Unhappy Campers: A Year Ago

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A Year Ago

"Tie it, asshole." You said to your dealer. The dealer tied the blue band around the arm, tapped your vein, and pierced the needle. You winced as he injected the meth into the blood stream.

"Oh fuck," You whispered, getting hit with instant euphoria. The dealer gently took out the needle and untied the blue band. "I feel so happy." You said softly, looking up at the ceiling.

"Haven't you been doing this since you were like 16?" He laughed.

"Ha! Yeah. My parents made me do it. Well, not meth, but the other shit. Then I got too addicted."

"You have a pretty face for someone to be addicted to meth."

"Is that a compliment?" You stood up and stretched before doing acrobatic routines.

"You sure are flexible." The dealer commented, tying up the blue band around his arm to inject H8.

"Thanks to the circus." You stood up on the wobbly table. "Who wants to get this party started!"

Everyone else in the living room cheered. Another guy turned up the music, while another turned off the lights. The only thing lighting up this room was the flashing led lights.

You danced like there was no tomorrow. Doing acrobatics on the table, screaming, cheering. You loved the heighten senses and the euphoria feeling. All problems goes away whenever stimulants is in your system. You don't have to think about what you did to Blitzo and Fizz, doesn't have to think about how Fizz is disabled, doesn't have to think that you became a drug addict since 14.

You tripped on your shoe laces and collapsed onto the couch with the dealer. "Why do you use H8? It sucks, makes you feel so droopy."

"It's better than being cracked out." The dealer scooted closer to you. "There's an orgy upstairs, you should join."

"Fuck no." You laughed.

"You always enjoy those."

"That was a one time thing because I needed money."

"You did it more than once." He joked.

"Yeah, for money. I don't like doing it." You frowned a bit.

"Whatever," He stood up. "Come join whenever you need to." The dealer walked upstairs.

You groaned before tying the blue band around your arm again, wanting more meth into your system. I don't want to get fucking reminded.

Tap, fist, inject, breathe, pull it out, untie. You exhaled, eyes shot open, and stood up. Your breathing intensified, heart beating uncontrollably, but the euphoria...oh the euphoria is what made it all better.

You opened the back door to get fresh air. The wind blowing on your face felt relaxing. You then remembered the time where you were about 14 or 15 (high on coke) Blitzo made you ride the ferris wheel with him. You didn't really mind them, but when high it was a different experience. The wind was blowing while they were riding it, both were laughing, swinging the seat, occasionally holding onto each other because the wind made the seat swing too much. It was one of the best memories for you.

Sure you miss Blitzo, but you know he's better off without you. The two of you haven't spoken to each other in about 10 years.

You instantly got hit with a crazy idea. You wanted to see if you can check yourself into rehab and then escape it. You got all of this built up energy you need to release.

You took off in the middle of the night. Your shoes slamming onto the ground as you ran to the closest rehab center.

Since you didn't have a car, you had to take a bus to the Sloth ring because it's Hell, there's hardly any rehab centers.

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