Ch. 9

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"Lucifer," Lilith said, not a semblance of excitement in her tone. Lucifer was shaking while making his way down the stairs, Alastor was panicking, and Lilith was fine. Alastor followed Adam further into the hotel until they stood beside charlie and Lilith. Lucifer continued walking toward the group slowly

"Adam? I thought we killed you!" Lucifer shouted

"Yeah, well I'm here now, aren't I, dickwad" Adam said, Alastor gripped Adams arm tightly causing Adam to back down a bit

"Our dear friend Adam was just visiting the hotel, he isn't staying long. RIGHT ADAM?" Alastor said, turning to Adam with his smile widening and eyes changing to black

"Yeah! I'm leaving as soon as Lilith goes!" Adam cowered down, Lucifer nodded and finally arrived at the group. 

"Okay! Ignoring whatever is happening with those two, " Charlie gestured to Adam and Alastor "Lets continue the tour. Dad, you should stay behind. Alastor and I can handle this. " Charlie placed her hand on her dads shoulder

"No, no, no, I want to come. Come on, Alastor wasn't the one who built this new hotel. I did. I know it better than anyone. " Charlie looked back at Alastor, who shrugged

"Okay, come along," Charlie bent down. "But if you do anything weird, to mom or Adam. I'll make Alastor take you back here, " She whispered in her dads ear, He nodded, and the group was off

They walked through the empty halls, charlie pointing out every last detail the hotel had, such as any small stain on a carpet, a scratch on the wall, a squished bug, Niffty's doing Anything and everything, better yet, if a room door was open, she pointed out everything in it. Husks room, its own mini bar in the corner. Niffty's room, needles in every wall. It kept going

"Oh, and this is Alastor's room!" Alastor nodded, not embarrassed about his room. All that was in it was a bed, two chairs by the fire, a mirror, hid dresser, and the king's folded suit. The kings folded suit! Lucifer was wearing his classic outfit, which meant the suit Alastor had folded last night was still on his dresser. He waited for Lilith or Adam to say something, yet nothing happened. They continued on. 

next was his radio tower. Nothing special here, clocks, radios, a duck that Lucifer made. Why does he have so much of Lucifer's stuff in his rooms! he once again waited, and nothing was said. The group moved on. Now they were in Lucifer's room. Lucifer smiled proudly at his massive duck collection, even having a duck onesie he claimed to have made himself. Alastor rolled his eyes at the king. they left and made their way to Lucifer's tower

Nothing out of the ordinary in here, a few more duck things, but this was obviously his workshop, and his stare out at the city spot. He made the ducks in here, and he tossed them in his room. Alastor looked around the room until something caught his eye. He tapped Lucifer on the head with his cane

"Ow! what was that for? " Lucifer grabbed his head. The group started to leave and walk down the hall, but the pair stayed behind 

"When did you take that from me!" Alastor whisper yelled, pointing his cane over at one of his coats sitting on Lucifer's chair

"OH! like, this morning before i came down. I thought you wouldn't mind. You have like 100 that are the exact same!" Lucifer said back

"Oh my, you are. You better hope they didn't see that! The last thing we need is Adam making fun of us!" Lucifer could tell by the fear in Alastor's eyes that this wasn't the only reason he was worried about anyone finding out. Lucifer nodded and snapped the coat away. The two then made their way back to the group to finish the tour. They made it back down to the lobby where the hotel residents were now all sitting

"And these are our staff and guests!" Charlie pointed over to everyone, naming them all off. Lilith smiled and greeted them all before she herself took a seat in one of the chairs. Lucifer awkwardly sat beside her, giving her some huge, awkward smile

"So! how have you been!" Lucifer said all giddy, Lilith smiled a fake smile

"I'm fine, you?" She said

"Oh, I've been good, making ducks, protecting charlie. You know how it is! I'm glad to see you again!" Alastor watched them converse, his eye twitching ever so slightly at the sight. He wanted to step in, but he knew better

"Right, good to see you," Lilith said, rolling her eyes. She made direct eye contact with Alastor, making Alastor's breath stop. "Alastor, a word?" Lilith said, anger in her tone

"Me? Yes, indeed!" he acted all happy as he usually did

"Can I come along?" Lucifer got up from his spot

"No! stay here, dear!" Lilith retorted, taking Alastor to one of the empty rooms upstairs. Far from everyone else. Alastor was shaking. He hadn't been this scared since Lilith was last in hell. He held his cane tight, and his head high

"Don't think I didn't notice your little affair with my husband," Lilith spoke, rasp in her voice

"What are you talking about?" Alastor played stupid, though he knew what she meant. He didn't want to make it entirely obvious

"I saw the clothes on your dresser, the duck in YOUR tower, your coat in HIS tower, his wedding ring, the way you were watching us talk. I see it" She paced around the room "I gave you a specific set of rules, our deal stated you are to come here, protect the hotel and my daughter, and not to mess with my family" Lilith inched closer to Alastor, backing him into a wall

"I'm not me-" Alastor was cut off

"Enough! You took my husband away from me!" Lilith growled, getting up in Alastor's face

"You left for 7 years! He didn't have his ring on, I simply -" Alastor tried to explain himself

"You expect me to believe that he took his ring off willingly? he would do nothing to hurt me or Charlie. And you come in, now he's suddenly forgotten about me?" Lilith spat

"While you were off enjoying your vacation in heaven, under Adams deal might I add. The king was in a bout of depression, worried about his wife, who he thought was dead, hurt, or captured. He finally, after all that time, reconnected with his daughter and realized there's more to life than worrying about some hag! who ran away from her responsibilities, her family, and her life. So pardon me for falling in love with the man you abandoned!" Alastor shouted. He knew it was a mistake the moment that chain appeared on his neck, Lilith anger grew. She stepped back and yanked the chain as hard as she could, throwing Alastor hard into the ground. His knees and palms hit the ground so hard he started to bleed. She pulled him again, pulling him closer to her

"I hope this helps you realize how serious I am." She lifted her leg and gave him a kick in the nose, blood pouring out of his face. Lilith dropped the chain, and she stepped out of the room, leaving Alastor in pain on the floor. 

"Sir! Sir, are you okay!" Alastor heard a soft voice before all fell to black.


I hope this chapter isn't too bad. I feel as though I could've done much better with the writing, and I feel like Lilith's reasons were meh at best. I'm truly sorry I'll do better, promise!

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