Ch. 11

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"You weren't supposed to be here" Alastor said softly, putting his head down

"So what, you just tell Niffty your life story but not me?" Lucifer made his way into Alastor's tower

"No, why should I tell you" Alastor looked at his nails

"You can trust me" Lucifer placed his hand on Alastor's back

"What, really? trust you? I thought I could! until I heard you say you still love your ex-wife. Like you didn't spend the night in my bed!" When Alastor said that his radio effect slipped away. Lucifer could tell he was upset

"Look I messed up, but we all mess up sometimes. I lo-" Lucifer lifted his hand to place it on Alastor's face

"Yes yes, you love me this, you love me that! well just so you know, you made me feel love for the first time ever! and you threw all of it away, if you think I'm just going to forgive you, you'd be wrong" Alastor swatted Lucifer's hand away

"What can I do! if apologizing isn't working, what will!" Lucifer shouted. Alastor didn't answer, because he didn't exactly know. He stayed put, his eyes not moving from the kings face. Lucifer nodded and he took his leave, stepping out of the tower. Alastor followed him, walking slowly behind. before leaving to his room. He stepped in and he sat on the chair by the fire, he lit a smoke and he stared at the dancing flame. 

Alastor couldn't help but think he may have been too harsh, too mean to the king. But he shook his head, nonsense! he's the king of hell, he'll be fine. He took a puff of his cigarette, staring at the flames hurt, it only reminded him of the king lighting the billboard on fire. But looking to his left, only made him sadder. The piano. The table to his right, the duck. His dresser, the king's suit. His bed? he was in his own head. he hated this, it, everything. 

"Haha! Alastor, having trouble I see!" Alastor heard a familiar voice come through his radio

"Vox? are you spying on me?" Alastor said, looking over at the radio. He took a puff from his smoke and he stood up, making his way over to his bedside table where the radio sat. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, staring down at the radio

"I have cameras everywhere, how do you think I found out about your battle with Adam" Vox said, proud of his achievements

"You, using a radio to speak to me, oh how ironic, no?" Alastor chuckled

"Hey! I'm only using this because you're hard to reach any other way, you and your old technology" Alastor could almost hear Vox eye roll

"Ah yes, No moving picture boxes or slabs in my room!" Alastor waved his finger

"I found that out the hard way" Vox chuckled softly "About the billboard. I really am sorry" Alastor's ears sat up straight. He took a puff off his smoke, Speaking as he exhaled it

"You are? Strange, I didn't take you for the apologetic type" Alastor joked

"I'm serious Alastor. I am sorry, and I'm sorry I ruined our friendship all those years ago, and i've been meaning to talk to you, but you're always busy, or being too egotistical to listen to me" Vox said, his voice shaking

"Hmm, we can arrange for something, we can get coffee tomorrow morning. And don't listen to me sleep, that's odd" Alastor said, taking a puff off of his smoke

"Yeah! alright, coffee! let's go to that place near me! and, I wont listen to you, I'm not that crazy" Vox laughed, over the radio Valentino's voice could be heard, and just before Vox left the radio he shouted "I'll kill you Alastor!" Angrily. Alastor rolled his eyes, still pretending to hate him in front of the other vee's. classic Vox. Alastor walked over and he put his smoke out, then he made his way to bed.


Alastor woke up, feeling somewhat better about yesterday. He got up, had a shower and got dressed to go out. He walked down the hall, to the elevator, and from the elevator to the lobby, and then out the front door.

"Where are you going?" Lucifer grabbed Alastor's arm

"Out, with a friend" Alastor pulled his arm back, and he left the steps of the building. He used his shadow to transport him over to the cafe, where a very nervous Vox stood tapping his foot. Alastor appeared behind him, and he grabbed his shoulders to scare him a bit. Vox jumped, spun around and swung at Alastor

"Don't do that!" Vox said angrily. Alastor laughed manically, causing Vox to join in on the laughter

"Ahh, good time no talk old friend, Don't you ever get tired of attacking me?" Alastor said as the pair walked to the line to get their coffees

"Not really no. I still want to kick your ass you know, just because were talking like friends doesn't mean I wont try taking you down after" Vox looked at Alastor

"Indeed, but don't feel bad if I win again!" The pair stepped up to the counter and ordered their drinks. They then stepped off to the side to wait for them

"Okay, so I wanted to talk about us" Vox's screen brightened

"Go on" Alastor nodded. Reaching over to grab the two coffees from the barista. He handed vox his coffee, and they made their way to one of the tables

"I heard about you and the king. Well, I saw it. I want to know why him over me?" Vox said, questioning "I mean, what changed?"

"Hmm, well" Alastor stared down at his coffee cup, wondering why he even agreed to meet Vox, why he was even about to spill his secrets to his mortal enemy. "It's" He couldn't speak

"Okay, its fine, it doesn't matter all that much this meeting was stupid" Vox got out of his chair, turning around to leave

"I don't feel love" Vox spun back around

"You, don't feel love?" Vox walked back to the table and he sat back down

"No, That is why I said no to you all those years ago. I have never felt love until recently. Something about Lucifer has changed my mind, it was never your fault" Alastor's eyes fell, why was he saying all this. It was unlike him to spill anything to anyone

"And you never told me that? I spent years wondering why you left for seven years, I thought it was all my fault. I thought, confessing to you made you hate me for some reason or another. I didn't know you were asexual" Alastor's ears perked up

"What is that? Asexual?" Alastor asked confused, Vox shook his head

"Nothing" Vox chuckled "look, I'm glad we spoke, I got the answers I needed. Can we, be friends again? I won't ruin it all again I promise" Vox's voice cracked. Alastor hesitantly nodded, worried that Vox was lying. He willing to make amends. After all, Vox was one person that knew lots about him, besides husk of course. Vox smiled widely, standing up from his spot

"Leaving so soon?" Alastor asked

"Yeah, Val is supposed to be waiting for me at another place, knowing him he's probably lost, his blind ass can't see shit" Vox chuckled "Bye Alastor, see you soon" Vox waved, Alastor sat in silence a moment, his eyes fixated on his coffee. He then got up, and he walked down the street, sipping his coffee as he did so. He turned a corner, and the sight of smoke near the hotel caught his eye

What is with everything catching fire!

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