Exes and Oohs: Fucking Crack House

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Loona sat at her desk on her phone. Moxxie sat across from you and greeted.

"You know, I checked the scale today. And it said I lost two pounds this week."

Loona looks at Moxxie, then rolls her eyes back to her phone, much to his annoyance.

"I. am not. FAT! Y/n do you think i'm fat?"

"No, you're the skinniest one out of all of us."

"Was that sarcasm?" He frowned.

You chuckled, "No. I'm being serious. Loona and Blitz are assholes." You whispered.

The front door got kicked down by Millie. She stomps around, mumbling angrily.

"Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!"

"Millie, honey. Is everything okay?"

Millie hisses back at Moxxie in response, disturbing him even more, but she manages to calm down.

"Yeah. Just...bumped into an ex." Her tail twitches.

"Oh! Oh..." Moxxie frowned.

"He just kept going on about how he has money now, "a bright future," and "a bigger cock"."

"Wait, what?"

You busted out laughing, "Sorry for laughing, it's just your reaction was so fucking funny to me."

"Well I'm glad I can make you laugh." He said with sarcasm.

"Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to—" Millie punched a filing cabinet, papers went everywhere.

"What the fuck is all this noise? I got a client!" Blitz yelled out.

"Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned up. Actually Y/n you do it, aren't you still the janitor?"

"Technically, yeah."

You gathered the papers and looked at it closely. "Blitz?" You laughed. It was a photo of two imps making out in a horse costume.

Moxxie picks another stack of paper. "This one has a cutout picture of Y/n's face on the horse."

"Wait what?" You took the paper and looked at it. "Blitz!"

"Uh, research! For science! Just put it back correctly, okay? Alphabetize them." Blitz went back to his office.

You and Moxxie looked at the remaining of the pile. "This is mostly porn. And horses." You chuckled.

"And horse porn." Moxxie cocked his head.

Blitz ran out of the office and looked through the window.

"What the fuck is that?" Blitz yelled out.

A helicopter shoots a grappling hook under the window, breaking the wall. Loona looks on without a word.

"Satan's ass crack! Enough with the wall shit, we have a door!" He groaned.

With the damaged walls, a wind gusts through the office and distributes all the photos Blitz had been saving across the town.

"My research!" He whined, "Dammit Y/n and Mox, you were supposed to put them up!"

"Sorry sir, we were just so...intrigued." Moxxie glanced at you, both snickering.

The helicopter approaches Blitz, creating a bridge for them to walk upon, and the pilot steps out.

"I.M.P? Right this way, please!"

"Uh, sir?" Moxxie points a gun toward the pilot, while Millie holds her knife out.

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