Murder Family: Twisted

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Months went by but you keep getting lost of track of time. No reasons as to why, but you think its the constant routine you have to do. Wake up, clean, Blitz drug testing you, (fake piss), sleep. You do it over and over again. Kind of feels like rehab.

You've been cleaning so hard just about everyday that there was nothing to do. So, you sat down next to Millie who was making her husband shoot a portrait of a family (and which he kept refusing to do).

"Moxxie just shoot," You groaned.

"You don't even know how!"

"It's not that I don't know how, it's just that I don't want to."


"I actually haven't figured out why."

"Guys! I want you to meet-" Blitz got interrupted by Moxxie who got startled and shot the arrow. It ricochets off of the walls and hits the eel tank before Blitz finally caught it.

"..our newest client!"

The eel tank started to shake before it  fell down, creating a comically large fire.

"Dammit Moxxie! Y/n begged me for weeks to get those eels!"


Everyone was exiting the building, but you stayed couple of seconds longer inside to quickly snort the remaining adderall. Nobody realized that you were gone until they heard you panting due to you running (and your already fucked up lungs and heart).

"Now someone PLEASE tell me that book is intact!" Blitz yelled.

"You mean our only ticket to the other side? Yeah got it." Loona held up the book.

You stood close to M&M and Blitz to make sure that they are all gone so you can make another drug run. You could worry about Loona but you know that Loona probably doesn't pay attention.

"Now let's go lick some ass!"

"The expression is 'kick some ass'" Millie corrected.

"Mines better." Blitz and Millie walked through. As Moxxie was walking to the portal he tripped and accidentally pushed you in.

"Wait wait shit!" The portal closed up. "Moxxie!"

"Oh crumbs I'm so sorry!"

"I don't even know how to do this shit!" You whispered-yelled.

"I mean it's a great way to start! Just watch us shoot and kill." Blitz said proudly. "Moxxie, do you want to give this one a try?"


"Yeah it's simple enough for you to handle. It's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital."

Moxxie hesitated.

"You snooze, you lose, Mox!" Blitz looked through the window, "Aaaand I've got ya, bitch."

"Wait... Are we actually killing a family?"

"Do you guys bicker at each other everytime you're out on a kill?" You whispered.

"Yeah they do." Millie answered, "You should seriously start doing these things with us!"

"Uh no." You said abruptly, turning your head and saw that the two were still bickering until Moxxie hit Blitz's rifle as he shot the trigger. The bullet fires and hits a glass mirror that's inside.

"Oh shit." You mumbled.

"What the fuck was that, Moxxie?!"

"I'm sorry sir, they seemed so happy and wholesome!" He wheezed.

Blitz argued back right as a bullet pierced his arm. "AHH a new hole! SCATTER!"

Moxxie hid behind the bushes, the other three ran in different directions.

You don't do danger. Sure, lived in shady places, but as long as you don't take other people's drugs, you're good. But this is something completely different for you. This is why I don't want to fucking come to these things.

You ran through the woods, occasionally tripping because of the rocks and wood. Your foot twisted and ended up falling down a hill, screaming and finally landing with a grunt.

"Y/n!" Millie smiled.

You lift your head up and saw Blitz and Millie tied to a stump that was on fire. A blonde lady caught your eye.

"Oh well look who we have here! Another one!" She grinned.

You gulped as you tried to get up but with your  foot being twisted you fell right back down.

"Aw you got hurt? Don't worry I'll take the pain away." She brought up her shot gun and aimed it at you.

You flinched as soon as you heard the gunshot, but when you looked up Moxxie was standing over the woman's body.

"Moxxie!" Millie shouted. Her husband untied Blitz and Millie before reaching over to you to help you up.

"You're not gettin' your goddamn paycheck for this one, Mox!" Blitz yelled, walking over to the other side of you.

"How did you get hurt on your first day?" He joked.

"Fuck you. I didn't even want to be here in the first place."


"Ahhh, did you see my little Mox-Mox!" Millie hugged him, nuzzling her head against his chest.

"Well, here's to another mission accomplished! And Moxxie finally learned not to fuck up."

You hopped to a chair that was beside of Blitz, taking off your shoe and saw that it was swollen and bruised.

"And cheers to Y/n for getting hurt on the first day!" Blitz raised a glass.

"Wasn't my choice!"

"Is your ankle okay?" Blitz had your arm around him.

"Not really, hurts like shit."

You hopped to the couch and propped your foot up with a pillow. "Do you have any pain killers? Please?"

Blitz frowned, "Y/n I really don't think-"

"I was addicted to stimulants, not opioids."

"I don't want you to get hooked on those either."


"I can't..." He sat down next to your twisted foot. "Also this might be a bad time to mention but Stolas called."

"Okay? And?"

"He said something and I may or may not agree to it."

You furrowed your eyebrows.

"He said every full moon we have to fuck."

"We as two?"

"We as in me, you, and him."

Your jaw dropped, "What the fuck Blitz! How come you didn't talk to me about it?"

"I was being hunted by that crazy bitch!"

You ran your fingers through your hair, "Why does he want me in the deal?"

He shrugged, "I guess he gets off doing threesomes."

"And you're okay with that?"

"I don't want to fuck a bird once a month but we need it for my business sooo."

"Okay...well..are you okay with me joining in?"

"The more the better."

But that didn't answer your question. You just laid down and turned your head away from Blitz.

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