Ch. 12

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Alastor used his shadow to travel to the hotel as fast as he could, racing to the front steps where everyone was standing staring up at the blazing fire. Alastor frantically looked around at everyone who was watching the fire and he didn't see Lucifer. He ran toward charlie

"Charlie dear? what happened!" He asked, rushing charlie for an answer

"I don't know! we were all doing a trust exercise and all of the sudden, the place was up in flames! faulty wiring, an oven left on I'm not sure but dad is still inside!" Charlie shouted, Alastor nodded and without a second thought, he ran into the inferno. You're a sinner Alastor, you can die in here! why are you doing all of this? for someone who betrayed you?! he almost turned around but he couldn't bring himself to. He used his tendrils to lift himself up and through a hole burned into the ceiling. The smoke making it impossible to see anything. The shouting of Lucifer alerted him and he ran towards the noises. He entered his room, and standing there was Lucifer

"What on earth are you doing! get out of here you Nitwit!" Alastor used his tendrils to latch onto Lucifer and pull him out of the fire. Alastor then tanked the king downstairs and out the front door. His tentacles throwing the both of them out of the hotel. They landed on the ground, Alastor coughing and Lucifer in the fetal position, holding onto a bunch of items. Alastor coughed a few more times, getting himself to his feet. His body weak.

Lucifer coughed, rolling himself over and out of the fetal position. Alastor walked over and stood above the king. both of them with goofy smiles on their faces. Lucifer opened his arms and a bunch of items fell out of them and onto the ground. Charlie walked over and looked at the items. 

"Alastor's radio? A duck that looks like Alastor? Your valentines outfits? A Teddy bear?" Charlie said. Vaggie joined in

"There's pictures too, pictures of everyone at the hotel. There's even one of you and your family. Look at the one of Angel and you babe" Vaggie pointed over at a small Polaroid

"I couldn't let any of this stuff get destroyed, it all means so much to you guys" Lucifer heaved on the ground a bit

"My hat?" Husk said, reaching down and picking up his top hat, he placed it back on his head

"My pin cushion!" Niffty ran over and grabbed her needles with a smile on her face

"Am I still a nitwit?" Lucifer looked up at Alastor. Alastor chuckled reaching down to help the king up. Lucifer grabbed his hand and he got pulled to his feet. Alastor's tentacles wrapping around and squeezing the king tight once he was up

"Alastor, are those tears I see?!" Charlie asked excitedly. Vaggie's face was all crooked, she couldn't believe Alastor had any care for anyone. He let go of the short man and he looked him in the eyes, wiping his face clear of tears. Alastor knew that everyone had just seen him cry for the first time, but in the moment he didn't care

"Yes you are!" Alastor shouted "I almost lost you!" Shaking the king around

"You hated me yesterday, what happened to that huh?" Lucifer asked, his head tilted to the side

"I never hated you! I had a good reason to be upset" Alastor let go of Lucifer and he walked toward the hotel "now about this" Lucifer shrugged his shoulders. Lucifer walked over and he watched the fire for a moment. He then snapped his fingers and watched the fire dissipate

"You can control fire? and instead of putting it out you ran in blindly to save things that could've been saved had you just done the faster!" Vaggie shouted. Everyone looked over in shock at Lucifer who stood staring blankly at them

"How do you think I lit that billboard on fire?" Everyone sighed and groaned. Alastor, could only stare with a twitching eye. He risked his life to save this idiot.

"You have a way, of being completely and utterly idiotic at the absolute worst times" Alastor said glaring down at Lucifer

"but you love it" Lucifer stood up on his tippy toes, planting a small kiss on Alastor's cheek. Alastor's face went red. He covered his face a bit before acting like he was fine

"Okay! let's fix this place up!" He said, happily. Everyone worked to fox up the place, again, for a second time this week. It wasn't as bad as before, but it was still tedious. As they were rebuilding, Alastor caught sight of something, a white moth feather on the grass outside of the hotel. He could feel his blood boil, but he kept his cool. He waited until the hotel was finished to escape to his new room. Once out of sight from everyone he flicked on his radio

"Oh Vox~" He chirped

"Alastor! what's up!" Vox came over the radio

"I'm sure you heard the news of the hotels unfortunate fire?" He said, glancing down at his nails

"I did, I'm so sorry about that" Vox didn't even sound a inch sincere about that

"Hmm indeed so. Well, so you know. I'm well aware of who caused it, and if you want to keep your head I suggest you be honest and tell me why exactly you thought this was a good idea?" He spoke, his voice purring

"What? Haha, it wasn't me!" Vox's laugh was nervous

"Hmm, no not you, but certainly your sick idea" Alastor pulled the moth feather out of his pocket and he examined it "You see, having a blind moth do your bidding for you may not be the best"

"look I can explain!" Vox's voice was shaky and cracking 

"No need, I understand. But if you ever pull anything like this ever again, my broadcast will hear the voice of an overlord once again" He snapped the radio out of his room, not allowing Vox to respond. Alastor ran his hands across his face with a deep sigh

"Look at you all big and scary" Lucifer entered Alastor's room. "Hey, thanks for saving my ass, and protecting the hotel, and finding out who caused this, an-" Alastor's tentacles grabbed Lucifer, pulling him over and into his arms. Alastor looked into the kings eyes for a moment, before their lips met and they shared a kiss


No cliffhanger this time! just a cute moment <3

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