastor in his laughter. She then abruptly stopped

"sir?" Niffty turned around in Alastor's lap, now facing him

"Yes?" Alastor looked down at her

"why did that mean lady hurt you? husk told me he knew something but he wouldn't say it" She gave him an innocent look

"Hmm, I suppose you should know. Remember when I left for seven years?" Niffty nodded "well, we were in heaven together. I made a deal with Lilith. To be more powerful than even her. The price? my soul. But she took my soul, and my powers. And, she didn't exactly like me and Lucifer being together" Niffty stared blankly

"so she hurt you for that! because you're going out with the ultimate bad boy?! maybe she shouldn't have left for seven years!" Niffty stood up, she hopped off of Alastor's lap and ran out of the tower. Alastor, unsure of what she was doing just shrugged it off

"She owns your soul?" Lucifer popped his head in the doorway

"Quit doing that!" Alastor shouted



This chapter has lots of dialog ahh! but, I truly appreciate the support from everyone. It means so so much, thank you!

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