Chpter 17: Wandering in the Kitchen

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From now on, there will be an update every Friday.
“You’re good Coach Ashely!” David smiled.
“HUH? Coach Ashley?
“Yes. You are. Why not Johnson.”
“What’s in your mind, coach?”

Ashley p.o.v

Why is he asking about my interest in the field? This seems suspicious! Way too suspicious! I need to figure it out before it hits me like it did with what dad planned for my academics!

“Yeah…” Coach answered while he was busy watching Brandon’s match.
“What’s the reason…”

Before I wanted to add more, the referee whistled and ended the match with announcing Brandon as the winner, so I had no other choice other than staying silent.

I took a look at Brandon. Sweats were dripping off his face, and he was breathing hard with his chest going in and out. After his hand was brought up to be announced officially as the winner, he looked at me, to give him more support, I gave him a thumbs up. He did a nice job to be fair, but that doesn’t stop me from killing him for that stupid mistake of his to start a fight like that! Nonetheless, he received the brown belt with so much enthusiasm in his face. I chuckled at his naivety since I knew what was going inside his so-called brain! If you call what he has a brain!

I was so much drowned in my thoughts that I just realized Coach had left his seat to tie his belt personally. Brandon’s body language was saying how he was excited by the fact that Coach himself is going to do it for him.

When Coach was done, a five minute break was announced by the referee, and Coach came to sit next to me again.

“How do you evaluate todays’ match, Coach Artimis” He asked me while sitting on his chair with a sarcastic tone, probably to tease me.
“Coach! I just guessed what I saw!”
“And I’m just asking whether you were pleased or not?” He had a tiny smirk on his face.
That man! Such an audacity! Of course! Why not? He’s the almighty coach here!

“Well… Based on my interpretation of the quality of the match and the contestants,” Coach looked at me seriously waiting for me to continue, “It’s just a normal match like any other one!” Now I smirked. The shock on his face showed how much I succeeded which I succeeded to a 100%! Ha! Now, who’s smirking Mr. David!

Coach chuckled despite hearing what I said.
“You’re quite right though…”
“Are you messing around with me, coach? Lemme clarify it! I’m not at your age to be the target of your jokes!”

“On the contrary, I’m quite serious. Today’s match is just a simple one to reach a higher belt. If we want to spend too much energy on something that isn’t that important like the national ones, we won’t be able to control our stress or emotion there.”

“Coach?” I called him with a serious tone.
“What?” He casually answered me while he was looking at the next match.
“Why are you asking me some specific questions? Why is it important to ask about my interest? As I’ve learned in the past month, you’re not the one to pay attention to any subject unless you have a specific plan.”

“You’re my trainee, so it’s not that complicated why I asked you these questions. Plus, you were the one who started to analyze the game, not me!”
“But Coach!”
“End of our discussion, Ashley.”

I huffed as he ended our discussion with a firm answer. Just for now, let him be. I can manage to get it out of him. Well, hopefully! I know Coach well enough in order not to fall in his trap.

I stayed at the gym for another 2 hours, messed with my seniors, bothered a few athletes then said my goodbye to Coach and left.

Let’s not forget his, “You better come prepared on Monday.” And, my answer to him, “I try, Coach.” I ran after that for my life though. I couldn't risk it.

On the way back home, I remembered that I have a certain dad that I need to make up with. Dad can be somewhat dramatic. Well, pranking a few things or people won;t hurt someone right? Right?! Maybe yes… Oh! Damn it! I need to talk with him before I go crazy!

When I arrived at home, I found it quiet. That’s weird! I thought. Maybe everyone is taking a nap? But, none of my family members are a fan of taking a nap.“Mom?... Mom?...” Where are they?
“Dad?... Alec?...” It’s not  game time for their information! I’m hungry, and I need food!

I quickly checked upstairs, but no one was there either! Well, f*ck it! I make something myself! I’m capable of cooking! Maybe not that much, but in my defense I can boil water well! Also, I can distinguish the difference between salt and pepper! See! I’m a master chef! It’s just that no one appreciates my talent in cooking. Burning food once in a while is nothing, right? Don’t you guys agree?

I entered the kitchen, long forgotten the fact that I’m alone. If they don’t bother to call to inform me that they won’t be home, I don’t wanna bother too! Who needs them anyways!

I stepped into the kitchen and looked around.
“Hmm… Let’s see…” I opened the refrigerator. “Aha! Let’s make some pasta! It can’t be that hard, huh?”

I took the cream and mushrooms out, then checked the cabinets for pasta. Mom must have put them in the one next to the stove. I checked there, and they were where I thought they were. I’m a genius right? Now… We need to boil some water, My own specialty!
“ La la la… Ladies and gentlemen, you are accompanied by the best chef in the whole cosmos!”

I turned on the stove and put the pot of water on it. Myspeciality! Boiling water!
“Now… What does it say? Put them in boiling water… uh… then do this… bluh… bluh… bluh…” I waited for the water to boil then added some salt and oil into the water. After that, I poured the whole pasta into the water.  Now, all I need is to wait and see.

While I was waiting for the pasta, I sat down on a chair. Grabbing my hair I looked at its length. This length is kinda a bother to me these days. Maybe I should get a haircut. As long as I remember, I haven’t cut my hair for 9 years. Maybe now it’s the time to do so.

Time flew fast, and I realized it was time to get the pasta out of the pot. I turned off the stove and looked around for a colander. After looking into all of the cabinets, I saw it next to the sink!

“Gosh! Where were my eyes?!! I must have been blinded by rage!” I chucked at my own sentence. I talked like a queen ready to murder her subjects!
I put the colander on a bowl, then I grabbed the pot of pasta and poured it in the colander.

“Ouch!” I dropped the pot that was empty and held my hand. The damned steam burned my hand.
“Damn it! It hurts!” I waved my hand in the air to cool it down. It’s gonna hurt more than Coach’s punch!
I blew my hand several times, but the pain wouldn’t go away. I opened the water tap and got my hand under it to make it better.
After I made sure that I was alive, I grabbed the colander again and poured it in the same pot.

When I turned on the stove again to make the cream, I heard the door knob then dad’s voice.
“She isn’t back, babe!” I heard his panicked voice.
“If she’s at the gym, she won’t come back soon. You know that she loves to spend her time there.” Mom answered dad.
“But she’s been there for…”

“No! I’m home!” I cut dad. “Shocked huh?” annoyance was obvious in my voice.
“Ashley…” Dad approached me.
I took one step back.
“NO! Wait there! Did you guys ditch me?” This time my anger was boiling.

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