Ch. 16

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Who goes out to drink at this hour? everyone just woke up! Lucifer couldn't help but think Mimzy was up to no good. He trudged his way down the street, looking for any and all bars in the area. He entered one he saw, and all he could smell was vomit, and sweat. He searched, and searched and he struggled to see Alastor. He sighed and left, walking down the street again, he was loosing hope. 

He stumbled on some cannibals eating a poor sinner, he knew Alastor was friends with the cannibals so he thought why not ask them if they had seen him

"Hey ladies!" Lucifer greeted, smiling sharp fangs came back at him

"Oh, your highness!" One of the cannibal ladies stood up and bowed to him "what brings you to our side of town?" She asked, Lucifer looked around and realized he had in fact entered cannibal town.

"Oh, you know, just on a stroll" He smiled back at the woman "And, I'm looking for a dear friend, Alastor. Have you guys seen him?" Lucifer asked, the ladies all looked at each other

"Oh no we haven't, we would know if we saw him around here" The one cannibal said

"Yeah, hes always welcome around here" The other one said, the three girls giggled making Lucifer feel a little uneasy. He nodded awkwardly at their laughs

"Alright well, thank you ladies, I'll get going" Lucifer speed walked away from the women, who started laughing harder as he left. He ducked his head and decided to leave this part of town, and find somewhere else to look.

He wandered around a different side of town, pushing through a large crowd of people standing around Vox's store. He rolled his eyes and continued on, spotting a large casino with what looked to be a large neon sign of Husks head. Husk WAS an overlord once. He thought. He shrugged and entered the casino, walking around a bit. He looked around the casino wing for a moment before chants and chatter caught his attention. He walked over to the large sign that read 'bar' and he stepped in. Tons of people were crowding the bar counter. 

"Excuse me?" He tapped a taller demon on the shoulders "What is everyone looking at?" The sinner looked down at him

"There's some crazy bitch standing on the bar counter kicking this guy's head in!" The sinner looked back up only to look down at the king again "Can I get a photo with you?" Lucifer rolled his eyes and posed with the sinner. Only to then start shoving his way through the crowd to see what was happening. He got close enough to see Mimzy repeatedly kicking this guy in the face, shouting slurs and things he'd rather not say out loud

"Mimzy?!" Lucifer said loudly, Mimzy stopped kicking

"Oh, your highness! what are you doin' here?" She said 

"Ruining the fun, that's what!" A sinner from the crowd said, the rest of the crowd dispersed with sighs, grunts and moans of anger. Lucifer shrugged and walked over to Mimzy, who kicked the sinner once more before jumping down and sitting on one of the bar stools. She raised her hand and the bartender slid her a drink

"I'm looking for Alastor, Angel said he left the hotel with you" Mimzy nodded, taking a sip of her drink

"Yeah, he did. But when some assholes started hittin' on me, I lost track of where Alastor went. I was too focuse-"

"On kicking that guys head in, okay. Where do you think he would have gone?" Lucifer asked concerned

"Does someone have a crush on little ole Alastor?" Mimzy joked

"Mimzy, please" Lucifer said desperate

"Oh fine, you're no fun" She sighed "His favourite places to go are cannibal town, Husk's casino and, that mangy ole bar near the vee's tower. And since you're in the casino, you only really have two places to go" She sipped her drink "Or he could be sneaking around here somewhere"

"Well I already asked the cannibals, and unless hes in the bathroom, I think my best bet is to look in the bar near the tower" Lucifer got off the bar stool and he started off "Thanks Mimzy" She nodded and shooed the king away. Guess she was up to no good, just not with Alastor.

He got out of the casino and decided he would fly all the way to the vee's tower, in search of whatever bar Mimzy was talking about. He found a couple but only one that looked 'mangy' One in an alleyway. He flew down and he stepped in. This bar was worse than the last few he entered. A bar fight was happening just near the entrance, there was vomit pools everywhere, people sleeping, some making out, and a few people basically almost having sex. He shoved through the sweaty bodies and he made his way to the bar counter

"Hello your highness! can I get you anything?" The bartender asked him

"No, I'm looking for someone. Alastor?" The bartender shook his head

"Sorry, my shift just started, I've only rung in one person so far and it was someone named 'Constance'" Lucifer nodded and he started on his way out of the bar

"Yeah, I thought I saw him. Not so scary when he's not eating someone, or making a deal" A random sinner giggled

"Yeah, imagine the headlines 'big scary radio demon goes pee in a bar bathroom!'" the two sinners burst out laughing, Lucifer figured that was his ticket to finding Alastor so he ran to the men's bathroom. He shoved the door open and to his dismay it was empty. Or so he thought, there was a faint breathing sound coming from one of the stalls. He walked over, and he knocked lightly

"Occupied" Said a soft yet familiar voice. Lucifer knocked again

"Let me in" The door unlocked, Lucifer pulled open the door and he stepped in, closing the door and locking it back up once he was inside the stall. There he was. Alastor, sat on the floor, hunched over the toilet. And even still, his smile was still there.

"Why are you here?" Alastor asked, looking up at Lucifer with hurt in his eyes

"Why do you think?" Lucifer bent down, placing his hand on Alastor's back

"To berate me about my mother. I know Husk told you" Lucifer nodded

"Well, as much as I would like to hear more about her. I understand shes a sensitive topic. If I never hear about her that's fine, hearing your stories about your mom doesn't mean nearly as much to me as you do. I came looking for you" he rubbed Alastor's back softly

"Yes, I'm glad you did. I made a mistake coming out here" Alastor leaned over the toilet, and let out an extremely loud and gross gag

"I can tell" Lucifer chuckled "Why did you come out here? I mean, you don't seem like the drinking type. And without Mimzy for that matter" Lucifer ran his fingers through Alastor's soft hair. He snapped and a small hair tie popped into his fingers, he used it to tie Alastor's hair back.

"I thought I would be able to forget about my mother, And Mimzy was getting to be too much" Alastor gagged again "She only made things worse" Alastor looked up at Lucifer, before immediately throwing his head into the toilet and puking

"Its okay, when you're done getting it out I'll take you home and show you a better way of forgetting stuff" Alastor finished vomiting and with a cocked eyebrow he looked over at Lucifer "NO, NOT LIKE THAT" Lucifer threw his hands out. 

"I know you didn't mean it that way" Alastor got off his knees and he plopped his butt down on the floor, leaning his back on the wall. He placed his head back, and he was out cold. Lucifer was amazed. Alastor never fell asleep that fast, or really ever. But get a deer drunk and they'll fall asleep in a gross, dingy, bathroom stall. He reached down and lifted up the sleeping man.

"Let's get home"


After a MONTH its finally here! I have a great plan for where this story is going to end, and I should hopefully be getting it out soon. It is almost over but it is going out with a bang. Believe me. I'm starting work here sometime this month so updates will be slow, I know I know! but I'll do my darnedest to get it out speedy, just for you! Thank you guys all for the support, and I hope you enjoy this chapter, even though there's not much RadioApple to munch on <3

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