Mammon: Trust

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holy shit so sorry for not updating 😭 and thank you for 4k!


"Can we watch a horse movie pleasseee." Blitz pouted.

"Again? Can we watch something different?" You placed a pillow on Blitz's legs so you could rest your  broken ankle.

"Fine, shatter my heart." He said with a playful tone. "Is your ankle still broken?"

"I can walk on it, but it still hurts like crazy. And somebody won't let me take pain killers even though I was never addicted to them."

"I'm sorry I care about you." He rolled his eyes. "Real shit though, you staying clean?"

From drugs, yes you are But with purposely inflicting pain, no. Whenever you get an urge to snort crack or shoot up meth, you'll take the medical boot off and roll your ankle, that's why the ankle isn't healing. But Blitz will never know that.

"I am." You wholeheartedly smiled, but felt uneasy and a tad bit of guilt.

A soft smile crept on Blitz's face, "I'm proud." He reached over and squeezed the thigh that you originally stabbed yourself with a couple of weeks ago. But the lingering pain made you tensed up.

You felt a lump in your throat. You felt guilty for resorting to other methods and that you're not actually "clean."

Your phone began ringing, "Hello?"

"Is this the former drug addict that's living with Fizz's former bestie, then lifelong enemy, then recent hero, now newly rekindled sort of friend, Blitzo and Y/n?"

You groaned, "Yes."

"Who is it?" Blitz asked while stuffing his mouth with cereal.

You put the phone on speaker, "This is Asmodeus."

"Oh, shit. The big Ozz himself! Heh, is there a reason you're calling me on the weekend Your sin- sinness? Sinfulness? Sin- Royal, big man?" Blitz scooted closer to you so he could talk to Ozzie.

"You two lived rent free in Fizz's head for years, so I can't help feel he values your take on things."

"Aw he was thinking about me?" You smiled.

"I'm just gonna be nice and say yes." Ozzie replied.

"Well I was the one with stronger opinions." Blitz said, still chomping on his cereal.

"Look, he's deadset on re-entering Greed's yearly clown pageant."

"Wow, big fucking surprise there." Blitz rolled his eyes.

"Why do people keep calling me in order to talk to you?" You whispered to Blitz.

"I was hoping to have some...backup in convincing him that this thing is a waste of time."

"What? Why? Doesn't he always win?"

"'Cause Mammon is a selfish, manipulative, piece of SHIT! And Fizz... doesn't listen to me when I try to tell him that."

"Ugh, I hate Mammon. The last time I was there I was high on coke and it was a bad experience. Which is saying a lot because coke usually makes everything better." You chuckled.

Blitz just glared at you, "Well, my special skills are killing things without giving fucks, and pointing out people's flaaaws...Alright, count me in!"

You hung up. "My ankle is still hurting, I can barely do anything."

"You're still coming with."

"I'm clean!"

Blitz still doesn't trust you but he didn't want you to know that. "It's because I want to hang out with you."

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